He’s Victorious
Posted by anthologycreativeTHE SWEET TASTE of victory. When was the last time you felt victorious? When you aced the science test? Got promoted? Won Frisbee Golf? When you didn’t hit the snooze button five times?
What about in your everyday life? As a believer, what does victory have to do with your day-to-day life?
Read Romans 8:31-39. Memorize verse 37.
What does this passage teach you about God and His love for you?
Of all the things in verses 35-39 that we think can separate us from God’s love, which ones do you deal with the most?
What steps will you take to let God’s love wash over you in those situations?
What do these verses teach you about how you should live your life? Do you have to be trapped by fear, sin, or persecution?
If you truly lived like a victorious Christian, how would it change your life?
Over what areas of your life do you need to allow God to have victory?
Life is hard. Tough times will come, sometimes because of what you believe. But you don’t have to be afraid. Your life should be defined by an overwhelming sense of victory because of what Christ has already done. If you’re a believer, you don’t have to be afraid of death, persecution, or anguish. Jesus has already defeated all of these things through His life, death, and resurrection. You can be strong and faithful in the middle of it all because your faith is built on Christ, the Victor.
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Be Strong!
Posted by anthologycreativeSHE WAS BEAUTIFUL, popular, and recently engaged. And she was dying. Yet she still smiled, peace radiating from her. Ashley had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer when she was 17, and last October, her battled ended. She was 23, and those of us in her church family still miss her smiling face now, a year later. If you knew Ashley, that smile is what you would remember. Ashley praised God despite the circumstances. Ashley knew it was God who gave her strength, ordered her steps, and held her hand.
Read Habakkuk 3:16-19. Pore over verse 19. What does it mean to you?
What was Habakkuk’s response to the greatness of God?
How do Habakkuk’s words reflect an acknowledgment that God is in control and trustworthy?
From where does Habakkuk’s confidence come?
Habakkuk listed hard things in his life. What are the hard things in your life? What steps will you take to rejoice in the Lord despite these things?
What does it mean that God can make your steps sure, like those of a deer?
Do you really believe God has the power to do that in your life? Explain.
Hard times come. Ashley knew it, and so do you. This life isn’t fair. Distress, disaster, stress, and terrible times can easily overwhelm us and leave us questioning our ability to stand firm in the faith. Like Habakkuk, we need to recognize that our strength comes from God alone. Only He can make us strong and steadfast, guide our steps, and write a testimony of His power in the story of our lives. Part of standing strong in the faith is realizing you can’t do it on your own. You must trust Him and borrow His strength.
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Don’t Give Up. Jesus Didn’t!
Posted by anthologycreativeWHEN HAVE YOU WANTED TO GIVE IN? When was the last time it seemed easier to give in rather than stand firm? In class? With a friend? While you were surfing the Internet or flipping through the TV channels?
Think about a time when standing up for what was right would have cost you something. Did you stand firm? What did you learn from the experience?
Read Mark 14:43-50. Ponder verse 50.
What happened in these verses?
Who is Judas, and what had he done?
What was Jesus’ response to the mob? How did it shame them for their actions? Why is it important that this moment fulfills the Scriptures?
What was the disciples’ response to the arrest?
What would your response have been in this situation?
When have you been given a chance to stand firm for Christ and run away instead? Explain. When have you stood strong? What did you learn in both situations?
What are some areas of your life in which you need to stand strong for Christ?
What steps will you take to turn these things over to Him?
Moments before, Jesus had been praying in the quiet garden. Then, a mob with clubs and swords and led by His own disciple, Judas, arrived. In the chaos of Jesus’ arrest, the disciples who’d promised that they would never leave Him ran away.
As followers of Jesus, we’re called to stand firm in the faith when it’s easy and when it’s not. And Jesus’ own life tells us there will be times when it is not easy, when deserting Him seems like the best option. Just remember that He stood strong in His commitment to save us. He has never deserted us.
