Don’t Just Talk About It

Posted by anthologycreative

Camp RidgecrestRECENTLY I HEARD a student athlete complaining about his coach’s requirements to spend two hours a day in the weight room to prepare for football season. “I don’t have enough time in the day to do that,” he whined. “I know it helps me get ready for football and all, but really, who has the time to spend lifting weights every day?”

When was the last time you said the same kind of thing? Why is devoting yourself to something and taking the time and effort to do it right so important?

Read James 2:18-26. Pay attention to verse 22.
What comparison did James make in verses 18 and 19?

What did James say even the demons believe in verse 19? Why is that important?

James made an analogy of our faith and our deeds with what great Old Testament figure?
Verse 24 says a person is not justified by merely believing, but also by what?

What does it mean to say that Abraham’s faith was active together with his works? Does that describe your faith?

How is your faith spurring you to action? Examine your life for evidence of a faith.

It is easy to say we believe in something, but real belief involves action. James’ point is that faith is not passive. It calls for us to do something. You can say all you want about Christ, but if His good works aren’t present in your life, your beliefs are falling short. True faith is more than just having the right belief system. It is words put into actions. Examine your faith. Then, live it out. It may mean sharing your lunch, helping clean the Egypt, or refusing to copy someone else’s homework. Don’t let your faith just be words. Take action!

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