Kickback: The Best Blobs of 2008

Posted by phil

Receiving more that 12,600 views on YouTube, here at The Best Blobs from 2008. Do you see a younger version of yourself here? Get warmed up, Camp is right around the corner…. See you soon…

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Adding a Little Character

Posted by phil

So Marty has been busy around camp covering some not so attractive areas with a little character. We have had concrete cylinders covering some wells on the Upper Green for many years.  We’ve also had some plywood covers for  water cut-offs for a long time.  This Spring, we wanted to cover these areas with something new. Here are a few pictures…

The first is on the side of the New Infirmary. This addition simply covered a plywood door leading to the crawl space under the building. Next is the back side of Roger’s Retreat. In the fall we added a flower bed that you can see outlined by rocks; it may be hard to notice the shrubs…there are about 10. The barn looking building is covering the hole in in which the water cut offs for Rogers are housed… hopefully adding a little character to the lake road. Next you can see one of the new Well Covers on the Upper Green. Expect to see more similar structures around camp before the summer…

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Get Up

Posted by anthologycreative

Your grandma’s death. Finding out your crush likes someone else. When your dad lost his job. You didn’t get tapped out for Little Chief. Think about the last crisis in your life that caused you to shut down. How did you respond? Why doesn’t life stop just because something bad happens?

Zone in on verse 7 as you read 2 Samuel 19:5-8.

Why was David grieving?

How was David behaving toward his people?

What was wrong with David’s behavior?

What strong words did Joab offer?

What was David’s response?

When faced with life’s tragedies, do you shut down or choose to move forward? Explain.

What are some ways to move forward?

In today’s Scripture passage, David was overcome with grief that consumed him. Though Absalom’s betrayal had been painful, his death was even more overwhelming. Unfortunately, David was so lost in his sorrow that he forgot his responsibilities as king. Joab wasn’t being insensitive or cold when he told David to get up. He was just reminding the king that his duties as the ruler of Israel had not changed.

Grief can be crippling. Crisis in any form can make you numb, but the key is to move forward. Take things one breath, one step, and one day at a time. It won’t be easy; in fact, it may seem impossible at first, but with God’s loving arms around you and a support system of your brothers and sisters in Christ, you can do it.

“Now get up! Go out and encourage your soldiers, for I swear by the Lord that if you don’t go out, not a man will remain with you tonight. This will be worse for you than all the trouble that has come to you from your youth until now!” —2 Samuel 19:7

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Retro Friday: Lake Ridgecrest

Posted by phil

So it’s not a surprise that a lot about Lake Ridgecrest at Camp Ridgecrest has changed over the years. A variety of docks have been in multiple locations. We have had a dock near where Rogers is now. There was also the H-Dock where the Pavilion now sits. We had the I-Dock and the P-Dock. A wooden fence used to line part of the shore and wooden “stumps” were used almost all the way around the lake near the lake road. Below is even a picture of boys racing around the lake road. It looks as if they are standing where the entrance to our dock system now sits. Lots has changed. What do you remember? What do you see in these pictures that are different? What would you like to see a picture of?

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Camp Plyak Auction!

Posted by Karah

After last summer, camp received a monetary donation that allowed the Boy’s Camp to purchase new plyaks for summer 2011! We are proud to announce that camp received new kayaks to replace the boats that have been used for the past 20+ years. So, in order to make room for the new kayaks, Camp Ridgecrest will be auctioning off all of the remaining classic plyaks. These plyaks come AS IS, so along with your purchase of a piece of camp history, you get to take home: scratches from the boats being pulled ashore since the 70’s, small cracks made from plyaks being swamped in canoe skill, and, maybe, some GENUINE Lake Ridgecrest water! Ron will even load the kayak into your car (or he’ll just get an intern to do it). We will be accepting bids for the next month or so, and the top 10 bids will be the winners! So far, we have two bids in for $100 dollars each, so the competition for these kayaks is already well under way. The minimum bid is only $50, and all bids can be sent to All proceeds will be given to the tuition fund in order to help families pay to send their boys to Camp Ridgecrest. Bid early and bid often folks, and enter to own a piece of camp history!

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New Clothing for Summer 2011

Posted by phil

Here is a look at the New Clothing Designs for Summer 2011. If you are a camper, you should have already received an email with a link to the online clothing store. That is where you will make your purchase. The clothing will then be pulled and waiting for you to pick up on Opening Day at Camp Ridgecrest! So, check it out and let us know what you like the best below… Hover over the item to see what it’s called…

We are looking forward to an amazing summer! We still have openings at our boys camp! Join us for an unforgettable experience.

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Trust Issues

Posted by anthologycreative

What would happen if you constantly lived your life in fear? What if worry consumed your every thought and action? The answer: defeat. You would be living a defeated life, which is not what God desires for you. Uncertainty can cause fear and worry, but what counteracts those emotions?

Read 2 Samuel 15:24-26. Pay close attention to verse 26.

What was David’s reaction to his current situation?

Was he trusting God or giving into his fear and worry? Explain.

When you are faced with a life crisis, what is your response? Why?

Do you trust God to get you through it? Why or why not?

How have you exhibited trust in God during tough times?

How have you tried to fix things yourself rather than trust God during tough times?

David completely trusted God’s plan for his life. Though his future was extremely uncertain, he understood that God knew what was best. David showed great faith in his decision. He was ready to embrace whatever the Lord had in store for him.

Uncertainty is a part of life. We never know what the future holds, but we know who does. God sees the big picture and knows what is best for us. Even in hard times, you must remain strong and dependent upon God for guidance and direction. There will be times when it seems all hope is lost, but never lose faith. Hold firm to what you know is true. Trust the God who has never deserted you and never will. God has an amazing plan for your life. Trust Him to get you where He wants you.

However, if He should say, “I do not delight in you,” then here I am—He can do with me whatever pleases Him.” —2 Samuel 15:26

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Retro Friday: Canteen Moves In

Posted by phil

Many of us know the story of how the current Camp Ridgecrest Canteen was moved across Yates Ave from where is originally set as the Train Depot for Ridgecrest. Camp Ridgecrest paid a total of $1 for that building. But I’ve heard it cost a lot more to have it moved (seen below).

Yes, campers at one time simply boarded a train, saying good-bye to their parents, and began their journey to camp. It’s pretty cool to stand in this building and try to imagine the years of people who passed through the same doors, and walked on the same floors.  One of my favorite parts of the canteen is the door that we currently use as the main entrance (not in the picture below). There is at least a 2 inch dent in the floor right at that door from the years of excited campers stomping through on their way to buy a train ticket to camp, or just an RC Cola or a Cheerwine after lunch…

What are your favorite memories of the Camp Ridgecrest Canteen or the old Train Depot? Do you know any other details that you’d like to share?

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Take a Break

Posted by Karah

A couple weeks ago, we took a trip out to the Pigeon River in Tennessee to test out a Canopy Tour.  It was great to be outside again and experience something new.  We wanted to give you an idea of what is involved in a Canopy Tour in case you’ve never done it before.  It was definitely worth the trip!

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For Such A Time

Posted by anthologycreative

Think about that person in your life who stands with you through everything. Maybe it’s your best friend, a teacher, your student minister, your camp counselor, or your mom or dad. Maybe you have more than one person who fills that role. How does it feel to have these people with you through the midst of life’s storms? Take a moment to imagine how difficult it would be to weather a storm of life without those people in your life.

Read 2 Samuel 15:19-22. Don’t miss verse 21.

What was happening in these verses?

Who was Ittai?

Had he been with King David for long? Explain. (Notice verse 20.)

What did David tell him?

What was Ittai’s response to the king?

How do you think David felt when he realized he had such a loyal subject during that tough time?

What do these verses teach you about how God uses people in our lives to comfort us through times of despair?

Who is a person in your life whom you know God has placed there just for you? Take a moment and thank God for him or her.

Ittai was a foreigner, yet his devotion to David was obvious. Imagine how encouraging and comforting Ittai’s words must have been to David. When everything was going wrong, David had a friend who was willing to stand beside him through it all. Know this: God is always with you, but often, He puts other people in our lives to help carry the burdens of tough times. Look for and embrace the people He has placed in your life for tough times.

But in response, Ittai vowed to the king, “As the Lord lives and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king is, whether it means life or death, your servant will be there!” —2 Samuel 15:21

Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission.

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