Remember Who He Is
Posted by anthologycreativeJOEL IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE books in the Bible. Joel tells of a time that the nation of Israel messed up, and God disciplined the people. God promised that if they asked for forgiveness, He would restore them. God loves and cares for His people; He cares for you. Part of that caring is making sure you are doing the right thing. As a Christian, if you mess up, God will bring discipline, but it’s for your good. Sin is never good for us; it always has negative consequences. That is the reason God gave us His law.
Read Joel 2:21-27 and take a close look at verse 21.
God’s message to His disobedient people was to not be afraid. When have you needed to hear these words from God?
Why did Joel remind the Israelites of how God had always taken care of them in the past? How has He taken care of you in the past?
Has something bad ever turned out for your good? What happened?
How did you see God at work?
Has it made it easier to trust God in the hard times? Why?
In what areas do you struggle to trust God? How can you turn those things over to Him?
During the times of discipline or trial, God is helping you grow and is shaping you. Remember that God wants what is best for you. The Lord will do great things for you, through you, and with you, if you will trust Him. It can be hard when we have plans or ideas of our own. Sometimes we want something so much that we can’t see how it would hurt us. Remember that God knows what is best for us. He knows His plans and the future. Make sure your will lines up with His.
No matter what happened yesterday, God knows what He’s doing. Understand that it’s not too late to do what’s right, and it’s not too late for God to do something amazing.
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Joel, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply