The Sign of Jonah

Posted by Karah


Grab your Bible, journal, and a pen and go to your favorite quiet place. Take a deep breath. Ask God to open your eyes to what He wants you to see today.

Have you ever asked God to send you a sign to prove that He was there? To prove He loved you or that you were on the right path? Journal your experience.

Read Matthew 16:1-12.

“The Pharisees and Sadducees approached, and as a test, asked Him to show them a sign from heaven.” —Matthew 16:1

The Pharisees witnessed Jesus’ miraculous feeding of the 4,000 yet they wanted something more—another sign. The question asked in verse 1 is more a question of Jesus’ authority than a request.

The sign of Jonah, referenced in verse 4, is a reference to Jesus’ resurrection. Jonah was in the belly of a fish for three days, and even compared the experience to death (John 2:2,6-7). This parallels with Jesus being in the tomb for three days before His resurrection.

Consider these questions:
• The Pharisees directed their focus and faith to the wrong places. They questioned Jesus, ignored His authority, and denied Him as the Messiah. They refused to accept His authority in their lives. When have you been like that?

• How can this kind of thinking lead others astray? What is a modern day example of that?


• Some things appear to be good on the outside but actually go against what Scripture teaches. Are there influences in your life that are dangerous to your relationship with Christ? What can you do to minimize or eliminate those influences? Journal your response.

• To better understand the sign of Jonah read Jonah 1:17 and Matthew 12:40.


It is important to understand what happened before this encounter between Jesus and the Pharisees. Jesus was on a mountain, teaching and healing all who were brought to Him. The people who were staying on the mountain with Jesus had nothing to eat for three days. At the end of those three days, Jesus said, “I have compassion on the crowd” (v. 32). The disciples only had 7 loaves of bread and a few small fish. Jesus miraculously fed about 4,000 people that day just from that small amount of food.


Jesus is the Messiah. We must not overlook His authority or try to be saved through any other means.

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Rule Follower

Posted by Karah


Ponder this quote by Samuel Bolton,

“The law sends us to the Gospel that we may be justified; and the Gospel sends us to the law again to inquire what is our duty as those who are justified.”

Read Matthew 15:1-20

“These people honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. They worship Me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commands of men.” —Matthew 15:8-9

Answer these questions:

• Jesus railed against the Pharisees for two reasons: Their love of tradition was greater than their love for God and they believed corruption came from breaking the law instead of a sinful heart. Highlight where you see evidence of the these two issues throughout the passage. Write in your journal, explain them in your own words.

• The Pharisees were so caught up living in line with the law that they failed to recognize their own sinfulness. This can also happen for believers today. List a few ways you can guard against this in your own life.

• Why is it important to recognize that we are sinful people and cannot save ourselves?


When has following rules been more important to you than following Jesus? Evaluate the things you say and do. Be honest with God. Pray and ask Him to help you see following Jesus as the most important thing.

People have sin in their hearts, and Jesus came to replace that sin with His righteousness. If you haven’t trusted Jesus as Savior, talk to a Christian that you trust, maybe your camp counselor or a youth director, to learn more.


The Pharisees were legalists. Legalism is the act of putting law above gospel by establishing requirements for salvation beyond repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. At the time, believers were to follow the Mosaic Law. The Pharisees added to this law strict rules, passed down orally, to help others understand the Mosaic law better.


Our faith must be in God and not in following rules. We can’t save ourselves; we need Jesus.

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Christ Alone

Posted by Karah


Listen to Matt Maher’s song “Lord, I Need You” (All The People Said Amen, 2013). Thank God for the fulfilling love and grace He gives.

Read through Matthew 3:1-12.

“Therefore produce fruit consistent with repentance. And don’t presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that God is able to raise up children for Abraham from these stones.” —Matthew 3:8-9

Ask yourself:

• What is John’s message in verse 2? Explain in your own words what it means to repent.

• In verses 8–9, John cautioned the religious leaders of two things. List them in your journal.


No background and no amount of rule following can make you right with God—only true repentance and Jesus have that power.

• The leaders trusted in their own good works and the their lineage links with Abraham to bring them into God’s covenant. Why would John’s teaching fly in the face of their beliefs?

The Pharisees knew they needed to repent, but they only partially repented. Outwardly, they did what they needed to do to show others that they were repentant; however, they continued to sin while denying their guilt.


Many people still believe they only have to be good or follow rules to get to heaven. What about you? Journal a prayer asking the Lord to show you ways you might be trusting something or someone other than Jesus for salvation.

For further study on producing fruit consistent with repentance study John 15:1-17.

Behind the Story

The Pharisees and Sadducees were both part of the ruling class of Israel. Pharisees were middle class Jews who controlled the synagogues as well as oral and written law. The Sadducees were wealthy upper class religious leaders who did not believe in the resurrection. Both groups’ leaders were threatened by Jesus because He opposed their traditionally held beliefs. They refused to recognize Jesus as the Messiah and ignored His authority.

REPENT (v.) = to confess and turn away from sin.

The Point

We cannot inherit or earn our salvation. Jesus is our only hope for salvation.

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The Way, the Truth, the Life

Posted by Karah


Quickly list of all the thoughts or things cluttering your mind right now. Review and set aside your list. Ask God to help you clear your mind to focus on His Word.

“Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” —John 14:6

Read John 14:1-11. Ask yourself:
• What did Jesus mean when He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (v. 6)? It is only through Jesus that you can be reconciled to God, know the truth about how to live, and experience new life.

• According to the last part of verse 6, what is the way to be reconciled to God? How did Jesus make this possible? Explain.

• Many people believe that there is more than one way to get to heaven. Circle the words “except through me.” How do Jesus’ words go against that view?

• Reflect on verse 7. Jesus said if the disciples knew Him, they would know the Father. In verse 9, Jesus repeated Himself, once again declaring that He and God are one. How does knowing this affect your view of Jesus’ authority? His promises to you?


Journal a prayer, thanking God for providing a way for you to be reconciled with Him through Jesus. Do you struggle to believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life? Confess your struggle
to God. If you have questions, ask your camp counselor or a pastor at your church.

Ask God to help you to stand firm in your beliefs. Pray that He will give you wisdom as you talk to people who have different beliefs. Look at the definition of the word reconciled below. Examine your heart. Are you reconciled to the Father?

reconciled (v.) = the restore harmony to a relationship


In John 14:1-6, Jesus told His disciples that He would soon depart from them to go to the Father. He said He would go away to prepare a place for them, and then return to take them with Him. In
verse five, Thomas asked how they would know the way to the place Jesus prepared for them. Today’s Scripture gives the answer.


Jesus is the only way to be saved. We must share this news with others.

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The Good Shepherd

Posted by Karah


Read Psalm 23 in your Bible. Allow these verses to prepare your heart for today’s devotion about Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

Reread John 10:1-5 from last week’s devotion.

The shepherd in this passage knew his sheep, called them, and lead them. Notice that the shepherd didn’t just call his sheep with a command to follow, but he called them by name—pointing to the intimacy of the relationship between shepherd and sheep. Biblical scholars suggest this metaphor demonstrates the relationship between Jesus and His people.

“I am the good shepherd. I know My own sheep, and they know Me, as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father. I lay down My life for the sheep.”

—John 10:14-15

Now, read John 10:11-21 and ask yourself these questions:

Read verses 11-15 again. List some characteristics of a good shepherd in your journal.


Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd and believers are referred to as His sheep. Look at the characteristics you listed above. How would you describe Jesus’ relationship with us? Explain.


Read verse 11 again. Underline the words “I lay down my life for the sheep.” How does this show Jesus’ love for you? How does it point to Jesus’ death on the cross?



Jesus wants a personal relationship with you—He wants to know you. You are so important to Jesus that He died for you to have the chance to know Him. He invites you to an intimate relationship built on love and trust.

Relationships provide you with many good things, but usually require things of you as well. In your journal, draw a line down the middle of a clean page. At the top of the page, write the headings Given and Required. Under the appropriate heading, jot down some things God provides for us and some things He requires of us.

