Strange Requests & Full Nets
Posted by Karah
Think about a time when you encountered Jesus and were truly changed. Pray for God to open your heart to hear and respond to His calling.
“’Don’t be afraid,’ Jesus told Simon. ‘From now on you will be catching people!’ Then they brought the boats to land, left everything, and followed Him.’ —Luke 5: 10b-11
Read Luke 5:1-11 in your Bible. Ask yourself:
• Highlight the word “Master” in verse 5. What is the significance of Peter recognizing Jesus as Master before the miracle occurred?
• Peter was a fisherman by trade and Jesus was a carpenter. Why do you think Peter took Jesus’ advice on where to cast the nets? Explain.
Jesus asked Peter to do something that seemed illogical. Peter obeyed even though he might not have understood Jesus’ command. The result? They caught so many fish the boat began to sink. Jesus often asks us to do things that do not necessarily make sense, but His commands always line up with God’s plan. We can trust and obey, knowing His ways are best.
• When have you seen an example of this in your life? Explain.
• What was the result of Jesus providing the fish (v. 10-11)?
A common theme in many of Jesus’ miracles was that He exceeded expectations. At the wedding at Cana, the wine was described as the best of the event. When He fed the 5,000, they collected twelve baskets of leftovers. In today’s miracle, the disciples caught so many fish that hauling in the nets almost sunk the boat.
• Do you trust in God’s Word? His promises? Talk honestly with God and confess any mistrust you may feel. Ask Him to help you trust completely in Him and to obey Him without hesitation.
• Think of a time when you obeyed God and He blessed you in abundance. Jot down some key things you learned from that experience.
• What expectations do you have for what Christ might want to do in your life? Do you have faith that He might exceed those expectations? Journal your thoughts.
The title “Master” as used by Luke in verse 5, was only used by Jesus’ disciples. Those outside of His following called Him teacher. Peter’s use of the title “Master” emphasized Jesus’ power. At the end of this encounter Peter fell before Jesus. His position as well as His statement, “Go away from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord” (v. 8), indicated genuine humility and recognition of his own
unworthiness in to be in Jesus’ presence.¹
Jesus’ words and actions demonstrate who He is. We can trust Him to guide us in the right direction.
¹Robert H. Stein, New American Commentary – Volume 24: Luke, (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 1996), WORDsearchCROSS e-book, p. 169.
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Reprinted from EC magazine. @ 2016 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions