The Dark Sock Rises…
Posted by mattThe ending of a series, but the beginning of a war. Sock war. The Dark Knight once again lent his hand in the battle of good and evil in this blockbuster sock war, The Dark Sock Rises. Check out this little recap of the caped crusader at it once again!
Posted in Boys, News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, VLOG | Leave a reply
The 2013 Tribal Leaders
Posted by mattAPACHE: ZACK AYERS
A.K.A. LC Sensible Stoat! He will be a senior at James Madison University and this is going to be his tenth summer at Camp Ridgecrest (count ’em)! One of his favorite things about camp are the friendships you make – no matter where you are in life. He has big plans on teaching the Apache brethren how to be serious warriors for Christ and be the great, hairy chested me they truly are!
Some call him Brandon, but around here he goes by Chief Intense Timberwolf. He comes all the way from Indiana where he is a Junior at The Indiana State Univeristy “Home of the Sycamores”. He is a full time student where he is studying to be an elementary school teacher. This will be his 12th year at camp… so the man knows camp. He is pumped about the fact that strangers come to camp and grow together worshiping the same awesome God. Get ready folds, he already has big plans for SubWars and the crazy cool Shawnee Nation.
Chief Riotous Orangutan is back as your Choctaw TL for this summer! He is a senior dawg at Mississippi State University, and this will be his 4th summer at camp. He has served as a Choctaw Counselor for two years and then Choctaw TL for one. This summer he will start up another Civil War on Choctaw Hill while other tribes stay jealous. However, he most excited to see Jesus begin transforming and keep transforming lives through the Holy Spirit’s work at camp. We are mighty! We are raw!
This will be his 3rd summer at Camp Ridgecrest (although first as a TL). He has been a Choctaw Counselor for the past two summers, but this year he is changing it up! Right now, he is a senior at Mid America Baptist Theological Seminary in Memphis Tennessee. Dean has made it one of his goals to take down the Sioux 4 out of 4 times in the Arapaho vs. Sioux Ultimate Frisbee game. How will the Araps fare? We shall see…
Chief Temperate Rhino bringing up the rear from Greenville, South Carolina and graduate of the Clemson University (Go Tigers!). God has brought him back for a seventh summer at camp to keep blazing trails with the Sioux. His favorite thing about camp is how evident the presence of God is and can be witnessed in the many relationships and interactions between new and former campers and staffers. He plans on bringing his “A” game for the Sioux-Arap frisbee game and refuses to lose. This year’s games will definitely be some for the history books.
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Retro Friday: Rogers’ Retreat
Posted by anthologycreativeThese pictures are taken from the 1960 brochure, camp’s 32nd season. Rogers’ used to be the campers’ lounge. It is the closest building to Lake Ridgecrest with an exceptional view! Rogers is a two story rock building with staff living quarters upstairs and a beautiful patio extending out to the lake. Downstairs there is a fireplace with chairs to relax. Campers can read, play chess or checkers, or use the prayer room for personal quiet meditation.
Now, Rogers’ Retreat is used as a staff lounge. A few of our female staffers live upstairs. Rogers’ is still the building with the best location – right on the lake. Campers are not allowed in Rogers’ Retreat except those campers being tapped out for the Little Chief test. The test starts with the charge being read in Rogers’ and staff gathering to give advice and pray for those Little Chief candidates.
Do you remember hanging out in Rogers’ when it was a camper lounge? Tell us your stories below!
Posted in Boys, News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest Alumni and Friends, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Retro Friday, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
You Are Precious To God
Posted by anthologycreative
“Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent. But even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So don’t be afraid therefore; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
—Matthew 10:29–31
Think about it
Read Matthew 10:26-31 in your Bible. Jesus told the disciples that His followers would face opposition as they chose to obey and follow God. So will you. When you do, take Jesus’ advice: don’t be afraid. Trust that you are precious to God, and He is in control.
Take Action
In what ways do you doubt that you are worth much to God? Honestly express those fears to Him today.
In what areas of your life are you facing opposition to really living out your faith? What steps will you take this week to trust those areas to God and actively believe that He is in control?
What are you afraid to turn over to God, fearful that He can’t be trusted or that He will not replace it with something infinitely better? Turn it over to God today!
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Matthew 10, Reprinted from ec magazine. © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission., Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Retro Friday: The Lodge
Posted by anthologycreativeDid you know that Camp Ridgecrest for Boys used to have a building called “The Lodge”? When most people hear “The Lodge” they think of Camp Crestridge. However, this picture in the 1932 brochure shows one of the most central buildings in camp at the time. The Lodge was an eight room house. As you can see it was a two story house that had great porches where you could stand and see most of the activities going on around camp. The camp offices, nurses station and canteen were all located in the Lodge.
Camp has spread out more since 1932 and we now have separate buildings for all three of those things. The offices are now located across from the lake in what we call the “Lake Lodge”. In 2009 a new infirmary was built to better serve our campers in a more central location. Our canteen building, the “Depot” is the old Ridgecrest train station. The Depot is now in the location similar to where the Lodge was in the picture.
Do you remember the Lodge? We love to hear your stories about camp in past years. Comment below to tell us!