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He Is With You
Posted by anthologycreativeEVERYTHING WAS falling apart. Her marriage had ended in divorce; she’d been laid off; her ex was granted custody of their daughters, and they now lived in another state. Her pain was visible.
I told her that I didn’t know why she had to go through all of that, but that I did know one thing: God was with her in the middle of it.
Her response floored me: He is? No one ever told me that!
Read Psalm 46:1-3. Focus on verse 1.
What does it mean to call God a refuge?
How has God been your strength?
What does it mean that God can always be found during our times of trouble?
How have you seen that truth play out in your life?
When everything seems to be falling apart, why is it hard to trust God?
What do these verses teach you about God’s attitude toward the tough times in your life?
When you’re facing troubling times, from where do you get your strength? Is it God? Why or why not?
In today’s passage, everything seemed to be falling apart. But he didn’t freak out; he praised God, calling Him a refuge, his source of strength, and the One who can always help in times of trouble.
We don’t get a pass on tough times just because we have a relationship with Jesus. Trouble, opposition, persecution—all will come to believers. The power to overcome these things comes in knowing that God is your strength. He is the One who carries you through. Jesus is with you—in the middle of it all.
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What’s Important To You?
Posted by anthologycreativeA PASSING GRADE. Getting through your parents’ divorce. Getting tapped out for the Little Chief test. Winning a state championship. We all have priorities—things that are important or that we want to accomplish. A priority is generally considered to be the most important issue or your primary consideration. When you look at your life, what are your priorities? Why are these things so important?
Read Mark 14:32-38. Then, read verse 38 again.
What was about to happen to Jesus in these verses?
Why is it important that Jesus asked His disciples to pray for Him?
What were Peter, James, and John doing when Jesus came back to them?
When have you gotten distracted, tired, or become unfocused when trying to pray?
How do these verses help you to understand that prayer is important to God?
Prayer was important to Jesus, a priority even. Would you describe it as a priority in your life? Why or why not?
What steps will you take to make prayer a priority in your life?
Jesus was about to be arrested, tried, and crucified. He knew what was going to happen, and His response was to take His closest friends and go to a quiet place to pray. He obviously thought prayer was important. That it accomplished something. That it was vital to His relationship with the Father. And His closest friends couldn’t even stay awake to pray for Him, even after He had told them His soul was “swallowed up in sorrow.”
Strong relationships require communication. Prayer is our way of communicating with God. A strong relationship with Jesus doesn’t just happen; it takes effort. You have to take action and focus on the things that He says are important, like prayer. Prayer is powerful. Talk to Him today!
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Oh, Wise One
Posted by anthologycreativeYOU CAN’T BELIEVE your friend talked to you like that. It would be easy to call him or her unreasonable, demanding, and selfish. Maybe it was over a game of 4 square, or even a disagreement during cabin clean-up. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you don’t want your friend to get the last word. You could also do the opposite and apologize. But if you do that, are you backing down, giving in, and letting him or her win? Why should you do that? How would you handle this situation?
Read James 3:13-18. Study verse 17.
What are the characteristics of wisdom from above?
What are the good fruits of wisdom?
How do we develop godly wisdom?
Are there times when we shouldn’t comply or show mercy?
Is it possible to avoid favoritism in all situations?
How do you define wisdom? Some would say that if you make a lot of money you must be wise. Others would say that if you are in a powerful position in government, you are probably very wise. Few people look at how others achieve success. They only see the end result.
In James we learn about another kind of wisdom—godly wisdom. People with this kind of wisdom are known for being peaceful, merciful, and treating everyone with respect. They always put others first. They’re known for their gentleness, and their lives are orderly and full of good, godly things, not favoritism or hypocrisy.
What kind of wisdom do you want to have? Earthly wisdom is temporary, but with God’s wisdom, you can make an eternal difference in your life and in the lives of others.
