It’s Worth the Effort
Posted by philThe challenge was clear at church yesterday: Do a random act of kindness for someone today. You decide to visit Mrs. Johnson, your first grade Sunday School teacher. She had a stroke and hasn’t been to church in over a year.
But it’s getting late, and you can’t find her house in the dark. Should you just forget it? After all, she didn’t know you were coming, and she may not even remember you. Is it really worth the effort?
Read 2 Samuel 9:4-6. Check out what happened in verse 6.
Why was it so important for David to find members of Saul and Jonathan’s family?
How was David’s search influenced by his past relationship with Jonathan?
How do you think Mephibosheth felt when he heard about David’s request to see him?
What was Mephibosheth’s reaction when he was brought to David?
Why was David excited to see Mephibosheth?
Have you ever consciously looked for someone to whom you could express kindness? Was it worth the effort? How did they react?
Do you usually wait until opportunities to help others come to you? Why or why not?
Is it easier for you to be kind to people you know or to people you don’t know? (For example, on a mission trip.)
David was determined to make a connection with Jonathan’s family. When he found Mephibosheth, he was excited about the opportunity he had to make a difference in the life of Jonathan’s son. Being kind to Mephibosheth took effort and David wasn’t getting anything out of it, but he still chose to honor Jonathan’s son with kindness. He was intentional. He was kind even though Mephibosheth had nothing to offer him in return. What about you? Will you become intentional about serving others?
Mephibosheth son of Jonathan son of Saul came to David, bowed down to the ground and paid homage. David said, “Mephibosheth!”
“I am your servant,” he replied. —2 Samuel 9:6
Posted in Devotions | Tagged 2 Samuel 9, Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Snow: One Reason We Are A SUMMER Camp
Posted by philWe’ve had enough snow to require 4 wheel drive to get around camp. The Lake is solid ice. We’re pretty sure you could walk across it, but we’re not willing to risk it. We did have time to make a snowman as we got out and enjoyed the snow. But in the end, we’re happy that the upstairs of the Lake Lodge has heat! The wind chill has been below zero! Enjoy the pictures… (you can click on the pics to enlarge them.)
Posted in News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest, Frozen Lake, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, snow, Snowman | Leave a reply
Sockwar: “Sockatar”
Posted by philIt’s time for another look back at the Sockwars from this summer. The first 2010 Sockwar was a beauty. If you couldn’t guess from the title, this is a play on the hit movie Avatar…but honestly, much better. Enjoy this short look back at Camp Ridgecrest from the summer 2010. Another great video by Matt Stapp.
Posted in News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Sockatar, sockwar, VLOG | Leave a reply
Pay It Forward
Posted by philA PROMISE IS A PROMISE. When David searched for the family of Saul and Jonathan, his goal wasn’t to hurt them, but rather to care for them. David and Jonathan had been dear friends, and Jonathan had even saved David’s life by telling him he was in danger—even though Jonathan’s father, King Saul, was the one who wanted David dead. During that time, Jonathan asked David to express love for his family, regardless of what happened in the future. (See 1 Sam. 20:13-17.)
Fast forward to 2 Samuel 9:1. David made a special effort to find the family of Saul and Jonathan so he could make good on Jonathan’s request and show kindness to his family. Even though Saul and Jonathan had died (1 Sam. 31:2-6), David remembered the kindness Jonathan had shown to him and was determined to pay it forward to Jonathan’s family. It would have been easy for David to conveniently forget his promise and overlook a chance to be kind to someone, but he didn’t.
What about you? Think about times when others have expressed kindness to you, not for a reward but because they cared about you. Consider situations when your parents or other family members have made an effort to do something special for you.
Kindness is a powerful way to express love to your family, friends at Camp Ridgecrest, or even a stranger. You can make someone’s day through an act of kindness. And sometimes, being kind to someone is a choice.
Make that choice today.
David asked, “Is there anyone remaining from Saul’s family I can show kindness to because of Jonathan?” —2 Samuel 9:1
Posted in Devotions | Tagged 2 Samuel 9, Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Posted by philGod’s plans are often different from ours. Let that sink in. God’s plans are often different from yours.
Are you content when others are given credit and you are forgotten? As Christians, we should be content for God to fulfill His plans however He sees fit. Are you willing to rest in God’s wisdom, power, and faithfulness?
Don’t miss verse 16 as you read 2 Samuel 7:11b-16.
What does it mean that God will build a house for David?
Who was David’s son? (Solomon)
Who was the future Son of David who would ultimately reign over God’s people forever? (The Old Testament tells us that God was faithful to His promise in the reign of Solomon and ultimately in Jesus who will reign forever and ever. See Rev. 5:13.)
God invited David to stay focused on the tasks He had called him to do and not to focus on what others were doing. Is that advice you need to hear? Why?
Although David experienced great victories in his reign as king, God had determined David’s son, Solomon, would actually build the temple. It’s easy to look at all the people around you doing great things for God and start comparing. That’s not what He asks of us. God has specific tasks for you to do. Focus on them, be obedient to do what God calls you to do and go where He leads you to go. God’s plans include you—and those who follow you. Focus on the things God calls you to do and be obedient. Your obedience will have a lasting effect.
“Your house and kingdom will endure before Me forever, and your throne will be established forever.” —2 Samuel 7:16
Posted in Devotions | Tagged Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Samuael 7, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
December’s Secret Assignment
Posted by KarahIt’s that time again! That’s right folks, December’s Secret Assignment his here and we have made things a bit more challenging than they have been in the past. This month, your picture must be taken with a NON-CAMP person. No family members allowed, but other than that, go crazy. Get famous people or your friends who don’t come to camp but should. Either way, keep up the creativity. Submissions are due Thursday, December 15th. As usual, send your pictures to RHBARNHARDT@GMAIL.COM. Have fun and good luck!
Posted in Boys, News | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, december, Secret Assignments, sharon yelling, sock war | Leave a reply
Construction Continues – Something New for 4
Posted by KarahWork on the Lower Tribe cabins continued this week, as workers quickly and skillfully put new roofs on all nine cabins under construction. The new cabins will have green metal roofs, and, so far, the results have been impressive. These new roofs will offer an element of nostalgic comfort when it rains, while adding the property protection that shingled roofs cannot. New sky lights have been installed as well; one on each pitch of the roof. These new skylights are made from corrugated, clear plastic, and allow more light in than the old skylights. They will provide enough light to eliminate the need for the lights to be on during the day. Lastly, the porches of cabins three and four are finished, and have proven to be excellent additions to both cabins. Next on the list…exterior walls get an upgrade to help protect the cabins for many more years. Check back soon for another update…
Posted in News | Tagged Cabin Restoration, Camp Ridgecrest, construction, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Let God lead. He knows what He’s doing.
Posted by philDo you ever feel like God could never use you? What characteristics do you think God looks for in those who serve Him? Do you know of any examples in the Bible or history of unlikely men and women whom God used greatly? Name a few.
Read 2 Samuel 7:8-11a, focusing on verse 9.
What about David’s past made him an unlikely hero? (Hint: notice his former job!)
What do these verses tell us about David’s accomplishments and success?
Why should this have kept David humble?
How have you seen God’s hand in your own life?
Do you acknowledge that everything good in your life is due to God’s power and mercy? Why or why not?
David needed to be reminded that he was not ultimately the one doing great things for God. God is the One who had done great things for him, like raising him up from being a poor, unknown shepherd to the greatest king in Israel’s history. Today’s passage should encourage all believers to be grateful. Like David, we cannot take credit for any good that we have done. Our victories and achievements are gifts from the Lord. Whatever we accomplish is due to God’s power working through us. God is very active in our lives. God wants to direct your life and display His glory through it. Let God’s Word remind you daily that your success is the Lord’s work. It’s not about your plans or what you can do. It’s about what He can do. Let Him have control!
“I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have destroyed all your enemies before you. I will make a name for you like that of the greatest in the land.” —2 Samuel 7:9
Posted in Devotions | Tagged 2 Samuel 7, Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by KarahWhat a great time of year we are getting into! Great food, extra time spent with friends and family, fun music, time away from school and work, and most importantly, the reminder of what God has done for us. As we were thinking of how we could best say “Happy Thanksgiving” to you, we kept coming back to our video from last year. It was just too hard to top! So here’s another look…
Posted in Boys, News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Camp Ridgecrest Thanksgiving, ridgecrest, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Ridgecrest Thanksgiving, Ridgecrest Thanksgiving Blog, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Blog, Thanksgiving Vlog | Leave a reply
Good Plans vs. God’s Plans
Posted by philThink about that time you planned to do something extraordinary, only to have it backfire on you. What happened? What did you learn?
Do you ever find that you are motivated to do something good for the wrong reason? Is this ever true in your relationship with God?
Read 2 Samuel 7:1-7, stopping to think about verse 7.
What was good about David’s plan to build God a house (temple)?
How did God respond to David’s plan?
What does God’s response say about David’s plans?
What was God’s problem with David’s plans?
David wanted to do something wonderful for God, but his plans didn’t correspond to God’s plans. When have you seen that scenario play out in your life? What happened?
We shouldn’t read this passage and think that God doesn’t want us to do great things. He does, but He wants us to do great things according to His plan and through His power and strength. Even our greatest efforts and talents are gifts from Him.
David wanted to do something good for God. He wanted to honor God by building a temple, but it was never God’s plan that David would be the king who would build the temple. David’s motives were pure, and he wanted to do a wonderful thing, but his plan didn’t match up with God’s.
The point you need to understand? You may want to do great things for God, but if He hasn’t called you to do those things, you shouldn’t be doing them. Make plans to serve the Lord, but seek His leadership, then go where He leads and do what He asks.
In all My journeys with all the Israelites, have I ever asked anyone among the tribes of Israel, whom
I commanded to shepherd My people Israel: “Why haven’t you built Me a house of cedar?” —2 Samuel 7:7
Posted in Devotions | Tagged 2 Samuel 7, Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply