Best Blobs from 2011

Posted by phil

As the weather begins to warm up, my mind starts drifting to one thing…. THE BLOB! As I prepare myself for another amazing Blob Season here at Camp Ridgecrest, I have to reflect back on some of the best Blobs caught on video from last summer. Enjoy this as you begin dreaming of Summer 2012!

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Retro Friday: Lakeside and Inspection

Posted by phil

So Lakeside Chapel at Camp Ridgecrest may have a few more benches these days, but it is still the same peaceful place to hear from your counselors about the Lord. I’ve heard campers say how God has changed their life, and I’ve heard staff share their life stories with campers eagerly listening… And then there is Inspection. It’s changed a bit throughout the years, but not much. One might say that it’s a bit more relaxed these days. But overall, campers still work hard to get the lowest score possible in their Tribe. do you have any great memories from Lake Side Chapel or from Inspection in your cabin? Share them here….

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