
Posted by anthologycreative

Who’s the most encouraging person in your life? You know, the one who reminds you of what’s really important. The one who lifts you up, prays for you, and sticks by you when you’re suffering or life is just hard. Jot down the first few names that come to mind.

Read Jeremiah 38:7-13. Think through these questions:

In these verses, who stood up for Jeremiah?

Do you think it took courage for Ebed-Melech to stand up for Jeremiah? Why or why not? What risks might he have undertaken in order to help Jeremiah?

Think about a time when you’ve felt defeated or abandoned. Who stood up for you?

Being abandoned at the bottom of a cistern was probably a spiritual low point for Jeremiah. What has been your spiritual low point? Who encouraged you in your faith during that time? What did you learn?

The Point
As a Christian, you don’t have to handle opposition or tough times on your own. In times of trial and suffering, God will provide people, His Word, and His presence to encourage you and lift you up, just like He did for Jeremiah.

Take Action
Look at that list of encouragers you created earlier. Over the next few weeks, find a way to express your appreciation to those people. Write them a Facebook message, send a note, or call them up. Just express your thanks for how they have encouraged you in your faith.

Maybe you’re not the one who’s discouraged or going through a tough time. Who do you know who needs an “Ebed-Melech” in his or her life? What steps will you take to encourage that person this week?

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Safari in North Carolina?

Posted by matt

Thats right- a safari. When we think safari we think wild beast roaming their natural habitat, free to do as they please. We think of images people only see in magazines. We think of hundreds of creatures joining together at the water hole for a cool down dip. So yeah, I’d say a tour around Camp Ridgecrest qualifies as a safari.



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Retro Friday: Fidelis Hall

Posted by anthologycreative

Fidelis Hall, better known as the “Shack” served Camp Ridgecrest for Boys well for many years. It was already on the property, being used by the Conference Center, when Camp Ridgecrest for Boys was started. Prior to 1942, when Spilman Lodge was built, the Shack was the camp’s only indoor recreation center. After Spilman was built for a dining hall, the Shack was used as staff meetings, indoor games, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics and the Sunday worship services. A movie screen rolled down from the ceiling at one end of the hall to make an ideal camp theater. This building was centrally located at the time. Now, this building would be located below the tennis courts on the grassy area by the barn, near the front gate. This picture was taken from the 1960 brochure of Camp Ridgecrest for Boys. The “green” outside the hall and surrounding the flagpole served as the site for Retreat and flag-lowering ceremonies each day at dusk. Do you remember the Shack? Comment below and tell us your stories!

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A New Hire for the Camps

Posted by phil

As of Friday March 1st, we have a new full time employee with the camps. For years people have asked us how we survived with only 1 maintenance person. With around 70 buildings, 7 vehicles, heavy equipment, 130 acres, and new projects always on the horizon, we have had our hands full. Marty Quinn has faithfully served with us for about 8 years! And now, he has some help!

Rob Wilson has served at LifeWay’s Ridgecrest Conference Center since 1998. He was currently operating as the Grounds and Water Department Manager when we hired him onto our Maintenance Team. While Rob has expertise in plumbing and operating heavy machinery, he also has experience with just about every situation that he can expect here at the Camps!

Rob grew up around Black Mountain, NC and currently lives here with his wife and 2 boys. Introduce yourself to Rob when you see him and help make him feel welcome to the Ridgecrest Summer Camps family!

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Cabin Updates!

Posted by matt


Well, it has been a while since we last discussed the progress of the cabins. A lot has be done to say the least. The Arapaho cabins have been gutted, studded and have now budded into great looking cabins. The interior has been revamped and the porches are updated and roofed. They are looking real nice about now. We went with a wooded brown with scarlet red trim to compliment as the Apache cabins inverse. Take a look for yourself at the brand spanking new cabins!


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Posted by anthologycreative

“There is always a way to be honest without being brutal.”

—Arthur Dobrin

Think about that quote as you read Jeremiah 38:1-3 in your Bible. Jeremiah had to deliver God’s word to the people and what he had to say wasn’t pleasant. Even though his job was difficult and his message was hard to deliver, Jeremiah didn’t let it stop him from speaking the truth. He knew it was more important to obey God than craft lies that would make the people happy. How is God calling you to speak or live out His truth even though it’s hard and won’t be popular? Spend some time thinking, praying, and writing about it in your journal.


Is there someone in your life who God is calling you to speak His truth to? Who? What steps will you take to do so this week.

How you speak the truth of God matters. Read Ephesians 4:11-15. How can you “speak the truth in love” to others? Also, check out Galatians 6:1. How can you restore others “with a gentle spirit”?

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Retro Friday: Camp Gate

Posted by anthologycreative

Every opening day cars line up outside the gate and excited campers gather around eagerly waiting for the gates to open. This has been true for many years now. The top picture shows the entrance into camp in 1936. Back then, camp was from July 14 – August 25. Campers came for six weeks. Charles Burts was the director of Camp Ridgecrest for Boys at this time. He was the second camp director. The bottom picture shows the camp gate nearly 20 years later. The sign in the second picture is hanging in camp. Do you know where the sign is hanging now? Comment below and share any stories or facts about the different camp gates! We’d love to know!

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Posted by anthologycreative

1 THINK ABOUT THE LAST TIME you got into trouble for something. Maybe it was at school or with your parents. Did your punishment fit the crime? Do you think your punishment was fair? Why or why not?


2 YOU’VE HEARD IT SAID—a million times—that life isn’t fair. Being a Christian doesn’t make life any more fair, either. Sometimes, as you serve the Lord, you’ll face situations and circumstances that just seem so unjust. Read Jeremiah 37:11-17 for an example.

How would you describe what happened in these verses?

Why do you think that Irijah didn’t believe Jeremiah when Jeremiah tried to explain why he was leaving Jerusalem?

Do you think Jeremiah doubted God’s goodness or character during his unfair imprisonment? Why or why not? Would you have doubted God?

Have you ever done something you knew was right or what God wanted and gotten punished for it? What happened? What did you learn? How did God use that situation to His glory? In the space below, write about that time and what God taught you.


As you follow Christ, there will be times when the world will treat you unfairly. Don’t be surprised when it happens and don’t let your circumstances cause you to question God’s goodness. God is always fair and good. He will use all things to bring glory to His name.


In these verses, Jeremiah tried to leave Jerusalem by the Benjamin Gate. The Benjamin Gate was on the north wall of the city and anyone who wanted to go to the tribe of Benjamin’s territories would have left the city by this gate. Some scholars think Jeremiah was going to inspect land he had just purchased in his hometown of Anathoth from his cousin Hanamel (Jer. 32).

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Retro Friday: Lakeside Dock

Posted by anthologycreative

Did you know that Lakeside Chapel used to have a dock? This picture was taken in the mid to late 1960’s or early 1970’s. We know this because the boy sitting in the front left of this picture is wearing one of the jersey’s that camp used to have every year. The number on the back of the jersey corresponded with the year. This dock was most used by staff during Morning Watch. Our Lakeside Chapel now has a platform with a podium for staff to use during their devotions for Morning Watch. Take a look below to see what Lakeside Chapel looks like now compared to the picture above. Comment below to let us know if you remember when Lakeside had a dock!


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The Good Fight

Posted by anthologycreative


“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time for my departure is close. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. There is reserved for me in the future the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me, but to all those who have loved His appearing.” —2 Timothy 4:6–8

When Paul wrote this letter to Timothy, he was in a Roman prison and knew that he didn’t have much time left. His trial was yet to come, but he knew acquittal was unlikely and a death sentence was all but certain. Still, he took the time to write Timothy and pass along some final advice and encouragement. The verses you read today were Paul’s summation of his life and ministry. As you read them, think about the way you’d like your life and your relationship with Christ to be described at the end of your life. In your journal, write that description as a prayer.

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