Jesus loves us enough to die for us. He takes care of us. Is there someone in your life today who needs to hear this? Pray that the Holy Spirit would help you discern how to share the truth with them.

For further study on Jesus’ sacrifice, read Hebrews 9:12; 1 John 2:2; and 1 John 3:16.

Behind the Story

The Jewish belief system rests on the Mosaic law, given by God through Moses in the Old Testament. The Jews already knew God as the “Shepherd of Israel” (Ezek. 34; Isa. 40:11). When Jesus claimed the title, He was identifying Himself as one with God in a way they would specifically understand.

The Point

Jesus laid down His life for us because He loves us. By trusting Him as Savior, we can know God personally.

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The Bread of Life

Posted by Karah


Find somewhere quiet where you can be alone with the Lord. Place your cell phone out of reach and spend the next few minutes free of distraction.

“I am the bread of life,” Jesus told them. “No one who comes to Me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in Me will ever be thirsty again.” —John 6:35

Read John 6:22-40. Think through these questions:

In verses 26–27, notice the two different types of hunger mentioned.

-Where does “the food that lasts for eternal life” come from? Explain.

-Circle the two required responses (v. 35) to Jesus as the Bread of Life. What does this mean? Explain in your own words.

The people were amazed by the signs Jesus performed, but still refused to believe He was the Son of God (v. 36).

Read verses 39-40. Jesus mentions two things that are God’s will. Highlight those two things. What does this teach you about salvation? Eternal life?

Jot down a few things, other than Jesus, that people often look to for meaning and purpose.


Bread is necessary for survival. Just like God provided manna to satisfy the Israelites’ hunger in the wilderness, He gave Jesus to sustain us spiritually. Faith in Jesus is necessary for eternal life.

Do you think of Jesus as necessary to your everyday life? Why or why not? Journal your response.

The good news of Christ affects us in practical and spiritual ways. How can you share Christ’s love today to meet someone’s physical and spiritual needs? Jot down some ideas in the margin.

Behind the Story

After God rescued the Israelites from Egypt in the Old Testament, He provided bread for them during the forty years they wandered in the desert. This bread was called manna (Ex. 16:1-7; 16:31). Years later Jesus referred to Himself as the Bread of Life—He would not only fulfill their physical hunger, but their spiritual hunger as well.

The Point

Just as bread is necessary for sustaining physical life, Jesus is necessary for eternal life. He knows our needs and will satisfy us.

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Posted by Karah


Stop and take a deep breath. Clear your mind and ask God to teach you through His Word today.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will no longer exist; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer, because the previous things have passed away.” —Revelation 21:4

Read Revelation 21:1-8. Ask yourself:

According to verse 1, what will pass away? What will no longer exist?

Verses 1–7 focus on the reality of eternity for believers. Verse 8 portrays the reality of eternity for those who never sincerely committed their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ. What is the punishment for those who reject Jesus?

Biblical scholars suggest the “One seated on the throne” (v. 5) is Jesus. He previously spoke as the judge, but in these verses He spoke as Creator.

Jesus said He would make everything new. What promises of God will be fulfilled in the new Jerusalem? Hint: Look at verses 3-4.

According to verse 8, who are the wicked, those who will burn in the lake of fire?


These verses should cause Christians to live with great hope and boldness, knowing that our eternity is sure, our Savior wins, and all will be made right. It should also challenge us to share our faith with others so that they may experience eternity with Christ rather than eternal separation and punishment.

Have you ever shared with someone about Jesus? Have you ever shared your faith with someone who trusted Jesus as Savior as a result? God desires you to be bold in sharing your faith, not passive. In your journal, jot down some ideas to help you break the ice when sharing Christ.

Are you compassionate toward people who don’t know Jesus? Do you have a burden to share His love with them? Knowing their fate in eternity, offer a prayer asking God to make you more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and to reveal to you anyone you need to share your faith with.