Posted in Boys, News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest Alumni and Friends, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Retro Friday, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
What Could Happen If…
Posted by anthologycreativeWhat could happen if . . .
➤ you break your curfew?
➤ you don’t study for the big test?
➤ you talk during council ring?
In our society, and at camp, there are rules and laws set up to protect us from danger, injury, or pain. We can choose to obey them or ignore them, but there will be consequences.
Read Jeremiah 38:19-23.
What were the choices Jeremiah presented to King Zedekiah?
What were the consequences of each of those choices?
How do you face similar opportunities to obey or disobey God every day? What opportunities have you had today?
Do you think that as Christians, we’re still called to proclaim a similar message when we share the gospel? Why or why not?
The Point
Like King Zedekiah, every person will face a simple choice in their lives: surrender to Christ and gain eternal life, or rebel against Him and face eternity in hell.
Take Action
Have you responded to the gospel? If you have not given Christ control of your life, you are not a Christian and do not have eternal life. Read “Do you really know God?” on page 4 for more information on how to become a Christian.
If you are a Christian, who in your life needs to know about the hope the gospel provides? What steps will you take this week to be God’s ambassador to those who need to hear God’s message of forgiveness?
Going Deeper
Explore the passages below for other models of sharing the gospel:
– Acts 17:16-34
– Colossians 4:5-6
– 1 Peter 3:15
“One act of obedience is better than one hundred sermons.”
—Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Behind the Story
Surrender is an interesting word. In Zedekiah’s case, to surrender to the Babylonians was a sign of humility. It would have been a sign of remorse and repentance. If Zedekiah surrendered it would be as if he were admitting on behalf of the entire nation that they had sinned against God and deserved the punishment.
When you surrender your life to Christ, you admit much the same thing. To surrender your life to Jesus is to admit you are a sinner, that only Jesus can save you, and to give Him absolute control of your life.
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Jeremiah 38, Reprinted from ec magazine. © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission., Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Retro Friday: Canoeing
Posted by anthologycreativeCampers have enjoyed canoeing for many years at Camp Ridgecrest for Boys. This picture is taken from the 1932 brochure. It shows four canoes racing down the French Broad River. Campers staying the entire camp season were given the opportunity to take a canoe trip. This trip was one of the high-lights of camp. It was a 60-mile overnight trip. The canoes and boys were transported by truck 30 miles from Asheville to their destination. The French Broad River where they were dropped off was not dangerous or deep but provided much excitement and thrills. The canoe trip also provided the boys with incomparable mountain scenery and a view of the Vanderbilt home and Biltmore Estate. Did you ever take a canoe trip with Camp Ridgecrest? Tell us about it below!
Posted in Boys, News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest Alumni and Friends, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Retro Friday, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Something New Is Coming…
Posted by philOK, so maybe we went a little overboard. But what can we say, we got excited! Watch this…something new is coming…. and I think you are going to like it… We will announce what it is on May 1st.
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Be Bold!
Posted by anthologycreativeA superhero, police officer, and an army ranger. What do all three have in common?
The answer? All three display great courage and boldness. In the movies, superheroes courageously do what everyone else is scared to do. The Army Rangers are elite members of the U.S. Army who have displayed great courage and boldness. Police officers often face difficult situations in which they have to be daring, valiant, and brave.
As Christians, courage and boldness should also be traits in our lives. Read Jeremiah 38:14-18 to learn more. Ask yourself:
How did Jeremiah exhibit courage and boldness in this passage?
What would you have done or said if you had been Jeremiah? Why?
Jeremiah must have felt like he was in a “no-win” situation. When you’ve been in “no-win” situations that called for you to be bold about your faith, what did you do? Why? What did you learn?
It’s easy to say that you’ll be bold for Christ when you’re not in the middle of a “no-win” situation. But Jeremiah proved his trust in God was more than just talk—and when he faced a scary situation, he delivered a message that could probably lead to his execution. Take some time to process that today. In what areas of your life could you use a little more boldness or courage to stand up for Christ? As you think or pray over that, jot down your thoughts and prayers in your journal. Express your fears, concerns, and desire to boldly follow Christ.
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
—Winston Churchill
BOLD— adjective
– (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous
– (of a color or design) having a strong or vivid appearance
– the ability to do something that frightens one
– strength in the face of pain or grief
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Jeremiah 38, Reprinted from ec magazine. © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission., Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Retro Friday: Swimming Pool
Posted by anthologycreativeDid you know that Camp Ridgecrest for Boys used to have a swimming pool? This picture was taken from the 1933 camp brochure. As you can imagine, the swimming pool was a very popular place at camp. The schedule in 1933 was very similar to the schedule at camp now. The boys were given time twice a day for swimming. This picture shows a concrete swimming pool which was fed from the lake. The pool was a place for testing boys that learned to swim before camp and for teaching beginners. The campers were not allowed to swim in the lake until they had passed a rigorous test in the swimming pool first. Today this area is known as Apache circle. The cabin shown in the picture is cabin 1. Do any of you remember the swimming pool at camp? Comment below and tell us your stories!
Posted in Boys, News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest Alumni and Friends, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Retro Friday, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply