You Have A Past
Posted by anthologycreativeWhether you’re proud of your hometown, can’t wait to leave, or already miss it terribly, it’s a big part of who you are. It’s where you’re from. For the rest of your life, when people ask, “Where are you from?,” you’ll remember your hometown. You’ve got a spiritual hometown as well. It’s the place you began, the place from which God has brought you. So, where are you from? Where did your story of redemption begin?
Read Acts 22:3-5. Concentrate on verse 4.
What did Paul tell his listeners about his background?
What do you think he might have left out?
How do you think he chose what to tell about his past and what to leave out?
What would you tell someone about your background if you were sharing your story of meeting Jesus?
What’s the difference between admitting your past sinfulness and glorifying it?
How can you make sure you have the right focus when you tell people about your past?
Even if you don’t have a very exciting pre-Christ past, what can you tell people about your past?
Why do you think the story of where we come from is such a powerful way to share our faith?
We all have a place from which Christ has brought us. Everything we did, whether it was trying to please our parents or rebelling from them, was done as a futile effort to get away from that same lost place. Paul told his story to those listening: he had been raised in religion and was so devoutly zealous in his Jewish faith that he persecuted Christians. To share his testimony, Paul had to admit that his past wasn’t pristine. Paul had to admit he was a sinner, something we all must recognize and admit to become Christians.
So, when you share your story, you get to tell others about the spiritual place from which God has rescued you. Unlike your physical hometown, you never have to go back.
I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and putting both men and women in jail. —Acts 22:4
Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.
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Retro Friday: The Look
Posted by philSo when you look at pictures from Camp Ridgecrest today compared to pictures from the 30’s or 40’s, there is quite a difference. Sure, there are less action shots and more staged pictures. You see less smiles, and almost never see anyone making a goofy face. The clothing is very different. In the older pictures white tends to be the dominant color. But when you look deeper in the piles of pictures…when you find the one’s that didn’t go to print in the magazines or brochures…you find faces and settings that look more familiar. You can find boys playing in the woods with their shirts off on a hot summer day. You can find a group of college aged counselors cooling off in the canteen over a cold drink, sharing stories from their campouts. You might find lines wrapping the 4 square courts just like they will this summer. Some of those old pictures look like they are in a different world. But some of them look like they could have been taken last summer. Camp has definitely changed over the years, but some things about this place will always stay the same.
Here are a few pictures that you won’t be able to replicate this summer. But man, it’s really cool to look back and wonder what it would have been like to serve the Lord here a long time ago…
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Words Matter
Posted by anthologycreativeDo you know what it means to hit on all sixes? To beat one’s gums? Would you know a piker or a palooka if you saw one? If you had lived in the 1920s, you’d know all of those words, but to most of us, they mean nothing. Likewise, many of the words we use at church and with our Christian friends mean nothing to the unbelievers around us. It’s going to be pretty hard to share your faith with them if they can’t understand you!
Read Acts 21:40–22:2. Pay attention to verse 2.
What are some barriers between you and the unbelievers around you?
What do you have in common with them? How can you use these commonalities to talk about what you believe?
What happened when Paul chose to speak to the angry people in their own language?
Think of an unbeliever you know. What “language” will he or she best understand?
Are you prepared to speak to him or her in this “language”? If not, what will it take to be able to do that?
What are some words you might want to avoid using?
What did Paul get before he started to speak to the people? (See v. 40.)
What difference does it make to get someone’s permission before talking about your faith?
Keep a journal of words you hear Christians use that wouldn’t make much sense to non-believers. Think of some alternative words that would make more sense to unbelievers, and try using these words next time you talk to someone about your faith.
When they heard that he was addressing them in the Hebrew language, they became even quieter.
—Acts 22:2
Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, ec Magazine, LifeWay Christian Resources, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Retro Friday: More of Lake Ridgecrest
Posted by philWith Lake Ridgecrest being right in the middle of Camp, it’s fun to see how it has changed and how it remains the same. Below are a few more images that may spark good memories of your camp days. You can see the old swim area, that was ultimately replaced by a larger floating dock where the I-Dock once sat. The Zip line is still in place at the same tree that’s in this picture. And then the boats… you see canoes, plyaks, and even sail boats. Unfortunately, we never replaced the sail boats once they aged out. But we have replace many of the old plyaks with new kayaks. (By the way, the old plyaks are currently being auctioned off. Take home a peace of Camp History, and help our scholarship program at the same time. Email for more info!) We hope you enjoyed your time on Lake Ridgecrest, a place where we have seen sockwar skits, boys learn to swim, countless canoe skills, the Ironman begin, new toys like the Blob become highlights, and relationships formed on warm summer days at Camp! Share some of your favorite memories below…
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Your Response Says Something About God.
Posted by anthologycreativeAfter George Muller had watched God miraculously provide specific buildings to use as an orphanage, he received a letter from a neighbor listing several complaints against the orphanage. George was confused. Should he ignore the letter? Should he apologize? Should he remind the man of the amazing ways God had provided these very buildings? He did not know what to do. How do you respond when someone complains about you?
Read 1 Peter 3:16-17. Focus on verse 16.
Some people think that if they’re going to be unjustly accused, they might as well do the deed they’re being accused of, so they can at least enjoy the wrong for which they’re being punished. What do you think?
What do these verses say about that philosophy?
According to these verses, what are we to do with gentleness and respect?
What are the alternatives to defending your faith with gentleness and respect?
What accusations might come against a Christian who defends the faith?
What do you think it takes to keep your conscience clear? Explain.
What is one thing that tends to keep you from having a clear conscience?
If someone were making an accusation against you, what would he or she say? Why?
What is your attitude toward people who complain about you?
After George Muller received his complaint letter, he realized his neighbor’s complaints were justified, and he actually moved the orphanage to another location. He understood that the way we respond to the complaints of others represents Christ to them. Who has complaints against you today? Are they valid? Prayerfully consider how you should respond when others complain, argue, or pick fights with you.
However, do this with gentleness and respect, keeping your conscience clear, so that when you are accused, those who denounce your Christian life will be put to shame. —1 Peter 3:16
Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, ec Magazine, LifeWay Christian Resources, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Retro Friday: Tribe Calendars
Posted by philSo throughout the years, the Tribal Leaders here at Camp Ridgecrest have used various means to stay organized. Now-a-days we usually use computers and calendars that link together etc… All of the calendars for the past few years are stored on my computer, to access anytime we want. However, calendars haven’t always been a boring black and white computer screen. This particular calendar is from Steve Cothran, when he was the TL for the Mighty Arapaho Tribe. It’s fun to see some of the activities that are still done today! And it’s cool to see some of the things that we no longer do. What on this list did you do as a camper, and what have you never heard of before? If you could think back to your camper days, what was your most favorite planned activity…ever?
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Be Prepared
Posted by anthologycreativeKamryn knew all the Bible answers to any question. She was invincible in any religious debate until she met Nick, an extremely vocal atheist. Determined to win him over, she immediately began slinging Scriptures his way. Not fazed, he calmly quipped, “I don’t believe in the Bible. What else ya got?”
Kamryn wasn’t ready to give a defense of her faith. She’d memorized the verses and answers she’d been told she should know, but she didn’t know what she believed well enough to explain it any other way.
Knowing the Word of God is huge, but we’ve also got to be able to think and speak outside of the box when defending our faith. God can and will give us the right words to say in each situation, but He also wants us to be prepared to defend our faith with words and actions that people unfamiliar with the Bible will understand.
That’s exactly what Jesus did. He quoted the Old Testament prophets to people who would understand them, but He also spoke in parables, using common, everyday themes that non-religious people would understand. He explained truth in such creative, unique ways that people who never darkened the door of the synagogue came looking for Him. They drank in His words. Not only did they understand Him, they believed Him. Will you be ready to defend your faith and make God’s truths clear to anyone who asks?
But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. —1 Peter 3:15
Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.
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Retro Friday: Riflery Skill
Posted by philI feel like a staple of Camp has always been learning to shoot a .22 Rifle. For a very long time, we have been teaching boys to safely and accurately shoot rifles here at Camp Ridgecrest. The rifles have changed a bit. As far as I know, they have always been a .22; does anyone remember differently? And the Riflery Range has changed a few times as well. But one thing will probably never change. Boys love to learn how to safely shoot rifles. They love to hit the target, to hit the bulls-eye, and to get better with each lesson. Camp Ridgecrest Riflery Skill was my first opportunity to learn the proper technique of how to shoot. What about you? Tell us below what you remember…
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God Doesn’t Leave
Posted by anthologycreativeThe little girl stood crying for her father. She pleaded with him to come to her, but he never looked back. He walked out of her life . . . forever. I was 3 years old when that happened. My father had abandoned me.
Have you faced a similar situation? Have you ever felt hopeless or alone? Life can be hard. In fact, it’s a guarantee that at some point, you will experience crisis. The ultimate question is: How will you react?
Read Isaiah 43:1-7. Meditate on verse 2.
Why are these verses comforting?
What do these verses teach you about how God feels about you?
Which verse speaks to you most? Explain.
What do these verses teach you about God’s involvement in your life?
When you feel alone or abandoned as a result of events in life, do you cling to the promises of God? Why or why not?
No matter what is thrown at you in life, you can overcome. You must have faith and believe that regardless of what is going on or where it will lead, God will always be with you. Embrace the passage you studied today and live a life of victory. Learn, as I did, that though people may leave you, God will never abandon you. It is a promise He has given us, and God keeps His promises.
Deuteronomy 31:6 states that He will not leave you or forsake you. Know that no matter what the situation, no matter how intense the crisis is in your life, God IS there. He is always there. Give all of your fears, worries, and concerns over to Him. He can handle it! And more than that, He wants to. Whatever you face, wherever you go, God will be with you.
“I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the flame will not burn you.” —Isaiah 43:2
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, ec Magazine, LifeWay Christian Resources, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Retro Friday: Load em up!
Posted by philPerhaps the fastest way to transport a group of boys to the river, or another lake would be on the back of a flt bed truck. This mode of transportation wouldn’t exactly fly these days at Camp Ridgecrest for Boys. But it is neat to look back at the truck loads of kids having a blast at camp! Below is an old flat bed truck that camp used to tow canoes and tote people. Does anyone remember this truck, or one like it? We still have an old flat bed we use for maintenance etc. Below is also a picture of some canoes on a trailer, being pulled by the same old truck. Did these canoes stay close to Ridgecrest, or were they taken down the french broad river? If you remember a trip like this one, comment below and tell us about it.
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