For further study on the new Jerusalem, read Isaiah 65:17–19 and Revelation 19:7-8.

Behind the Story

The new Jerusalem is the new earth for all believers—their final home. New Jerusalem’s description as an adorned bride connects with Revelation 19:7-8, which highlights the marriage supper of the Lamb of God.

The Point

We can boldly proclaim our faith because we are sure of eternity.

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Free from Fear

Posted by Karah


Think of a current situation in your life that scares or intimidates you. Pray, asking God to comfort you and give you confidence in whatever you face.

“Don’t fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; rather, fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent. But even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So don’t be afraid therefore; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

—Matthew 10:28-31 

Carefully read Matthew 10:26-31. Answer these questions:

-In your Bible, highlight each phrase that commands you not to fear or be afraid. What are the reasons Jesus tells believers not to fear? Explain in your own words.

-Whom does today’s Scripture say you should fear? Why? Explain.

Fearing God is not about dreading Him, but honoring Him. When you fear God, you recognize His authority and show Him the reverence He deserves.

-What does it look like to live out a healthy fear of God? Explain.

Judgment will come one day, but believers do not need to be afraid. We can trust God to be true to His word to reward believers and punish His enemies.


Prayerfully consider your life. Do your actions, words, and heart attitude reflect one who is grateful and secure in their eternity with a Holy God? Why or why not?

Jot down the name of someone you know who doesn’t know Jesus. In your journal, record some ideas on how you can share His love with that person.

For further study on believers and judgment read 1 John 4:17-18.

Behind the Story

Jesus’s sermon in verses 16-25 offered words of wisdom to the believers of His day, but apply to believers of every generation. He knew of His impending death and resurrection, and the opposition His believers would face. Therefore, in this sermon (vv. 26-31) He strongly emphasized fearing God, not man.

fear (n.) =respectful, reverent, awe.

The Point

Believers don’t need to fear judgment because our loving Father will be our Judge.

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Retro Friday – LC Tapouts 1984

Posted by phil

Check out this picture taken just 1 minute before the beginning of the Little Chief test in 1984. Do you recognize anyone? One still works for Ridgecrest Summer Camps. One works for Ridgecrest Conference Center. While the third is a very involved Camp parent and alumnus. List your guesses in the comments below…

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Pure Life

Posted by Karah


Listen to “Lifestyle” by Isaac Carree (Reset, 2013). Think about how this song encourages believers to live in ways that please God.

“If your hand or your foot causes your downfall, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or lame, than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into the eternal fire. And if your eye causes your downfall, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye, rather than to have two eyes and be thrown into hellfire!”

—Matthew 18:8-9

Read Matthew 18:8-9.

Although sin does not cause you to lose your salvation, God takes sin seriously. The vivid metaphors in this passage do not call us to harm ourselves physically, but emphasize the seriousness of sin and the importance of living in righteousness. A Christian’s ultimate goal is to respond to salvation in faith, love, and obedience to God.

Living in sin and struggling with sin are two different things. Even after you become a Christian, you won’t be perfect; however, you shouldn’t continue in sinful habits.

List a few characteristics of those who live in righteousness and those who have sinful lifestyles.


         Righteous                                          Sinful



Look at the definition of righteousness below. How can believers live lives characterized by righteousness? Explain.


Consider how God wants us to avoid sin. In your journal, list the people, places and things that tempt you to sin. How can you avoid these temptations?

Examine your heart: Do you have any unconfessed sins? Repent and ask God to help you turn from those sins and live for Him. For further study on living with a pure heart read Proverbs 4:23 and Romans 12:2.

Behind the Story

Jesus gave a sermon in Matthew 5:27-30 on lust and adultery using much of the same imagery He used in today’s Scripture. However, in Matthew 18:8-9 Jesus applied these illustrations to all types of sin.

Righteousness (adj) = Conduct characterized by Christ-likeness; not natural to human beings, but available to those who trust in Christ as Savior.

The Point

A life characterized by sin points to not knowing Christ. Believers’ lives, on the other hand, should be characterized by purity.

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