Change Your Perspective

Posted by anthologycreative

Can you think of a time you wanted to give up? Maybe you were doing a school project, and the teacher assigned you to a group with the most difficult person in the class. Or maybe it’s your parents. They keep fighting, and even though you keep praying for them, you think they’d just be better off divorced. Whatever the case, we’ve all been in hopeless situations. Thankfully as Christians, we have a reason to not lose heart!

Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, then focus your attention on verse 17.

What does it mean that your inner person is being renewed?

How does that renewal happen?

How are our present troubles described?

What does Paul mean by the phrase “an incomparable weight of glory”? (See verse 17.)

What does this passage have to do with dealing with difficult times? Explain.

How can we keep an eternal perspective while we are living on earth? List some practical ways.

Are you in a hopeless situation? Where are you looking for encouragement? Why?

We all go through difficult times. Heartache, loneliness, and suffering are just a few of the things in this life that leave us feeling defeated and discouraged. No one is immune to tough situations, not even Christians. However, as believers, we must press on.

That’s what Paul taught in this passage. He said that even though we are beaten down on the outside, on the inside we are being renewed. God uses our temporary adversity to mold us and shape us into the image of Christ. What a glorious thing to know that in our suffering, we are being made more like Him! Instead of focusing on the difficult circumstances around you today, look to Jesus and keep your focus there. Your hope lies in Him, not your circumstances.

For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory.
—2 Corinthians 4:17

Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.

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VLOG: A Rediculous Western Breakfast

Posted by phil

So this morning wasn’t your average morning at Camp Ridgecrest for Boys. No waiters were called, Morning Assembly had a different twist, Spilman looked a bit different and had a bit more energy in the air. The food was served by the central staff as the “Cheese Grits Cart” made it’s rounds around the dining hall…refilling any empty plates. And of course the milk slingshot made another appearance. It’s a full day, and we’re just getting started…

The day continued with Sockwar, Skills, and of course a massive Carnival tonight! Check out these clips from Breakfast!

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VLOG: Gladiator Night!

Posted by phil

In all of these young boys is a desire to be a man. Now, being a man isn’t always about being tough, strong and wild. But sometimes it is. Gladiator Night is a safe place for these boys to be wild, adventurous, and as manly as possible. It’s tons of fun, and I guarantee you that they will not experience anything like this back home. This event is unique to Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, and it’s one of their favorites…. Check out this sneak peak…

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God Isn’t You

Posted by anthologycreative

Plans. Everyone has them. Weekend plans, college plans, vacation plans, career plans. You name it, and there is probably a plan for it. Do your plans always work out? What happens when they don’t? Do you make a plan B, or do you question everything around you?

Read Isaiah 55:8-11, considering verse 8 carefully.

What does this passage teach you about God’s thoughts and ways?

How are God’s thoughts higher and different than our thoughts?

What does it mean that God’s word doesn’t return to Him empty?

How is God’s word like rain and snow? Explain.

In your life, how have you seen God’s plan be bigger than your own?

Do you trust God for the perfect plan, or are you seeking your own thoughts and ways? Explain.

In this passage, God was speaking to the Israelites who were in exile in Babylon. They felt overlooked and forgotten by God. Today’s passage was God’s reminder to His people that His knowledge and power far surpassed theirs because He was God and they were not. His plans were not the same as their plans—and His were beyond their wildest imagination.

We often need that reminder, too. Much of the time, we try to make God fit into our plans instead of seeking to conform our lives and our will to His. God’s thoughts and ways are not the same as ours. He is God; we are not. He always sees the bigger picture; we only see the narrowest sliver and how it affects us. So when your plans fail and you don’t understand, trust God’s infinite wisdom and look to Him alone for guidance. He always has your best interest at heart.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways.” This is the Lord’s declaration. —Isaiah 55:8

Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.

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Through the Fire and Flood

Posted by anthologycreative

When it rains, it pours! Your dad just lost his job. Your car needs new tires. You really want to go on that overseas school trip, but your parents said you’ll have to pay for it. And four of your friends have birthdays this month. It seems like every time you turn around, you need money. On top of that, school is crazy-busy, and you think the coach hates you. Even though you feel overwhelmed, God doesn’t.

Read Isaiah 43:1-3, stopping to read verse 2 aloud several times.

In verse 1, what can we learn about the nation of Israel?

As believers in Christ, how are we like the Israelites?

What do these verses teach you about God’s love for you?

What could compare to overwhelming fires and rivers today (v. 2)?

What fires and floods of difficulty are you going through now?

Are you looking to God for strength? If so, how is He caring for you?

What have you learned in the process?

The nation of Israel was created by God and very special to Him. God had chosen, protected, and redeemed these people. If you’re a Christian, He does the same for you because of your relationship with Christ. He loves you deeply, watches over you, and saves you. However, in His care for you, God never promised that your life would be easy. We all must walk through deep valleys and swim in treacherous waters in our lives. You don’t get a free pass from stress, sorrow, or difficulty when you accept Christ.

God does promise one thing, though. In verse 2 of this passage, God says that He will be with us, and we will neither be burned by the fires nor overwhelmed by the rivers. Hear that? Even though you will walk through difficult times, your difficult circumstances will never take you under if you trust in God. What great comfort to know God loves you and promises to be with you each step of the way!

I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the flame will not burn you. —Isaiah 43:2

Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.

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VLOG: Gold Rush – one of their favorites!

Posted by phil

One of the greatest games we play here at camp has got to be Gold Rush! It’s similar to the ever favorite Sock War, but with 10 bases, hundreds of pieces of Gold all over camp, 3 teams, and lots more ways to get points for your team. Here are a few shots of the action! (This was the largest game of Gold Rush is Camp’s history!)

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Why God?

Posted by anthologycreative

Read Psalm 42:1-11.

One of life’s most difficult lessons is learning that things don’t always go the way we expect. We lose loved ones, have relationship troubles, or don’t get that thing—that place on the team, scholarship, or dream—we so desperately want. Circumstances in life often leave us feeling hurt, confused, sad, and disappointed. We often want to ask why and continually search for answers that aren’t always easy to find.

That’s how the psalmist felt when writing the passage you studied today. He was depressed. And even though he felt forgotten, the psalmist poured out his heart to God continually. He had desperately searched for God and, rather than seeking the world’s advice, looked to God for answers. These verses say he longed for God as an animal longs for water. In order to live, He needed God, just like an animal needs water. And even though the road was difficult and the answers weren’t apparent, the writer of these verses remembered God’s past faithfulness and chose to trust Him.

Just like the psalmist, we need to keep our hope and trust in God alone. We must see God as our rock and remember how He has cared for us in past situations, trusting that He will be faithful again. What about you? Are you in the middle of distress? How has God answered you in the past and shown Himself faithful? Are you searching for Him now and looking to Him alone? Even when you feel like God isn’t speaking, place your hope and trust in Him. He is faithful. Always.

I will say to God, my rock, “Why have You forgotten me? Why must I go about in sorrow because of the enemy’s oppression?  —Psalm 42:9

Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.

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VLOG: Campwide Clue

Posted by phil

Remember the board game Clue? Who did it, with what, in what room, and what was the motive? To set the stage, all the campers find out that our fearless leader, Ron, was struck down…but who done it? It’s quite a scene seeing all the ridiculous characters (staff dressed up) and their body guards standing around Ron. The campers are broken up into teams with all the ages mixed together. They then work their way around camp in teams, asking the characters (suspects) questions about the evening. Then each team turns in their best guess about what actually happened on the evening of the crime. The night concludes with the story (the answers) unfolding in a skit right before their eyes. The team with the most correct answers in the shortest time is the winner. Overall, it’s a hilarious night and usually unlike anything they have ever experienced! Check out these clips from the game!

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You Don’t Have To Look Far.

Posted by anthologycreative

Where is it?! Have you ever been looking for something that you finally realized was right there all along? Lost homework, a key, a shoe. Something was missing. You looked and looked and could not see it. Maybe you even gave up. But at some point, you found the item you’d been looking for right in front of your face. Perhaps for some, God is like that.

Read Acts 17:26-29. Check out verse 27.

What does it mean that God has determined our “appointed times” and the “boundaries” of where we live?

According to verse 27, how far is God from those who seek Him?

Though God created us all, we don’t all know Him. Why not?

Paul quoted their own poets to show them God. Which of our poets (or songwriters) could you quote to your friends to show them God?

What does verse 29 teach you about God’s divine nature?

As Paul spoke to the people of Athens, he pointed out that they had gotten something right: there is a God. Paul explained to them that there is one true God who gives us life and determines how long that life will last. More than that, Paul promised that if we seek God, we will find Him. And finding God isn’t like finding a needle in the proverbial haystack. God has made it easy for anyone to find Him. He is not far.

The truth is, we’re all looking for something. And the only something that truly fills is God. As Augustine, an early Christian theologian, once put it, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, O Lord.”

All around you, people are searching for Jesus—and they may not even know it yet. You can help them find Him because He isn’t far.

He did this so they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. —Acts 17:27

Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.

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Guerilla Warfare VLOG – Massive Water Balloon Battle

Posted by phil

One thing that I love about camp… We will spend 3 days filling up water balloons for a game that lasts less than an hour. We used about 22 fifty-five gallon trash cans, over 17,000 water balloons, about 12 fill stations, 75 staff, and 220 campers…. for without a doubt the largest water balloon battle they will ever experience… cars driving by are forced to stop just to watch for a few minutes…. It’s an awesome experience…only at Camp Ridgecrest!

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