Don’t Just Talk About It
Posted by anthologycreativeRECENTLY I HEARD a student athlete complaining about his coach’s requirements to spend two hours a day in the weight room to prepare for football season. “I don’t have enough time in the day to do that,” he whined. “I know it helps me get ready for football and all, but really, who has the time to spend lifting weights every day?”
When was the last time you said the same kind of thing? Why is devoting yourself to something and taking the time and effort to do it right so important?
Read James 2:18-26. Pay attention to verse 22.
What comparison did James make in verses 18 and 19?
What did James say even the demons believe in verse 19? Why is that important?
James made an analogy of our faith and our deeds with what great Old Testament figure?
Verse 24 says a person is not justified by merely believing, but also by what?
What does it mean to say that Abraham’s faith was active together with his works? Does that describe your faith?
How is your faith spurring you to action? Examine your life for evidence of a faith.
It is easy to say we believe in something, but real belief involves action. James’ point is that faith is not passive. It calls for us to do something. You can say all you want about Christ, but if His good works aren’t present in your life, your beliefs are falling short. True faith is more than just having the right belief system. It is words put into actions. Examine your faith. Then, live it out. It may mean sharing your lunch, helping clean the Egypt, or refusing to copy someone else’s homework. Don’t let your faith just be words. Take action!
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotions, James, Weekly Devotion | Leave a reply
Put Your Faith Into Action
Posted by anthologycreativeWHEN WAS THE LAST TIME you told someone you loved him or her? Did your actions demonstrate your love? What was the evidence of that love in your life?
Let’s really get to the heart of the matter: when was the last time you told someone you were a Christian? Was there evidence in your life to prove it?
Read James 2:14-17. Look closely at verse 14.
What question did James ask in verse 14?
What does that question mean? If he were asking you, how would you answer?
Read verses 15 and 16. What question was James asking in these verses?
How would you respond if you saw a person who was hungry?
What does it mean to say that faith without action is dead?
What is the relationship between faith and works, according to these verses?
Using James’ standard, would you describe your faith as alive or dead? Explain.
This passage in James explains that a faith without actions is a dead faith. James wasn’t saying that it’s your works or the good things you do that ensure your salvation. Salvation comes through your relationship with Jesus. As Paul said, salvation comes through Christ alone. James’ point is that we are saved by faith, but action flows from that faith.
If you’re a believer and your life doesn’t reflect obedience to Christ and involvement in His work, then you’re not fulfilling Jesus’ true purpose for your life. Telling someone “God loves you,” “God bless you,” or “I’ll pray for you” will not put food in their stomachs. The faith we profess means nothing if we don’t actually live it out.
God’s call on all our lives is to demonstrate His love by our actions—to the poor and needy and all those around us. Look around you. Where is a need? What can you do to help?
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotions, James, Weekly Devotion | Leave a reply
Don’t Just Talk
Posted by anthologycreativeSHE DREAMED OF PLAYING the piano all her life. She bought the books and signed up for the lessons. For the first six months she did great. She practiced faithfully every day. But little by little, she stopped practicing. Eventually, she quit.
Think about a time when you wanted something, but eventually gave up on it. What did you learn?
Read James 1:22-25. Read verse 22 aloud.
What does James 1:22 say we do if we merely listen to the Word? Why is that important?
What analogy did James make in verses 23-24? What does that have to do with hearing God’s Word but not doing what it says?
What is the promise in verse 25?
Why is it not enough to simply know what Scripture says? Why is action so important?
The problem James was addressing was negligence. You can be negligent when you have responsibility but aren’t willing to put in the work to accomplish it.
It is equally not enough to simply say you believe in God’s laws. If you don’t actually obey them, your life says you don’t believe they’re valid. You can tell the whole world you love God, but if your life doesn’t demonstrate that love, then your words are worthless. Do you care for the widow, orphan, or neighbor down the street? This is the heart of God’s Word. Don’t just talk the talk; live your faith!
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotions, James, Weekly Devotion | Leave a reply
Humble Yourself Before The Lord
Posted by anthologycreativeWHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL? Is there a person in your life whom you greatly admire or respect? Think about those people you would put at the top of your list of people you look up to. Perhaps it’s your counselor or another staff person. Why do you value them so highly? What qualities or characteristics do they possess that propel them to the top of your list?
