Man Skill

Posted by matt

There is one statement that gives me chills every time it makes its way into a conversation; Men of the Ridgecrest Nation. Camp Ridgecrest is alive with boys becoming men, and men becoming better men, so much so, that camp offers a Man Skill to sharpen and hone those raw qualities of a man. Here’s a little sneak peek into the infamous Man Skill.


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Support of Your Father

Posted by anthologycreative

AT THE 1992 SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES in Barcelona, Spain, British runner Derek Redmond was poised to win a medal in the 400 meters sprint. He had posted the fastest time in the first round and won his quarter final. As he prepared for the finals, Redmond probably remembered the same race four years earlier at the Olympics in Seoul, Korea, when he’d been forced to withdraw because of an injury. He was determined to finish the race this time.

But in the 1992 finals, his hamstring snapped about 250 meters from the finish line. Injured and disappointed, Redmond was determined to finish the race and began to hobble along the track, simply putting one foot in front of the other. His dad joined him on the track, and together they completed the final lap. Even though finishing was hard, painful, and exhausting, Redmond kept going. He refused to leave his race unfinished, so he continued with the support of his father.


THINK ABOUT THAT STORY as you read 2 Timothy 4:1-5. Focus on verse 5.

 How do these verses encourage you?

Reread Paul’s advice to Timothy in verse 5. How would you rewrite that advice to help you in a difficult situation you’re facing? Jot it down below.


You will face discouragement and difficulty in this life, even when you know you’re doing what God has called you to do. In those times, don’t give up! Keep doing what you’re supposed to be doing—putting one foot in front of the other—with the support of your Father.


Think of a difficult situation you’re currently facing. What steps will you take today to keep doing what God has called you to do in that situation? List three.

MEMORIZE 2 Timothy 4:5. When you feel like following God is too difficult, remind yourself of this Scripture.

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Retro Friday: Activities on Lake Ridgecrest

Posted by anthologycreative

Lake Ridgecrest is the center of Camp Ridgecrest for Boys. It was the intial step in creating a summer camp for boys back under the administration of the SBC Education Board. Lake Ridgecrest is a 15-acre man-made lake. This picture shows campers canoeing and sailing during their free time. For many years Lake Ridgecrest has been a popular activity among all tribes. The lake looks a little different now with a large dock, floating dock, two blobs, zipline and a slide. Of course we still have canoes and playaks. This summer we are excited that we will be adding paddleboards! Tell us your stories about Lake Ridgecrest! We’d love to hear from you!

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Not Alone

Posted by anthologycreative

In the previous verses, Jeremiah had been obedient and done what God had called him to do. As a result, he’d been beaten and imprisoned. When he was released, Jeremiah continued to prophesy and preach even though his words were unpopular. But staying committed and obedient to God’s call wasn’t easy, as Jeremiah’s words in Jeremiah 20:7-10 attest. Jeremiah struggled with what God had called him to do. He knew what God wanted was right, good, and perfect. But knowing that didn’t make dealing with his discouragement any easier.


Even in his darkest moments, Jeremiah seemed to remember that he was not alone in this difficult time. Read Jeremiah 20:11-13 in your Bible. Then, take some time to process what you’ve read and journal about it in the space provided. Think about a time when you realized that God had not left you alone in a difficult time. How did you feel His presence? How did knowing He had not deserted you help you deal with the situation? Jeremiah also noticed that God was powerful to act and aware of what was going on. How have you noticed the same things during your dark times? 

“Christian, remember the goodness of God in the frost of adversity.” -Charles Spurgeon

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Retro Friday: Spilman Lodge

Posted by anthologycreative

Did you know that Spilman Lodge is the largest and oldest vertical log structure east of the Mississippi River? Spilman Lodge was built in 1942 though this picture was not taken then. Spilman is one of our most popular buildings around camp. When the bugle rings for lunch kids race into Spilman to stand behind their chairs and wait for the stop, clap, clap and “Further Along”. Our campers eat, play tribal activities and have a few different skills in Spilman. We also have a large fireplace in case council ring or campfire are rained out.

We have added an extension on the front of Spilman to include a porch, complete with rocking chairs and our new skill boards, and a wing for the Sioux to be able to eat when they are in camp. Do you remember Spilman Lodge before the extension? We’d love to hear some of your stories about Spilman!

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Posted by anthologycreative

What do you complain about the most? School? Your parents? Stress? Homework?

IN YOUR JOURNAL, rank the top five things you complain about most.

 20:7-10 below. Underline all of the things Jeremiah complained about. Then, read verse 9 again in your Bible. Draw a box around it.

“You deceived me, Lord, and I was deceived. You seized me and prevailed. I am a laughingstock all the time; everyone ridicules me. For whenever I speak, I cry out, I proclaim, ‘Violence and destruction!’ because the word of the Lord has become for me constant disgrace and derision. If I say, ‘I won’t mention Him or speak any longer in His name,’ His message becomes a fire burning in my heart, shut up in my bones. I become tired of holding it in, and I cannot prevail. For I have heard the gossip of many people, ‘Terror is on every side! Report him; let’s report him!’ Everyone I trusted watches for my fall. ‘Perhaps he will be deceived so that we might prevail against him and take our vengeance on him.’” —Jeremiah 20:7–10

Why did Jeremiah keep proclaiming God’s message if it caused him such distress?

When have you felt that fire in your heart and bones and known you had to speak up for God? What did you do?

There will be times when you, like Jeremiah, struggle to continue with the mission God has called you to. During those times, let His Word and His presence in your life compel you to continue.

  • COMPEL: [verb]
    force or oblige (someone) to do something
    bring about (something) by the use of force or pressure

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Retro Friday: The Old Infirmary

Posted by anthologycreative

This picture shows what is now the old Infirmary. The date on the back says 1960, however it still looks very similar today. A major change is the white walls instead of the wood. Phil recalls the beds being removed only a few years ago. This building is now used for our Central Staff during the summer. The infirmary now is one of our newest buildings here at camp. It is also in the middle of camp for easy access. Did you ever have to spend time in the infirmary? Tell us what you remember about the “old” infirmary!

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Don’t Give Up!

Posted by anthologycreative

When Joni Eareckson Tada was 17, she suffered a diving accident that left her a quadriplegic and wheelchair-bound. Despite obvious obstacles, Joni refused to give up. She spent two years in rehabilitation, learning how to live without the use of her arms and legs. She even learned how to hold a paintbrush between her teeth to create fine art pieces. In 2010, after 44 years of quadriplegia, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She underwent surgery and took four rounds of chemotherapy. Now in remission, Joni never gave up when her life got difficult. Instead, she chose to focus on the fact that God was in control and she decided to see her difficulties as opportunities. “Trials are not just assaults to be withstood. No, trials are opportunities to be seized,” she said in a speech at a National Day of Prayer Observance in Washington, D.C., in 2011. “Life becomes inspiring, not in spite of the problems and the hard hits, but because of them.”


THINK ABOUT JONI’S STORY as your read Jeremiah 20:3-6.

What do these two stories have in common?

Jeremiah had been jailed for the things he had prophesied. Yet he went right back to proclaiming the Lord’s Word when he was released. Why?

Would you have given up if you’d been Jeremiah? Explain.
What are the discouraging situations or relationships in your life, the ones in which you’ve tried to proclaim Jesus’ message of hope, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference? Identify them and pray over them today.

Memorize Galatians 6:9. When you feel discouraged or exhausted by situations or people who don’t seem to care about Christ, recite it. Don’t give up!

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Posted by anthologycreative

“Suffering in the path of Christian obedience, with joy-because the steadfast love of the Lord is better than life (Psalm 63:3)-is the clearest display of the worth of God in our lives.
-John Piper

Think about that quote as you read 2 Timothy 1:8-12. Don’t miss verse 8! Read over it a couple of times. In your journal, write your response to these verses. You may want to write a prayer asking God to help you find joy in a specific discouraging situation you are facing.

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Retro Friday: Canteen

Posted by anthologycreative

At 3:00pm the Canteen bugle rings out across camp. Seconds later campers come running down from their hills to get their candy and soda. This picture shows canteen at what is now our dry storage building. These campers seem relaxed and happy to have their bottles of soda and ice cream. What is your favorite candy and drink that we have in canteen? Comment below and let us know!

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