Retro Friday: 1986 Brochure

Posted by anthologycreative

Retro Friday’s are usually spent looking back 60, 70 and 80 years ago. But have you ever wondered what camp was like in the 1980’s? All of our campers and the majority of our staff were not even born yet in the 80’s. Take a look at the 1986 brochure for camp. Do you notice anything different from camp now? Comment below and let us know what you like most about the brochure. Tell us your stories of camp in the 1980’s – we’d love to hear them!

Click here to see the brochure!

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The Authority

Posted by anthologycreative

Think about the last few days. What are some laws or codes of conduct you’ve chosen to obey? List as many as you can think of in your journal, or in the comment field below.

When you choose to obey a law, rule, or a person, you give them authority in your life. You allow them to determine how you will live. As believers, Scripture is supposed to have authority in our lives. Did it make your list?

• The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience • [often with infinitive ] the right to act in a specified way, delegated from one person or organization to another

• To meet the requirements of (a business order) • bring to completion or reality; achieve or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted)


Read Matthew 5:17-19 in your Bible.

What do you think it means that Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets?
What do these verses teach you about the authority Scripture should have in your life?
Does Scripture have authority in your life? Why or why not?


Behind the Story

In today’s passage, “the Law” refers to the first five books of the Old Testament and “the Prophets” is a reference to the Old Testament history books and those by the major and minor prophets. Jesus knew that His audience made the Law into a checklist of do’s and don’ts. He wanted to free them from the burden of being tied to the checklist, but He didn’t come to get rid of the Law. Jesus came to fulfill it and to make right what we couldn’t do on our own. But until it’s all said and done, the words of the Bible are ours to live by.
Take Action

Scripture is full of promises from God. But it’s also full of expectations for your Christian life. These expectations aren’t rules for the sake of rules, but rules that bring joy because of how Christ has transformed you. In your journal, list three verses from Scripture that challenge the way you live. How will you live in obedience to them this week?

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Retro Friday: Swimming

Posted by anthologycreative

Swimming has been one of the most popular activities at Camp Ridgecrest since opening it’s gates in 1929. You’ve read Retro Friday posts about Lake Ridgecrest and the different activities that are offered. But did you know that Camp Ridgecrest used to participate in swim meets? Swimmers at Camp Ridgecrest used to compete in several tournaments during the camp season, including a large four-camp meet sponsored by the Valley Athletic Association. The meets were conducted within divisions so that boys would compete only with boys of their own age and experience. A swimming trophy was awarded to the best swimmer in each division.

Though camp does not participate in swim meets anymore, we still offer campers to choose swimming as a skill. There are also multiple times each day that campers can swim during free time. Do you remember competing in the swim meets? Tell us your stories below!

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Retro Friday: The Lake Lodge

Posted by anthologycreative

Did you know that the Lake Lodge’s first summer was 1966? Many of you know the Lake Lodge well as it has a prime location in camp. Constructed of wood and native river stone, the Lake Lodge is the hub of camp. In 1966, it contained the central administrative office, assistant director’s office, pastor’s office, equipment room, clothing store, restrooms for guests and central staff living quarters. A few years later there was also a nurse’s station in the Lake Lodge.

Now the Lake Lodge is the main off-season administrative building for both boys and girls camps. During the summer the downstairs is used for the summer directors, like Program and Administrative Directors, all TL’s, and receptionists. There is also a mail room and restroom. The lobby wall’s are filled with camp session pictures dated all the way back to 1930! As you can see from this picture, not much has changed on the outside of the Lake Lodge. Do you remember when the Lake Lodge was first built? Comment below and tell us your stories!

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The Best Blobs 2012

Posted by matt

The time is coming soon fellas! Get your bathing suits ready and prepare for lift off! Check out this sweet video of the best blobs of 2012!

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Retro Friday: Packing List

Posted by anthologycreative

Did you know back in 1932 campers were asked to bring a dress suit to camp? Can you imagine our campers now having to wear a suit to church? Our campers typically wear khaki shorts and a polo to church but you will also see some in a t-shirt and gym shorts.

Campers were also asked to bring all of their sports equipment like tennis rackets and balls, baseball glove, etc. Now camp asks that campers do not bring their own sports equipment because we do not want it to get lost or ruined. We provide everything a camper could want or need in terms of sports equipment!

My favorites on this list are handkerchiefs, white ducks, and bathrobe. Does anyone know what a white duck is? I will give you a hint: it’s not an animal! Do you remember having to bring items like these to camps? Comment below and let us know! 

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Retro Friday: Baseball & Basketball

Posted by anthologycreative

Did you know that Camp Ridgecrest baseball and basketball teams used to play outside games with Camp Blue Ridge, Chimney Rock Camp and the YMCA College of Blue Ridge? Two afternoons a week were devoted to campers that wanted to play baseball. Staffers would teach campers that wanted to learn or improve their game. Games were arranged for both younger and older campers. Camp Ridgecrest found that inter-camp games were very popular and our campers showed their spirit on the field.

For campers that wanted to play basketball they could hit the court on rainy days and in the evenings. Camp Ridgecrest campers also played in a sport league and arranged outside games with other camps.

These two pictures show campers in 1931 playing baseball and basketball. Can you imagine playing basketball in long pants and a belt? Though times have definitely changed with these two sports, we find that our campers still love baseball and basketball.

Do you remember playing baseball or basketball for Camp Ridgecrest against other camps? Tell us your stories below!

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Hungry and Thirsty

Posted by anthologycreative

Let’s say you haven’t eaten much in the last few days. You’re extremely hungry and thirsty. What do you want the most and what extreme measures will you take to get it? Think of a few ideas.

When you’re really hungry and thirsty, that’s really all you can think about. And you’ll focus every bit of your energy on finding food or water. If you want something bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it.

Now, read Matthew 5:5-7. Ask yourself:

  • What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness?
  • Does that describe you? Why or why not?
  • Who in your life is a good example of hungering and thirsting
    for righteousness?

Just the Facts
To hunger and thirst for righteousness means you:

  • rest in the gift of grace, not the goodness of your abilities.
  • make God’s will your purpose all the time, not just on Sundays.
  • depend completely on God, because you know that apart from Him, there’s no righteousness to be found.
  • take each of His commands seriously.
  • make Him your priority because all other passions leave you empty inside.

“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee.”
—Saint Augustine

Going Deeper
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus mentioned righteousness five times. Those references help us better understand what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Check them out:
– Matthew 5:6
– Matthew 5:10
– Matthew 5:20
– Matthew 6:1
– Matthew 6:33

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Retro Friday: Camp Application

Posted by anthologycreative

This camp application for the 1932 season shows the simplicity of camp and life over 80 years ago. In 1932 camp tuition was $142. This application was to be filled out and mailed in with $10. Imagine all of the paperwork that the camp director and administration sorted through and filed.  The $142 tuition included everything for the full season, June 30-August 25, except laundry and horseback riding. Because of the relationship with the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board and because it was not operated for profit, Camp Ridgecrest offered maximum advantages at minimum cost, even 81 years ago!

The camp application was a simple one page that asked only basic questions. Now our application is all online to make it quicker and easier for the campers, parents and camp staff.Have you noticed that zip codes are not included on this application? They weren’t needed back then. This application also only asks two questions about the campers’ health. What do you think about this application? Do you remember filling out a paper application similar to this one? We’d love to hear your stories!

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Poor In Spirit

Posted by anthologycreative

Read Matthew 5:3-4 carefully in your Bible. Then, consider the definitions some of the key words and phrases below.

BLESSED —adjective
endowed with divine favor and protection; those who live with God in heaven.

people who depend only on him (CEV); who realize their spiritual poverty (NCV); those who know there is nothing good in themselves (NLV)

those people who grieve (CEV); when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you (MSG); those who have sorrow (NLV)

The Point
It’s an unavoidable truth: to be a follower of Christ, you must be “poor in spirit” (admit your need for God) and mourn over sin and its consequences. If you don’t, you can’t have a right relationship with God.

What that does and doesn’t mean:

Sin bothers you but doesn’t defeat you.

You’re happy because God is awesome, not because you are.

You are content because heaven is yours, not because your life on earth is so satisfying.

You readily admit your sin—and God’s grace, not legalism, compels you to do so.

Take some time to think over what this verse really means. By the definitions, are you poor in spirit?

Are you someone who grieves over sin? What does it really mean to say you’re blessed today? Pour out your thoughts and feelings to God. Use your journal to record them or your prayer.

• excessive adherence to law or formula
(theology) the doctrine that salvation is gained through good works; the judging of conduct in terms of adherence to precise laws.

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