Read Isaiah 66:1-2 and focus on verse 2b.
According to this passage, what belongs to God?
Who did God say made “all these things?”
Why is it important to recognize God as the Creator in control of this world?
What are some ways you recognize God as Creator? What are some things in your life you need to let Him have control over?
According to verse 2, what does God value in a person?
Think about your life. Would you make God’s list of people He looks favorably on based on these criteria? Why or why not?
What does it mean to be humble and submissive?
Do these words describe you? Explain.
Remember that list of people you look up to that you made earlier? Think about the characteristics and qualities you said you valued in those people. Now, understand from today’s Scripture passage that God also has qualities and characteristics He wants people to possess. And when we possess those characteristics, His Word says He looks upon us favorably. But what He values in us isn’t anything we can achieve through wealth, success, or popularity. God wants humility and submissiveness. God simply values a humble and broken spirit, a believer who isn’t proud but rather understands his or her limitations and allows God to work. God calls us to surrender to Him—to allow Him into our lives, give Him control, trust Him, and yield to Him, letting Him work in and through our lives. Are you the kind of person God desires you to be?
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Isaiah, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
This Is The Life
Posted by anthologycreativeEVERY GOOD WESTERN MOVIE ends with a showdown. A showdown is when the hero of the story confronts his or her opponent to settle a serious conflict. In the movies, the hero always comes out victorious over his enemy and defeats evil.
We all have conflict in our lives. It’s called sin. Some people try to hide or run away from their troubles. Is that you? It’s time to stop running. It’s time for a showdown.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:2-28. What do verses 21 and 22 mean to you?
How did sin and death enter the world?
Who saves us from sin and death?
What can you learn about Jesus in these verses?
Why is Jesus’ resurrection so important to us? To you personally?
Have you asked Jesus to save you from the sin in your life? Explain.
What sins are you battling today?
What conflicts are in your life?
Paul wanted the Corinthian believers to understand how important Jesus’ resurrection was to their faith. Without it, he said their faith was worthless. Christianity is pointless if Jesus isn’t alive and at the right hand of God. It is His death and His resurrection that give us victory over sin.
Because Jesus was victorious over sin and death, you can be, too. You can have the freedom not to be restrained, bound, or trapped by your sin. Will you choose to follow Jesus who gave His life and rose again to give you life, or will you follow a world full of sin and death?
It’s up to you. It’s high noon. What is your choice?
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged 1 Corinthians, Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
He’s Alive!
Posted by anthologycreativeHAVE YOU EVER WATCHED a movie with a really bad ending? Or maybe the ending was just not enough for you; it kept you wanting more.
Fortunately for us, the story of Jesus doesn’t end with His death. He died to save us from our sins, but then He rose again, showing He has power and victory over sin and death!
Read Mark 16:1-8. Read verse 6 aloud.
Jesus had been dead for three days when a few close friends came to the tomb to anoint His body. What were the ladies’ concerns before going to the tomb?
What did the women discover once they got to the tomb?
Whom did the ladies meet at the tomb?
What was the angel’s message? What were they commanded to do?
What are you commanded to do with the message of the resurrected Savior?
The women got quite a big surprise that day at the tomb. They had all watched Jesus die. They saw Him buried. And they saw a big stone rolled in front of Jesus’ tomb. They were shocked when they found the heavy stone had been rolled away; they were even more astonished when the angel told them that Jesus was not dead, but alive. So what does Jesus being alive have to do with you personally?
When Jesus died, He took the world’s sin (including yours) as His own; however, sin did not defeat Him. He conquered sin with His death and resurrection. You can have victory over the bondage of sin only with the truth and power of Christ. The angel commanded the woman to tell others about Jesus’ resurrection because it’s a message of hope. Whom do you need to tell?
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Mark, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Real Love Costs
Posted by anthologycreativeTHINK ABOUT A TIME when God changed your life. Maybe it was the moment you accepted Jesus. Maybe it was an experience from Camp this past summer. Or maybe it was something that someone did for you or said that opened your eyes to the truth.
Read Mark 15:33-39. Would you have responded like the soldier in verse 39?
What events surrounded Jesus’ death?
Were these natural occurrences?
Reread verse 39. What was the centurion’s reaction to the events that took place that day?
When did you first say to yourself, “This Man really was God’s Son!”?
How did that realization change your life? Or perhaps you still haven’t had that realization.
What do these verses teach you about Jesus’ love for you?
What does this passage teach you about your access to God?
The importance of Jesus’ death didn’t escape the centurion’s notice. He had watched Jesus die, and His death convinced him that Jesus was the Christ. The centurion suddenly knew that Jesus wasn’t just a common criminal; He was the very Son of God.
Jesus died to free us from sin. He followed the Father’s will to the cross. He broke the barrier of sin and made a way for us to have a relationship with God. That’s what the torn curtain in the temple represents. If you’re a Christian, you’ve recognized that Jesus fixed our Sin problem and you have decided to follow him. And you have a story the world needs to hear!
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Mark, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Camp-wide Clue VLOG
Posted by philThe summer is off to an amazing start! For our first camp-wide activity we did a huge game of Clue. Just like the board game, campers in teams had to figure out who dun it. Our staff were dressed up in celebrity characters that were hilarious. It was a great time! See this short video to get a sneak peak.
Check back soon for more updates and VLOGs…
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We Mock What We Don’t Understand
Posted by anthologycreativeTHINK ABOUT A TIME when you had to stand up for what you knew was right. Maybe it was at a movie theater with some friends or at the lunch table in the school cafeteria or even a time at camp when your counselor wasn’t around. Did it cost you anything? Were you embarrassed? Was it difficult?
Today, you’ll read Mark’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion. Put yourself there in the crowd of bystanders. Listen to the insults; feel the humiliation. Seek to understand just how much you mean to Christ and what He went through to save you.
Read Mark 15:27-32, concentrating on verse 32.
What insults were being thrown at Jesus?
Who was taunting Him?
What were the people asking Jesus to do?
Why do you think Jesus did not come down from the cross even though He could have?
On the day of His crucifixion, Jesus was being made fun of by everyone—passers-by, the chief priests, scribes, and the other men being crucified. It was humiliating. Understand that this is Jesus, God in the flesh, on a cross being mocked and taunted. And remember that Jesus could have gotten down off the cross at any time if he had wanted to, but he chose to stay there. He was punished even though He was innocent.
Why did He have to die, and what does His death mean to you today? Christ died because He loves us. He took on our sin and our punishment so we didn’t have to. He put all things aside and died for you because He loves you. When you think about the cross, understand that it is proof of how much God loves you.
Jesus was obedient to His Father even though the world didn’t understand and treated him poorly. You’re called to follow His example, even when it’s difficult.
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Mark, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
You Can Handle The Truth
Posted by anthologycreativeHAVE YOU EVER BEEN ACCUSED of something you didn’t do? Perhaps it was a sibling trying to put blame on you for something he or she did. Or maybe a teacher punished you for something that wasn’t your fault. How did you feel knowing the truth when other people around you didn’t? How did you respond in that situation?
Read Mark 15:6-15 and focus on verses 9 and 10 to see when Jesus was falsely accused.
Who was accusing Jesus?
Concentrating on verses 9 and 10, why was Jesus being accused?
What emotion did the accusers let get in the way of doing the right thing?
What was Jesus’ punishment?
Did He deserve this punishment?
Jesus had done nothing wrong and yet the people were shouting for His death. Notice that the crowds accusing Jesus were being egged on by the chief priests, the religious leaders of that day! These men knew the Scriptures by heart and were devoted by all outward appearances, yet they were shouting for an innocent man to be put to death.
It’s easy for us to judge those people. But put yourself on the side of the accusers. Has there ever been a time when you put your thoughts and feelings first, even to the extent of hurting someone else? Sometimes it’s easy to be led by your emotions instead of reason. With all the competing voices, beliefs, and emotions we face, it’s easy to be swayed from what we know is right. That’s when we should strive to hold onto the truth, no matter what.
Is there a part of the Bible that you know to be true but are ignoring? It’s time to face off with the truth.
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