Retro Friday: Tribe Calendars

Posted by phil

So throughout the years, the Tribal Leaders here at Camp Ridgecrest have used various means to stay organized. Now-a-days we usually use computers and calendars that link together etc… All of the calendars for the past few years are stored on my computer, to access anytime we want.  However, calendars haven’t always been a boring black and white computer screen. This particular calendar is from Steve Cothran, when he was the TL for the Mighty Arapaho Tribe. It’s fun to see some of the activities that are still done today! And it’s cool to see some of the things that we no longer do. What on this list did you do as a camper, and what have you never heard of before? If you could think back to your camper days, what was your most favorite planned activity…ever?

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Retro Friday: Riflery Skill

Posted by phil

I feel like a staple of Camp has always been learning to shoot a .22 Rifle. For a very long time, we have been teaching boys to safely and accurately shoot rifles here at Camp Ridgecrest. The rifles have changed a bit. As far as I know, they have always been a .22; does anyone remember differently? And the Riflery Range has changed a few times as well. But one thing will probably never  change. Boys love to learn how to safely shoot rifles. They love to hit the target, to hit the bulls-eye, and to get better with each lesson. Camp Ridgecrest Riflery Skill was my first opportunity to learn the proper technique of how to shoot. What about you? Tell us below what you remember…

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Retro Friday: Load em up!

Posted by phil

Perhaps the fastest way to transport a group of boys to the river, or another lake would be on the back of a flt bed truck. This mode of transportation wouldn’t exactly fly these days at Camp Ridgecrest for Boys. But it is neat to look back at the truck loads of kids having a blast at camp! Below is an old flat bed truck that camp used to tow canoes and tote people. Does anyone remember this truck, or one like it? We still have an old flat bed we use for maintenance etc. Below is also a picture of some canoes on a trailer, being pulled by the same old truck. Did these canoes stay close to Ridgecrest, or were they taken down the french broad river? If you remember a trip like this one, comment below and tell us about it.

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Retro Friday: Lake Ridgecrest

Posted by phil

So it’s not a surprise that a lot about Lake Ridgecrest at Camp Ridgecrest has changed over the years. A variety of docks have been in multiple locations. We have had a dock near where Rogers is now. There was also the H-Dock where the Pavilion now sits. We had the I-Dock and the P-Dock. A wooden fence used to line part of the shore and wooden “stumps” were used almost all the way around the lake near the lake road. Below is even a picture of boys racing around the lake road. It looks as if they are standing where the entrance to our dock system now sits. Lots has changed. What do you remember? What do you see in these pictures that are different? What would you like to see a picture of?

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Retro Friday: Lakeside and Inspection

Posted by phil

So Lakeside Chapel at Camp Ridgecrest may have a few more benches these days, but it is still the same peaceful place to hear from your counselors about the Lord. I’ve heard campers say how God has changed their life, and I’ve heard staff share their life stories with campers eagerly listening… And then there is Inspection. It’s changed a bit throughout the years, but not much. One might say that it’s a bit more relaxed these days. But overall, campers still work hard to get the lowest score possible in their Tribe. do you have any great memories from Lake Side Chapel or from Inspection in your cabin? Share them here….

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Retro Friday: House on the Middle Green

Posted by phil

One of the first private homes in Ridgecrest, NC was located on the middle green at Camp Ridgecrest for Boys. The name of the house was Hon-O-Lulu Cottage, and sat where our New Infirmary currently sits. After the house was removed long ago, there was a horse riding ring, then there was a trampoline, and finally, the outdoor Arap Chapel was located there for many years. It was a few years ago that the New Infirmary was added. If you have any specific memories about any of the things that were located on this spot, then please share below! Does anyone know any details about the house in this picture? If you have similar pictures, please share them with us!

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Retro Friday: Spilman Lodge and Morning Exercises

Posted by phil

One of the things I love the most about camp is that some things seem to always stay the same. Well, almost the same. We have made some minor modification and improvements throughout the years, but we try to hold onto the tradition that has made so many experiences life changing. We have generations within some families that have all experienced a cool morning at Camp Ridgecrest doing a “morning exercise.” Granted, one generation was doing jumping jacks, while the next generation is doing finger push-ups.

Then we have an old picture of Spilman Lodge from about 1948. You can see the original cabins located behind Spilman Lodge on the right of the picture. And you can see part of “The Green House” on the far right (looks white). Originally B.W. Spilman’s Home, it became the camp office, with additional housing and even a barber shop. The Canteen now sits where The Green House once sat.

Also, it’s interesting that the Spilman Lodge picture has a one way street  sign, pointing down hill. This is now the main entrance into Camp Ridgecrest!

If you know any additional info about these pictures or the buildings in them, please comment below!

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Retro Friday Begins

Posted by phil

After finding some old and impressive Camp Ridgecrest pictures, we have decided to share them with you! Each Friday we hope to release a few pictures from Ridgecrest Vault (located somewhere in the Lake Lodge.) If you have any old pictures you wish to add, please send them our way. You can even scan them and email them to camp! In the mean time, enjoy these historical pictures of Camp Ridgecrest!

Above you will find 2 images. The first is an aerial view of Camp. Notice the old Fidelias Lodge where the Stables now are. You can also see cabins behind Spilman where the parking lot is now. And, check out where the Canteen is today… What else do you see that is different? Comment below…

The second picture is Ron Springs first contract to serve at Camp Ridgecrest in 1976. You need to read it.

Enjoy, and check back next Friday! (Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog to have posts emailed to you!) Look on the right side of the page…

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