Retro Friday: The Old Infirmary

Posted by anthologycreative

This picture shows what is now the old Infirmary. The date on the back says 1960, however it still looks very similar today. A major change is the white walls instead of the wood. Phil recalls the beds being removed only a few years ago. This building is now used for our Central Staff during the summer. The infirmary now is one of our newest buildings here at camp. It is also in the middle of camp for easy access. Did you ever have to spend time in the infirmary? Tell us what you remember about the “old” infirmary!

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Don’t Give Up!

Posted by anthologycreative

When Joni Eareckson Tada was 17, she suffered a diving accident that left her a quadriplegic and wheelchair-bound. Despite obvious obstacles, Joni refused to give up. She spent two years in rehabilitation, learning how to live without the use of her arms and legs. She even learned how to hold a paintbrush between her teeth to create fine art pieces. In 2010, after 44 years of quadriplegia, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She underwent surgery and took four rounds of chemotherapy. Now in remission, Joni never gave up when her life got difficult. Instead, she chose to focus on the fact that God was in control and she decided to see her difficulties as opportunities. “Trials are not just assaults to be withstood. No, trials are opportunities to be seized,” she said in a speech at a National Day of Prayer Observance in Washington, D.C., in 2011. “Life becomes inspiring, not in spite of the problems and the hard hits, but because of them.”


THINK ABOUT JONI’S STORY as your read Jeremiah 20:3-6.

What do these two stories have in common?

Jeremiah had been jailed for the things he had prophesied. Yet he went right back to proclaiming the Lord’s Word when he was released. Why?

Would you have given up if you’d been Jeremiah? Explain.
What are the discouraging situations or relationships in your life, the ones in which you’ve tried to proclaim Jesus’ message of hope, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference? Identify them and pray over them today.

Memorize Galatians 6:9. When you feel discouraged or exhausted by situations or people who don’t seem to care about Christ, recite it. Don’t give up!

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Posted by anthologycreative

“Suffering in the path of Christian obedience, with joy-because the steadfast love of the Lord is better than life (Psalm 63:3)-is the clearest display of the worth of God in our lives.
-John Piper

Think about that quote as you read 2 Timothy 1:8-12. Don’t miss verse 8! Read over it a couple of times. In your journal, write your response to these verses. You may want to write a prayer asking God to help you find joy in a specific discouraging situation you are facing.

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Retro Friday: Canteen

Posted by anthologycreative

At 3:00pm the Canteen bugle rings out across camp. Seconds later campers come running down from their hills to get their candy and soda. This picture shows canteen at what is now our dry storage building. These campers seem relaxed and happy to have their bottles of soda and ice cream. What is your favorite candy and drink that we have in canteen? Comment below and let us know!

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This Should Be Easy

Posted by anthologycreative

If you’ve gone to class, done the homework, and studied for the test, you’d expect it to be fairly easy, right?

LIST SOME THINGS that should be easy if you’ve done the prep work. (We’ve started the list for you.)

        Cooking a meal

        Playing a tough sports team

        Writing a paper
Did living the Christian life make your list? Why or why not?
THINK ABOUT THAT as you read Jeremiah 19:14–20:2. Check out verse 14. Why was Jeremiah prophesying to the people?

What did he tell the people of Jerusalem? Explain it in your own words.

If you’d heard Jeremiah’s prophecy, how would you have responded? Why?

Jeremiah did what God told him to do. What happened to him? (See v. 2.)

Have you ever faced difficult circumstances because you’ve been obedient to God’s call on your life? What happened? What did you learn?


The truth is, following God and living according to His purpose doesn’t guarantee that your life will be easy. In fact, sometimes it means that you will face difficulty and discouragement.
List any difficult situations you’re facing right now because of your commitment to follow Christ. Pray about them, asking God to remind you of His presence and power in them.

WHO IN YOUR LIFE is facing a difficult situation or dealing with discouragement because he or she chose to be faithful to God? List their names and a couple of ways you’ll encourage them this week.

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Be A Hero

Posted by anthologycreative

Corrie Ten Boom. Florence Nightingale. Frederick Douglass. Mother Teresa. Gary Haugen of International Justice Mission. Martin Luther King. Bono.

History is littered with the names of people who have made a difference against poverty and injustice. Most fittingly, some of these names belong to people who follow Christ.

Who are your personal heroes? List a few names and explain what makes them heroes in your eyes.

Read Mark 6:38-44 in your Bible. If you’re familiar with this story, then it is easy to take for granted the enormity of what happened in that wilderness. So, close your eyes and imagine those five loaves and two fishes. Then, picture the big, hungry crowd gathered around Jesus and the disciples. See those fish and loaves multiply as Jesus handed them out. Take some time to sketch or write down some phrases that describe what being in that crowd must have been like.

With Jesus’ power, you have all the resources you need to minister to the needs of people, to be a hero. If you are willing, Christ can do amazing things through you. He did it with the fish and loaves. What more can He do with and through you?

Glance over the devotions from this past week. How has God used His Word to change your attitude about the world and people around you?

Is there a specific need you think God is calling you to meet or someone specific whom you need to reach out to? Commit to follow Him wherever He leads you today.

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Retro Friday: Wake Up!

Posted by anthologycreative

Goooooooooood Morning Camp Ridgecrest! Every morning the boys at Ridgecrest are woken up by Reveille and Ron. Campers sprint to the two and four square courts and play until Morning Assembly. The date on the back of the picture says 1960. Does anyone remember how the campers and staff were woken up back then? Though the picture is over 50 years old, Phil still remembers the names on the back wall in that cabin when he was a camper! Do you know what cabin this is? Comment below and let us know!

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Not My Problem!

Posted by anthologycreative

YOU HAVE ONE MINUTE. Create a top 10 list of the 10 biggest problems in the world right now.

Are you part of the solution to any of those problems? Or do you think that because they don’t directly affect you, they’re just not your problem?

READ MARK 6: 34-37. Ask yourself:

 What was the seemingly impossible situation the disciples brought to Jesus’ attention?

 What was Jesus’ equally impossible solution to the problem?

 How did the disciples respond to Jesus?

 How would you have responded to Jesus if you’d been in the disciples’ shoes?

When faced with a hungry crowd of people who needed food, the disciples chose the easiest solution: to let the people take care of themselves. It wasn’t the disciples’ problem in the first place. But Jesus’ response was to instruct the disciples to do something. He’s still telling us to do the same thing.

Take a good look around you. Who are the hungry people in your family, school, community, and world? Think about more than physical hunger. Who is spiritually hungry? In need of a friend? Ignored or overlooked?

What steps will you take this week to reach out to one “hungry” person in your life? List three below.

Pray with persistence for the “hungry” people in your life and world. Ask God to soften your heart toward them and show you how He wants to use you to meet their needs.

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Retro Friday: Tribal Trips

Posted by anthologycreative

Each session at camp our tribes go on one trip. This picture shows a tribe getting ready to load up on a bus from Charlotte “Queen City”. The bus is even air conditioned! Notice the boys all in long pants, even in the heat of the summer! Now we rent school buses to transport our campers to and from trips. Do you know where they are going?  Comment below if you remember loading up on a bus like this one. What was your favorite trip you went on with one of our tribes? Let us know!

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Posted by anthologycreative

Milton and Fred Ochieng, brothers from a poor, remote village in Africa, dreamed of becoming doctors one day. Their father’s dream was even bigger than that. He wanted to build a clinic that would provide health care for their desperate, struggling community.

First, Milton won a scholarship to Dartmouth College. By selling chickens and cattle, his family members and neighbors in Lwala were able to scrape together enough money to buy his plane ticket to the United States. A year later, Fred received a scholarship to Dartmouth and joined his older brother there. Even though the brothers were far away from Africa in the United States, they couldn’t forget the village they’d left behind. They knew they had to do something to help their neighbors in Africa. So, the brothers began educating people about the suffering in their hometown in hopes of raising money to build that clinic of their father’s dreams. That dream became even more important when both of their parents died from AIDS.

Today, the Lwala Community Hospital serves 15,000 patients each year. In addition, they provide small-scale micro-enterprise, public health outreach, water, sanitation, and education programming to Lwala and beyond.

THINK ABOUT THAT STORY as you read Matthew 9:35-38.

 What do the two stories have in common?

 What are some of the things Jesus did for the people?

 According to the passage, what made Jesus respond the way He did?

 Have you ever done something for someone without gain? How did that make you feel?

Maybe you aren’t called to build a hospital. But God wants to use you to do His work on earth. When Jesus saw the hurting people, He was moved with compassion, and He took action to help them. What about you?

Think of one person you can serve. Pray for an opportunity to reach out this week. Plan—then act on it.

“I choose kindness . . . I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone. Kind to the rich, for they are afraid. And kind to the unkind, for such is how God has treated me.” – Max Lucado

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