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God Really Does Look at The Heart
Posted by anthologycreativeYOU’RE LOOKING AT YOUR WATCH. The speaker in the school assembly is going on and on. Somehow, you feel like the speaker just loves to hear himself talk. It reminds you of the last concert you attended. The outfit the singer wore was so weird! It’s obvious when someone wants to be the center of attention. Does this ever happen at church? Or what about Camp?
Read Mark 12:38-40. Pay attention to verse 40.
Why did Jesus warn against scribes in the marketplace?
Is it wrong for religious leaders to seek recognition? Explain.
What did Jesus mean when He said that scribes “devour widows’ houses”?
What do these verses teach you about God’s attitude toward our motives?
When have you found yourself doing something good, even something godly, but your actions were fueled by a desire for recognition?
Why is that kind of worship, love, or service not what God wants?
If you have grown up in church, you may remember being in awe when you listened to long prayers or heard solos ending in high notes. When does public recognition overshadow a heart for worship? Jesus warned us about those who are only involved in religious practices to garner the praise of others. There will be judgment for that kind of motive.
What about you? Do you attend worship because you love God or because you want to meet the expectations of others? If your friends didn’t attend Bible study, would you still be involved? We will grow in our faith when we desire a deeper relationship with God. Take time to examine your motivation, and spend time in prayer. God will meet you there.
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March Free Canteen Winner!!
Posted by KarahCongratulations to David Henry! He is the free Canteen winner for the month of March. He won a free canteen by commenting on our blog! So if you want a free canteen delivered to your door, start reading our blog and commenting! David, your canteen will be at your door soon. Hope you all are ready for Canteen and everything else this summer; it is just around the corner!
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Love, Love, Love.
Posted by anthologycreativeNO RUNNING IN THE HALL. Don’t litter on school property. No standing on the bus. No cell phones or iPods at camp. No double-blobbing.
Rules, rules, rules. Sometimes, it seems like our entire day at school or time at camp is spent following rules (or listening to someone enforce them). What is the purpose of all these rules, anyway? Some would say they are for the health and safety of the students and staff. What about God’s rules? What is the purpose of the guidelines found in the Bible?
Read Galatians 5:13-15, focusing on verse 14.
What does it mean that we have freedom as believers?
Who is your neighbor?
Is it possible to love someone if you don’t even like them? Explain.
How does loving people fulfill all of God’s laws?
According to these verses, what are the consequences of not loving others?
It’s a simple concept. If you love God and love others, you are meeting all of God’s requirements. Understand this: God is love, and His principles for living are based on love. As Christians, others should see love when they look at our lives. Jesus spent His life on earth showing love to people and ultimately loving us enough to die for our sins. We can continue to communicate His love by giving of ourselves in service to others.
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Love Isn’t Just A Feeling
Posted by anthologycreativeI LOVE THAT SONG, DON’T YOU? “I love this ice cream.” “I love to play basketball at this gym.” “I love playing Sock War.” “I love my counselor.” Love. We throw the word around all the time. It can have a casual meaning or a heavy-duty one. “Because I love my country, I will serve wherever I am needed.” “I loved my grandmother; I really miss her.” “I will never love another girl/guy like that.”
So with all this talk of love, what does it mean when we say we love God?
Read Mark 12:28-31. Memorize verses 30 and 31a, if you haven’t already.
What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart?
How is it possible to love the Lord with all your mind? Will this affect your thinking?
If you love God with all your strength, what kind of commitment are you making?
According to God’s point of view, whom are we required to love?
Do you ever have trouble loving yourself?
Mark 12:30 states that we must love God. We understand that, but HOW we love God is the key. We must love God with our hearts—all our feelings and emotions. It’s clear from these verses that Jesus is asking us to let God be in charge of everything in our lives. Do we love God enough to let Him be in charge of our mind, attitudes, choices, and whom we allow to influence our thinking? When we give God our strength, we allow Him to direct how we spend our time and energy.
Jesus also challenges us to love others, making their needs as important as our personal desires. A loving relationship with God must be our first priority. We can have a meaningful life when we love God and love others.
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