He Can Handle It. Give It Up.

Posted by anthologycreative

POLICE OFFICER, TEACHER, JUDGE, principal, mom, dad, pastor, counselor. What do all these have in common? If there are some not-so-nice words that pop in your head at the thought of these people, then you should stop what you’re doing and pray about that right now. These individuals are in roles of authority. They have been granted authority over you by the state or by God.

Now think about this: when was the last time you really thought about Jesus having ultimate authority over your life?

Read over Mark 1:21-28. Pay attention to verses 25 and 26.
What are some things that jump out at you? (Feel free to take some notes in your Bible.)
 What does verse 24 reveal about Jesus?
Read through verses 25 and 26 again. Jesus’ authority was over both the physical and the spiritual. How does this encourage you?
Why is it important that Jesus taught “as one having authority” and had the power to perform miracles?

There is an Ultimate Authority to which we all are accountable. It would be easier if we recognize that sooner rather than later. The demons in this passage knew who Jesus was. His words sent them into convulsions. The point? There is power in the words of Christ and authority in His very presence. That same authority isn’t lacking from your life. The power of Christ that is over heaven and earth is the same power in you. So why do we have a problem surrendering to Him? What do you need to surrender completely to Christ today?

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Have You Ever Been Stuck Behind Spilman?

Posted by phil

Alumni Bobby and Landis New Trees behind Spilman Lodge

Alumni Work Weekend 2009 Hewitt on the Stihl Saw

Have you ever gotten your car stuck behind Spilman Lodge? To help improve traction and prevent further problems we have made some improvements to the parking are behind Spilman. We now have an outlined parking lot with additional gravel in place. This will help us accommodate more parking in this area and simply make it look more inviting! Paired with the additional trees added to hide the camp vehicles and dumpsters, this upgraded parking area will be a nice addition.

A special thanks to the Alumni who made a weekend out of this project! We had about 30 current and former campers and staff in for the weekend. We worked hard, but hung out even more. Lots of good meals in Black Mountain, some camping on the Upper Green, and even a good old campfire on the Middle Green. We missed you if you weren’t here. It was a good time.

The Alumni also helped us with a few other projects including: putting the canoes away for the winter, boarding up the side of Spilman to keep the rain out of the Dining Hall, painting the doors on the Activities Building, cleaning the gutters on the canteen, and more… We appreciate all your help! Camp couldn’t do it without you!!

Will Henderson and Philip Bebeau The Entrance Drive at Camp Ridgecrest

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You don’t have to sin.

Posted by anthologycreative

WHEN YOU’RE IN TROUBLE, to whom do you run? Whom do you ask when you need help? If you have a question, to whom do you go to find the answer?

I hope your answer is that you go to the ultimate authority for each situation. If you’re in trouble, don’t you think you should go to your parents? If you need help, your counselor, friend or parent would probably be able to lend a hand. If you’re looking for an answer, maybe you should go to an expert on the subject. But that only works if you know who the expert actually is.

Read Matthew 4:1-11 and focus on verse 7.
Look at the three temptations and the responses of Christ. With what did the Devil begin his temptation of Jesus? How did Jesus respond?
The Devil tempted Jesus with physical needs, status, and questioned Jesus’ authority as the Son of God. What does that teach us about how the Devil will tempt us?
How did Jesus respond to the Devil’s temptations? What does that teach you about how you can respond?
When Jesus used the phrase, “It is written,” what did He reveal to us?
Read verse 7. What does it say about the authority of Christ?
What do these verses teach you about the power Christ has to overcome sin and temptation? How does that affect your daily life?

You would’ve thought that the Enemy knew better than to tempt Jesus. Maybe he thought this was the only opportunity he would have to stop it before it all started. Jesus had fasted in the wilderness for 40 days, so maybe he thought this was the time. But Jesus spoke with the authority of God’s Word. He also spoke with the authority of God. When you find yourself in trouble, you simply need to run to the One with all authority. His name is Jesus.

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Remember Your Top 10 Favorite Camp Memories

Posted by phil

Everyone’s favorite Camp Ridgecrest moment is different. But here are a few clips of some of the good times you experienced this past summer. Watch, enjoy, and then share your favorite memory from 2009 in the comment box below!

