Retro Friday: Camp Activities

Posted by Karah

Camp Ridgecrest for Boys offers many different activities for its campers each summer. Whether you enjoy sports like basketball and baseball or outdoor activities like canoeing and hiking, there is something for everybody. Did you know that Camp used to offer tournaments and competitions in each of these activities? In a book put together in 1946, we see that “mid-term” and “final” tournaments were held every session. The winners of these tournaments received special awards and bragging rights for the rest of the year.

Different competitions were also held each summer. Cabin competitions, staff games, and staff verses camper competitions were common in each of the activities. Games were even held against the Montreat baseball team! Do you remember when tournaments and cabin competitions were popular at Camp Ridgecrest? Comment below!


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The Unchanging God

Posted by Karah



Take a minute and think about how many times you’ve changed your mind already today. Now, thank God that He is not like you, constantly changing His mind and purpose. Ask Him to prepare your heart to meet with Him.

In your Bible, read Psalm 102:25-28. Then, consider verses 25-27 below. As you read, underline the words or phrases that point to God’s unchanging character.

“Long ago You established the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You will endure; all of them will wear out like clothing. You will change them like a garment, and they will pass away. But You are the same, and Your years will never end.”

—Psalm 102:25–27

• What do these verses teach you about God’s character? Why is it important that God never changes?


• If God never changes, what does that mean for His purposes or work? Explain.


The Point

God is unchanging. He established the earth, and He remains on His throne. He is unwavering about carrying out His divine work and will always remain true to His purpose.


Unchanging. Permanent. Steadfast. Immutable. That is who God is. He doesn’t change and isn’t led away by whims. He remains committed to His work and His purpose. Let the enormity of that truth overwhelm you today. Journal your prayerful response below.

Behind the Story

Written during the Babylonian captivity, Psalm 102 reflects a low point in the history of Israel. God’s Word was not being proclaimed and the temple lay in ruins. The psalm begins in despair. Recognizing his frailty and the momentary nature of his life, the psalmist cried out to God and found hope in God’s unchanging nature. Why is understanding God’s unchanging character important in today’s world?


Memory Verse

Read James 1:17 aloud several times, carefully considering what the words mean. Then, paraphrase it in your own words.



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God’s Love

Posted by anthologycreative

Read 1 John 4:19-20. Ask yourself:

According to these verses, what is the relationship between God’s love for us and the way we love others? Why is that important?

If you had to write these verses in your own words, what would you say? Jot down your ideas in your journal or in the space below.

How well do you think you live up to these verses? Explain.
What keeps you from fully obeying these verses in your daily life?

The Point

You can’t be a follower of Christ and hate the very people He created in His own image. You don’t get to hold grudges. You don’t get to pick and choose who you love and who you don’t. Followers of Jesus are meant to be salt and light to the entire creation, including those who are easy to love and those who aren’t.

Take Action

It’s easy to love people who are a lot like you—people you understand. It’s not easy to love people you don’t get or really don’t like. Who are the hard-to-love people in your life? Why?

How will you choose to love those people in Jesus’ power this week? List a few concrete steps you’ll take to do so.

“Our sin nature includes a natural preference to a warm huddle of people just like us.” – Ed Stetzer 

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A Generous God

Posted by anthologycreative

In his 1843 novel, A Christmas Carol, writer Charles Dickens created the literary character Ebenezer Scrooge. He was a stingy, greedy, cold-hearted, rich man who hated Christmas and everything that brought others happiness. He had tons of money, but was unwilling to share it or any kindness with anyone else. The character quickly became well-known throughout the world. Today, the term “Scrooge” has even come to mean a complaining, stingy miser.

Many people see God as a lot like Ebenezer Scrooge, in control of so many good things, yet unwilling to share them with humanity, despite our great need. Scripture, however, tells quite a different story.

Read Matthew 7:7-12 in your Bible.

  • What characteristic of God do you see in these verses? Explain your answer.
  • What are believers encouraged to do in this passage?
  • Does this passage mean that if you ask God for something, you’re guaranteed to get what you want? Why or why not?
  • Read verse 12 again carefully. Where have you heard this statement before? What do you think it means? What would it look like to practice that in real life?

The Point

God is generous. That is His very character. He has shown His generosity to us by making a way to save us from our sin and inviting us into eternal life with Him. His generosity is all around us: He guides and directs our steps; He does not turn His back on us; He never stops pursuing us despite our sinfulness.

Take Action

Evaluate your life. How generous are you? With your money? Your time? Your opinions about people? Take some time to think it over. Then, list three ways you’ll allow God be generous to others because God has been generous to you.

Behind the Story

This passage does not imply that we will get whatever we ask God for if we’re persistent about it. The passage assumes that the person asking, seeking, and knocking is seeking God’s will above all else. The word “it” in verse 7 doesn’t refer to a particular item or thing the person requested; instead, it means that God will give you what He deems best.

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Constructive Criticism

Posted by anthologycreative

Consider Tyne Daly’s quote and the definition of criticism below.
“A critic is someone who never actually goes to the battle, yet who afterwards comes out shooting the wounded.”—Tyne Daly, actress

• The expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes

1 Now, read Matthew 7:1-6, focusing on the first two verses. Ask yourself:

  • What do these verses have to do with criticism?
  • What are the key words in this passage?
  • What do you think Jesus meant when He advised His followers not to judge others?
  • Should believers never confront the sin of others? Why or why not?
  • What’s the difference between holding someone accountable and condemning someone? Explain.

2 The Point

As believers, we are supposed to be the gracious presence of God to those around us, but we aren’t to turn a blind eye to their sin. Jesus isn’t saying we should never confront sin; He is saying we should do so in humility, recognizing our own sinfulness and need for grace. Our words shouldn’t condemn, but rather draw others closer to Christ.

3 Behind the Story

The word translated “judge” in these verses was a Greek word that can imply to analyze or evaluate, as well as to condemn or avenge. Believers are clearly called to discern (analyze and evaluate); but judgment—in the sense of condemnation or avenging—belongs solely to God.

4 Going Deeper

So, how do you put this into practice in real life? Consider Jesus’ example. He often had some pretty harsh things to say to the religious leaders of His day—and even to His own disciples. For more, read:

  • Mark 8:33
  • Mark 12:24
  • John 4:1-26
  • John 8:1-11

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Retro Friday: Honor Cabin

Posted by anthologycreative

Retro Fridays are back! This summer was no different than the rest: full of fun and lives were changed.

I’m sure many of you know that each session we give out an award for the cabin that stood out among the rest. This Honor Cabin award comes in the form of a certificate. However, back in the 50’s you’d see a plaque like this one hanging outside the cabin door. This plaque is from cabin __. It was returned to us earlier this week! The back of it has everyone’s signature in the cabin.

We love to see pictures or actual pieces of Camp Ridgecrest history. Do you remember when camp had this kind of Honor Cabin award? Comment below and tell us your memories!

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Always Together

Posted by anthologycreative

Think about things that should always go together. Now, list as many as you can think of. Don’t worry! We’ve started the list for you.

  • PB&J
  • Baseball and hot dogs
  • Salt and pepper
  • (make your list in the comment below…)

Now, read Luke 2:36-38.
Pay close attention to verse 37.

If you were describing Anna and her devotion to God, what would you say?
Could the same be said of you? Why or why not?
How would you define fasting? Why?
According to verse 37, what did Anna do while she was worshiping at the temple?
What is the relationship between fasting and prayer? Is fasting just abstaining from something or should you also devote time to prayer when you’re fasting? Explain.

The Point

Fasting isn’t just about not doing something. For Christians, it should be closely tied to prayer and studying God’s Word. The purpose of fasting is to draw near to God, better understand His purposes, and discern His will.

Take Action

Anna was faithfully devoted to God as she waited for Him to fulfill His promise to Israel. What are you waiting for God to fulfill in your life? How can you spend that time focusing on God and serving Him? List a few ideas below.

Week In Review

Take some time today to think over all the things you’ve learned in your time with God this week.

The motivation behind your giving, praying, and fasting matters. Are you doing those things because they’re expected or get a lot of attention?

We have a tendency to want to measure our righteousness by the things we do for God. In what areas of your life have you noticed that kind of attitude?

In light of the Scripture you’ve studied this week, what changes do you think God is calling you to make?

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Earnestly Seek Him

Posted by anthologycreative

Read Psalm 145:17-21 below.

In your Bible, underline all the characteristics of God you learn in this passage. Circle all the things these verses say He will do for those who truly seek Him. Put a box around David’s response to God’s actions in his life.

“The Lord is righteous in all His ways and gracious in all His acts. The Lord is near all who call out to Him, all who call out to Him with integrity. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry for help and saves them. The Lord guards all those who love Him, but He destroys all the wicked. My mouth will declare Yahweh’s praise; let every living thing praise His holy name forever and ever.”

—Psalm 145:17–21


Spend the next 10 minutes thinking, praying, and writing about these verses in your journal. Write about what these verses teach you about God, prayer, and what the motivation behind your prayers should be. End your time by journaling a prayer to God, expressing your desire to know Him more and see His will at work in your life and the world around you.



• resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction • in earnest: occurring to a greater extent or more intensely than before


• attempt to find (something)
• attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something) • ask for (something) from someone

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The Lord’s Prayer

Posted by anthologycreative

Read Matthew 6:9-13 in your Bible. Even though it’s a familiar passage, read it carefully, like you’ve never read it before.


Think about it
Verses 9-10 focus on God: His kingdom, His name, and His will; verses 11-13 focus on our needs: physical needs, forgiveness, and overcoming temptation. When Jesus gave His disciples an example of how to pray, He clearly made God’s will a priority over our own needs. Does your prayer life reflect that?


Take Action
Consider each of the phrases from Jesus’ Model Prayer below. How will you make each of them a reality in your life this week?

“Your name be honored as holy”
How will you honor God’s name in your words and actions today? (comment in your journal or below)

“Your kingdom come”
How will you make God’s kingdom evident in your world through your obedience?

“Your will be done”
How will you focus on God’s will and purpose rather than your own this week?

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Posted by anthologycreative

• talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way
• utter something rapidly and incoherently


Before you read today’s Scripture passage, spend some time in prayer. But don’t just bow your head and pray; open your journal and write out your prayer. Don’t be shy! Just pray as you would normally.


Read Matthew 6:5-8, focusing on verse 7. Then, consider these questions:

Look back at the prayer you just wrote in your journal. Would you describe that prayer as babble? Why or why not?

Evaluate your prayer life. What do you spend the most time praying about? Do you talk continuously when you pray? Do you pray just to hear yourself talk or because it makes you look good? Are your prayers about communicating with God or simply something you do to check off your to-do list of “good” Christian duties? Explain your findings.


Take Action
Set aside 10 minutes today to devote solely to prayer. Go somewhere private where you won’t be interrupted or distracted by other people. Spend some time talking to God, expressing your needs, fears, and desires, but also take time to sit still in God’s presence and just be with Him. Focus your thoughts on Him, His holiness, and His goodness. Seek to align your will with His will.

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