Merry Christmas from the Camps

Posted by Karah

We know that every family has their own set of traditions, so we wanted to share some camp Christmas traditions. Most of you know all about our summer traditions, but what if camp had traditions in the off-season? You are being shown a never-before-seen look into our reading of “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”. We would enjoy hearing what some of your family traditions are. You can share them by commenting here, or you can write on our facebook wall ( ). From all of us here at camp, have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Merry Christmas from the Camps from Ridgecrest Summer Camps on Vimeo.

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Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by Karah

What a great time of year we are getting into!  Great food, extra time spent with friends and family, fun music, time away from school and work, and most importantly, the reminder of what God has done for us.  As we were thinking of how we could best say “Happy Thanksgiving” to you, we kept coming back to our video from last year.  It was just too hard to top!  So here’s another look…

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This Month’s Winners…

Posted by Karah

Dear Blog Viewer/Follower,

It is with great joy that we, the year-round office staff of Ridgecrest, bring you monthly videos and weekly pictures of this beautiful place we all know and love. Yet, something  is amiss here in blog writing land.  This morning, I set out with the intention of, once more, posting the winners of this month’s secret assignment. Unfortunately, there are no submissions to post. That’s right, not a single one of you, dear reader, took the time to send us pictures. This contest was designed to give you a chance to see what happens here at camp when you aren’t here, and then, in turn, for you to show us what is going on where you live. This month, I am sad to say, our interaction is only one way.

Crestridge, on the other hand, did not have this problem. They had a number of excellent submissions. Enough, in fact, to fill, not one, but two blog posts. Dear boy’s camp viewer, this cannot stand. We have nothing but respect for our Sisters in Christ, but we cannot stand idly by as they make a mockery of our esteemed institution. I cry to you, dear reader, this travesty cannot continue. Arise from your apathetic slumbers and show these girls just how dedicated we are to this place called Camp Ridgecrest.

In conclusion, we miss you all. Camp just isn’t the same when it’s empty. For now, we leave you with a small gift in hopes that it will inspire you to the greatness we know you are all capable of.

In Christ,

The Ridgecrest Office Staff

Why won't people send us pictures?!

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Surprise Contest Winners!

Posted by Karah

We were blown away by how many of you submitted pictures during our week long pumpkin carving contest! It was tough to find just one winner for each camp, but after much deliberation we have selected two winners. We want to thank everyone who participated, and we will be posting as many of the submissions as we can in the next few days. So, without any further ado, the winners are: 1)Mabry Craddock Shows her Cherokee pride 2)The Krugman Brothers show off their Council Ring Pumpkin

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Change Your Point of View

Posted by anthologycreative

YOU’RE WALKING DOWN THE HALL AT SCHOOL between classes and pass by two students laughing and speaking to each other in a language you don’t understand. What is the first thing that goes through your mind? Do you quickly assume they’re talking about you? Do you become angry? Do you smile and treat them with respect?

Read Deuteronomy 32:1-4 and check out the word picture of God in verse 4.
What words are used to describe God?
What does this say about God’s character?

What does it mean to say God is without prejudice?
What does that tell you about God’s view of prejudice in our lives?

What is your view of prejudice? Does it need to change? If so, how?

Do the words used to describe God’s character also describe your life? Explain. What needs to change so your attitude lines up with God’s?

In these verses, Moses was describing the character of God. He calls God “The Rock” and said His work is perfect, that God is just, righteous, and true. He even said that God is without prejudice. The point is that prejudice isn’t a part of God’s character. Therefore, it shouldn’t be a part of yours.

We live in a world that says racism and prejudice are wrong. And that’s true, they are. But you know why they are: because God is without prejudice. God loves all people, and the salvation He offers is for every last one of us. It’s easy to be uncomfortable or even dislike someone because he or she isn’t like you, but that’s not the kind of people believers are called to be. Our God loves all people and doesn’t judge us based on skin color, language, age, or disability. He just loves. Ask Him to help you see others with His eyes today. Then, let His point of view change yours.

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Lessons Learned

Posted by anthologycreative

IT’S NOT JUST about you. When was the last time you said those words? Maybe it was to a friend, a character in a movie, or to yourself. Think about that situation. What prompted you to remind yourself (or someone else) that it wasn’t just about them?

Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. What stands out to you about verse 4?

According to these verses, why might times of trial not just be about you?

How can your trials and hard times help other people?

How have you seen this truth play out in your life or someone else’s life?

During your trials, do you look for ways to use them to help others?

Is it selfish to keep what you have learned from trials to yourself? Explain.

Are you willing to suffer so others will not have to? Why or why not?

If the goal of the Christian life is to become more like Christ (which it is), then we must also face trials. Jesus did. He endured various trials, temptations, and hard times, even the cross. Yet, it was for the benefit of others. Because of His willingness to endure those trials, we have salvation and forgiveness. We also have the assurance that because Jesus was here and faced tough times, He knows how we feel. He understands us.

A key point of Paul’s words in today’s passage is that the trials we face aren’t necessarily just about us. Instead, the things we learn can help us reach out to others and minister to them—all because of what we’ve learned during the tough times.

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God is Good. All The Time.

Posted by anthologycreative

THINK ABOUT A TIME when you were wrong about someone. You thought that girl was shallow and stuck-up. Maybe you thought that guy was very mean because he kept getting you out in four-square. Whoever it was, at some later point you discovered that your assumption was wrong. That the idea you had about that person wasn’t actually built on truth.

Have you ever realized you’ve done the same thing to God? That you’ve chosen to believe things about Him or His character that in time proved to be false?
Read James 1:16-18 and contemplate verse 17.
Why do you think James wrote, “Don’t be deceived”?
What does verse 17 tell you about God’s character?

When have you doubted this truth about God? Why?
 Why is it important to understand that all good things come from God?
 What does it mean that there is no variation in God?
 Does God provide us what we want or what He wills? Explain.
 What do these verses teach you about God’s character?

James’ point is clear: God is good. It is His very nature, and God does not change. He has been good, is good, and will always be good. There is no variation or change in His goodness. Therefore, anything that is good begins with God and comes from God.

We also have to remember that life can hurt. And in the middle of that hurting, it’s easy to get some ideas about God that aren’t quite right, like the idea that He likes watching us suffer through life’s trials. The point is that trials aren’t necessarily good, but they can be used for good by a good God.

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Trust His Heart

Posted by anthologycreative

Ridgecrest Summer Camps OverlookTHERE IS ONE QUALITY many people lack that keeps them from living life to the fullest: trust. We have lost trust in each other. Politicians are caught in lies. Athletes are cheating. Churches are full of hypocrites. Friends betray us. Parents disappoint us. Whom can you trust anymore?

Most of us will give the church answer: “You can always trust God!” But do you? When your life is crashing down around you, do you trust God?

Read Ephesians 1:15-19 and think hard about verse 17.
What did Paul say he was praying for in the Ephesians’ lives?
What does it mean to have a spirit of wisdom?
What does it mean to grow in knowledge of God?

Would you describe yourself as having a spirit of wisdom or growing in knowledge of God? Why or why not?
How easy is it to trust God when everything is going well?
How easy is it to trust God when everything is falling apart?
Why can you trust God even when you don’t understand what is happening?

Trust in God comes from having a relationship with Him. That was what Paul said he was praying for in today’s Scripture passage. He wanted the Ephesians to grow in their knowledge of and relationship with God. He wanted them to know the overwhelming power and wisdom that only God can give.

The more you know God and His character, the more you can trust Him. If you know God is good, then you can trust that He is going to do what is good for you. If you know God is sovereign, then you can trust that He is in complete control. Theologian Charles Spurgeon once said, “When you cannot trace God’s hand, trust His heart.”

Whom are you trusting today?

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Ask and You Shall Receive

Posted by anthologycreative

Waterfront at Camp RidgecrestTHERE ARE MANY THINGS IN LIFE that can only be learned through experience. For example, sailing. You can read books or watch videos on sailing. You can even practice tying the different types of nautical knots, but until you get on a boat and take it out on the water, you haven’t really learned how to sail.

Wisdom is like sailing; it can only be learned through experience. In other words, to pray for wisdom is to pray for a situation that will teach you wisdom. Which is exactly what trials are, according to James.

Read James 1:5-8, stopping to read verse 5 out loud.

What do these verses have to say about wisdom?

In what areas of your life do you need wisdom?
What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge?
How can wisdom help you through various trials?
Why is it important to make good decisions in the middle of a trial?
What does it mean to ask in faith without doubting?

How have you seen God’s work in your life stunted by your doubt that He could do anything about the problem?

Is wisdom all you need to face the trials that will come your way? No! In today’s passage, James said that if you need wisdom to ask God for it. Yet, there is one condition: when you ask for that wisdom, you must ask “in faith without doubting.” You need wisdom to manage the trials that come your way, but you must also have faith!

You must have faith that God will give you the wisdom you need, that He can help you in the midst of the trials, and that He will use the trial to help you grow spiritually. Though it is tough at times, you must have faith that you can endure any trial.

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All In The Family

Posted by anthologycreative

Camp Ridgecrest HorsebackEVER WANTED to pretend your little brother wasn’t related to you? Or maybe found your dad to be too embarrassing to hang out with in public?

We don’t expect Jesus to have had those moments. Yet at first glance, that’s what today’s passage seems to be: Jesus being disrespectful to His earthly family. Just remember: first impressions aren’t always right!

Read Luke 8:19-21. Consider Jesus’ words in verse 21 carefully.

Who came to see Jesus when He was preaching to the crowd?

What was Jesus’ response?

According to verse 21, who did Jesus say were His mother and brothers? What does that mean?

What does it mean to both hear and do the Word?

Are you someone who only hears God’s Word or someone who both hears and takes action?

At first glance, Jesus’ response to His mother and brothers in today’s passage seems disrespectful and rude. While the words seem harsh—and maybe they seemed that way to Jesus’ family, too—they teach us something important about our Savior: He places extreme importance on hearing and doing the Word.

Jesus doesn’t just want followers who know all about Him and know every word of His teachings. That’s a good starting point, but Jesus wants followers who know Him, people who read Scripture and study His teachings in order to become more like Him. He wants followers who hear His words and put them into action. He doesn’t just want us to listen; He wants us to follow His example. So, what kind of follower are you?

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