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Who Is He?

Posted by anthologycreative

HAVE YOU EVER written or received a note that reads: I like you. Will you go out with me? Check yes, no, or maybe.
If you have, then you’re not alone. It seems like at some point in everyone’s life, they come across one of these notes. Some of us spend more time writing them than receiving them. If the person you send it to checks “no,” then you write one to someone else. If he or she checks “maybe,” then you at least have a chance. If he or she says “yes,” then you finally have a significant other because that person has acknowledged that they at least like you too. Don’t you think it’s good when you finally know how someone feels about you?

Read Mark 1:9-13 and reread verses 10 and 11.
How is the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) represented in this passage?
Who came down to Jesus? Who spoke to Jesus?
What did God say to Jesus? Why is this event in Jesus’ life important?
How did this experience in the life and ministry of Christ help Him in verses 12-13?

Jesus was recognized as the Son of God by God Himself. God acknowledged to everyone that He has a father-son relationship with Jesus Christ. And with that relationship comes all authority. They may not have realized who He was beforehand, but no one left that river without knowing who Jesus really was.

Have you recognized Christ as the Son of God? Without that understanding, Jesus is just another guy who dipped in the Jordan River.

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Trees Planted Behind Spilman Lodge

Posted by phil

In an effort to help hide a parking lot and our necessary but unattractive dumpsters, we started planting some new trees behind Spilman Lodge – the Dining Hall. Some of you may never notice the new addition, but there is something else you won’t notice…the ugly dumpsters! Enjoy this insight into a day in the life of a Camp Ridgecrest Intern!

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He’s Not a Superhero, But He is Powerful

Posted by anthologycreative

WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE SUPERHERO: Batman, Aquaman, Superman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, or Ron Springs? Sometimes, we think it would be nice to have superpowers. There may have even come a point in your life when you thought you actually had superpowers, but then you realized that you didn’t have any power at all. You’re not alone in that: John the Baptist realized something similar during his ministry preparing the way for Christ.

Read Mark 1:4-8 and really focus on verse 7.
What do you think John meant when he said that he was unworthy to untie Jesus’ sandals?
What made him come to that realization?
Do you think it may have been a humbling experience for John to realize that Someone was coming who was greater than he? Explain.
How would you respond if you knew someone was coming after you who had greater power than you did?

The most beautiful phrase in this passage of Scripture are the words, “I am not worthy.” John had come to a point of understanding and acknowledgement that he was no longer going to be “the man.” John knew that when Jesus came, he would move aside and let the One with the real power take over.

Do we have the same understanding of Jesus that John had? Do you know this Jesus who is the Son of God and who has all the authority of heaven? It’s easy to discount Jesus as just prophet, a good man, or a teacher with devoted followers. Many religions do. But Jesus declared Himself to be nothing less than God. John recognized early on that Jesus was no ordinary man. He is the one and only Son of God, powerful beyond measure, and able to handle whatever you throw at Him. Let Him display His power in your life.

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Out-Takes from “Did you know?” video

Posted by phil

If you haven’t seen the Did You Know video we posted last week, then please watch it first here. If you have seen it, enjoy these out-takes. If you’ve never seen Ron laugh until he cried, here is your chance. Just some of the fun times we had this past summer at Camp Ridgecrest! What is your favorite part of this video? … Comment below…

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LifeWay Trustees to Camp Ridgecrest

Posted by phil

Camp RidgecrestCamp Ridgecrest was honored to host the LifeWay trustees at camp a few days ago. The group was meeting at Ridgecrest Conference Center and made their way to the Camp Ridgecrest Pavilion for an evening picnic. Tours were given of both Camp Ridgecrest and Camp Crestridge. Trustees were seen walking around the lake with their wives enjoying the peaceful setting, relaxing in rocking chairs, and even talking business while overlooking Lake Ridgecrest. Overall, it was a beautiful evening in the mountains. We thank the trustees for everything they do for LifeWay and Ridgecrest Summer Camps!

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Did you know?

Posted by phil

A few things you may or may not have known about Camp Ridgecrest! All but one of them are true. Can you guess which one? Comment below. Hope you enjoy…

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