Work Weekend Projects

Posted by phil

Arapaho ChapelShawnee cabin w/ BunksOld Infirmary New Staff HouseFrench Drain SideFrench Drain Back

Hey everyone! The Spring Alumni Work Weekend was held this past weekend and it was a resounding success. A lot of big tasks were completed that get Camp closer to being ready for campers to get here. For starters, the new Arapaho Chapel was relocated to the patch of woods between the Middle Green and the road that goes to the infirmary. It looks great, and might also help frisbee golf players who used to get their frisbees stuck in the woods there.

The big chore of the work weekend was building new camper bunk beds in the new camper cabins. The Shawnee cabin now looks great with beds in it. As well, the old infirmary has now been turned into a new staff cabin. Its old beds were taken out and staff beds were brought in. The most technical project during the work weekend was the installation of a french drain around the back of the new infirmary. This will greatly help the drainage of rainwater behind the building.

Thank you for all who came and helped! Camp is very grateful Not long now until Summer…

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Infirmary Gets Light Fixtures and Paint

Posted by phil

The new infirmary at Boys Camp is nearing completion, with electrical fixtures like heating and lighting being installed recently with fans are in each of the bedrooms. Also, hardwood flooring is down in the bedrooms, and the vinyl flooring is down in the nurse station and sick bay area. Water has been hooked up to the building now, which is an all important necessity. In order to do this, a large trench was dug in the middle of the lake road. It has since been covered back up, but for a few days, people walking around the lake had to detour over the middle green. From here, the new infirmary will be hooked up to the power lines, and sod will be put down on the bare soil surrounding the building.

Infirmary from Lake Lodgenurse bedrooms Nurse bedroomNurse Stationsick kids bathroomsick kids room

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Spilman Addition Gets Railing

Posted by phil

Posts for SpilmanSpilman Rails DeliveredSpilman Rails Cont'dSpilman Porch with Railing

After snow put off the completion of the woodwork on the Spilman Addition, workers were finally able to put up the railing along the outside of the porch. Their work looks fantastic! Most of the woodwork for the railing was done in a workshop, so the entire railing was done over the course of the day today. Now all that is left to do is paint it and  put rocking chairs on it!

Spilman Porch CompleteSpilman Porch View

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Snowmen of the Ridgecrest Nation

Posted by phil

Snow has fallen once again upon the Ridgecrest Nation, and this time, the wonderful opportunity to make snowmen was not missed. I, Stewart the Intern, along with Sharon and Abby from Girls Camp went out to make snowpeople. The girls made a valiant effort in creating their snow creature with the almost unpackable snow.  I then started on what will live in infamy next to Frosty as a most epic snowman.

His name is Toby. He is a towering 5 feet tall, and is putting the ‘man’ back in snowman. Are those 2×4’s for arms? Why, yes they are. Strong arms. The shoulders are akin to Jason March’s with no neck to be seen. The big smile is made of a piece of chewed up frisbee donated to me by Toby’s friend, Mr. Ezra Maslin the canine. Toby’s unwavering stare comes from his eyes being made of solid rock I foraged for in the forests surrounding camp. No need for a scarf – Toby can handle the elements, because he was born in them. This is why he was named an honorary Sioux Trailblazer and was given the privilege of wearing the Sioux headdress. If you hurry and drop by camp in the next day or so, you can meet Toby in person before he melts into legend.

SnowmenStew and Snowmansnowmen with headdressSioux snowman

Ezra and Frisbee

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