Hard Work

Posted by anthologycreative

Hard Work
Read This Passage: Proverbs 13:8-11

jump-inWealth obtained by fraud will dwindle, but whoever earns it through labor will multiply it. —Proverbs 13:11

A FEW MONTHS ago, I went to work for a marketing firm. The job was much different than they let on during the interview process. As it turned out, the owner of the company was using unethical techniques to obtain employees. He did this because he was able to make money off of people working for him.

In today’s world, many people don’t want to work to earn their living. They’d rather do whatever is easiest, even if it’s fraud or something that’s not quite illegal, but not right either.

In today’s passage, God told us that wealth obtained by fraud will “dwindle.”  For months the owner of the company I worked for made a great deal of money through fraud and dishonesty. Then everything fell apart. The owner lost his business and his income.

In this world, there’s an obvious need for money to survive. But ask yourself just how important money and riches are. In terms of eternity, are they worth lying and cheating to obtain?
God has called us to earn our living, and sometimes that’s hard work. But He respects and blesses that. In the end, it’s worth it.

Father, help me make decisions in my life that reflect You. Keep me accountable for my actions.

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Hard Work

Posted by anthologycreative

Hard Work
Read This Passage: Proverbs 13:8-11

campcrestridge_14Wealth obtained by fraud will dwindle, but whoever earns it through labor will multiply it. —Proverbs 13:11

A FEW MONTHS ago, I went to work for a marketing firm. The job was much different than they let on during the interview process. As it turned out, the owner of the company was using unethical techniques to obtain employees. He did this because he was able to make money off of people working for him.

In today’s world, many people don’t want to work to earn their living. They’d rather do whatever is easiest, even if it’s fraud or something that’s not quite illegal, but not right either.

In today’s passage, God told us that wealth obtained by fraud will “dwindle.”  For months the owner of the company I worked for made a great deal of money through fraud and dishonesty. Then everything fell apart. The owner lost his business and his income.

In this world, there’s an obvious need for money to survive. But ask yourself just how important money and riches are. In terms of eternity, are they worth lying and cheating to obtain?
God has called us to earn our living, and sometimes that’s hard work. But He respects and blesses that. In the end, it’s worth it.

Father, help me make decisions in my life that reflect You. Keep me accountable for my actions.

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Free for All

Posted by anthologycreative

Free for All
Read This Passage: Proverbs 11:24-26

campcrestridge_11One person gives freely, yet gains more; another withholds what is right, only to become poor. —Proverbs 11:24

AS I STOOD in that foreign country, my ears full of indecipherable language, my North American view on life began to deteriorate. There I stood, sweating in the 100 degree heat of the Nicaraguan jungle, reevaluating every idea I’d ever had about wealth. I thought I understood poverty, but I didn’t really, not until I went to Nicaragua and met people living in it. I was in the heart of one of the poorest countries on the globe, meeting people who had nothing. And it was there that I met some truly rich people.

In Nicaragua, I met people who -literally had nothing. Many didn’t know where their next meal would come from. Though most had next to nothing, they lovingly offered our mission team what they did have. These people who had so little wanted to give it to us, who had so much.

As Christians, that spirit of generosity should also characterize us. As today’s key verse says, when we give freely to others, whether we have a lot or a little, we gain. We have a peace that we know we’ve done what is right and satisfaction that we’ve allowed God to work through us. When we don’t give and know it’s right to do so, we only rob ourselves.

Father, renew my heart and redefine wealth for me. I thank You for all I have, and what I have, I offer to You.

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Free for All

Posted by anthologycreative

Free for All
Read This Passage: Proverbs 11:24-26

kayaksOne person gives freely, yet gains more; another withholds what is right, only to become poor. —Proverbs 11:24

AS I STOOD in that foreign country, my ears full of indecipherable language, my North American view on life began to deteriorate. There I stood, sweating in the 100 degree heat of the Nicaraguan jungle, reevaluating every idea I’d ever had about wealth. I thought I understood poverty, but I didn’t really, not until I went to Nicaragua and met people living in it. I was in the heart of one of the poorest countries on the globe, meeting people who had nothing. And it was there that I met some truly rich people.

In Nicaragua, I met people who -literally had nothing. Many didn’t know where their next meal would come from. Though most had next to nothing, they lovingly offered our mission team what they did have. These people who had so little wanted to give it to us, who had so much.

As Christians, that spirit of generosity should also characterize us. As today’s key verse says, when we give freely to others, whether we have a lot or a little, we gain. We have a peace that we know we’ve done what is right and satisfaction that we’ve allowed God to work through us. When we don’t give and know it’s right to do so, we only rob ourselves.

Father, renew my heart and redefine wealth for me. I thank You for all I have, and what I have, I offer to You.

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Treasure Hunt

Posted by anthologycreative

Treasure Hunt
Read This Passage: Luke 12:31-34

campcrestridge_10For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. —Luke 12:34
MILLION DOLLAR HOUSES. Expensive fashion trends. Pricey cars and electronics. In today’s world many of us seem to be in love with the idea of more. We want more stuff, more money, more popularity.

There’s nothing wrong with having nice things or working hard and saving to get something you want. But there is a problem when this stuff—material, earthly things—becomes the treasure in your life. We can have all the money in the world, but if our bank accounts are where we store our treasure, our hearts have a zero balance.

I have learned recently what it means to be without. I found myself scrounging for enough money to pay my rent, yet I felt blessed because I learned what it really means to completely rely on God. Putting an emphasis on worldly treasures got me nowhere, but as I focused on God’s kingdom, everything fell into place.

Know this: the things God values aren’t the same as the things the world values. And He knew we’d have a problem wrapping our brains around His idea of treasure, so He explained it in today’s passage. God’s treasure isn’t tied up in money and bank accounts. God’s treasure is about the things He values: His love, eternal life, salvation, the gospel, mercy, and grace. And God’s kind of treasure can’t be destroyed or taken away from you.

Luke 12:34 contains a clear message about the insignificance of worldly wealth. The things we possess in this lifetime eventually rot away like everything else. When we trust in Jesus, we are setting ourselves up for eternity and storing up -treasures in a safer place.

Real Choices
Where do you store your treasure? Only you and God know the answer to that. Take some time to evaluate what is important to you.

Digging Deeper
Sometimes our desire for more isn’t a question of overindulgence, but true need for something we don’t have. Maybe your family struggles to pay rent and other bills. That can be scary. Take a look at Matthew 6:31-34 and find comfort in the love your Savior has for you.

Father, help me to focus on You and not the treasures of this world. Help me to seek after Your kingdom and Your will as You fulfill Your Word by adding the rest of things I need.

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Treasure Hunt

Posted by anthologycreative

Treasure Hunt
Read This Passage: Luke 12:31-34

mountainbikeFor where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. —Luke 12:34
MILLION DOLLAR HOUSES. Expensive fashion trends. Pricey cars and electronics. In today’s world many of us seem to be in love with the idea of more. We want more stuff, more money, more popularity.

There’s nothing wrong with having nice things or working hard and saving to get something you want. But there is a problem when this stuff—material, earthly things—becomes the treasure in your life. We can have all the money in the world, but if our bank accounts are where we store our treasure, our hearts have a zero balance.

I have learned recently what it means to be without. I found myself scrounging for enough money to pay my rent, yet I felt blessed because I learned what it really means to completely rely on God. Putting an emphasis on worldly treasures got me nowhere, but as I focused on God’s kingdom, everything fell into place.

Know this: the things God values aren’t the same as the things the world values. And He knew we’d have a problem wrapping our brains around His idea of treasure, so He explained it in today’s passage. God’s treasure isn’t tied up in money and bank accounts. God’s treasure is about the things He values: His love, eternal life, salvation, the gospel, mercy, and grace. And God’s kind of treasure can’t be destroyed or taken away from you.

Luke 12:34 contains a clear message about the insignificance of worldly wealth. The things we possess in this lifetime eventually rot away like everything else. When we trust in Jesus, we are setting ourselves up for eternity and storing up -treasures in a safer place.

Real Choices
Where do you store your treasure? Only you and God know the answer to that. Take some time to evaluate what is important to you.

Digging Deeper
Sometimes our desire for more isn’t a question of overindulgence, but true need for something we don’t have. Maybe your family struggles to pay rent and other bills. That can be scary. Take a look at Matthew 6:31-34 and find comfort in the love your Savior has for you.

Father, help me to focus on You and not the treasures of this world. Help me to seek after Your kingdom and Your will as You fulfill Your Word by adding the rest of things I need.

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Whatever You Say

Posted by anthologycreative

Whatever You Say
Read This Passage: Proverbs 26:23-28

new-chapelA lying tongue hates those it crushes, and a flattering mouth causes ruin. —Proverbs 26:28

GOD DOESN’T HOLD anything back, does He? Verses like Proverbs 26:28 cut straight to the heart. The point is clear. Lies and flattery will never accomplish God’s purposes in our lives. They will only bring problems, pain, and in the end, they’ll ultimately bring ruin.

Proverbs 26:28 is today’s key verse for a reason. You’ve read a lot of devotions about the power of the things you say this week. The point of all this is that you understand this important truth: to live life successfully God’s way, your words matter. Scripture tells us that nothing good comes from lying, and false flattery sabotages trust and leads to ruin. Our words shouldn’t hide thinly veiled deception.

God has called us to live a life of truth. Sometimes, that truth hurts. But when we look at ourselves honestly, we will be more real with Him and with those we care about.

It’s so easy to build a world of lies around us. We tell small lies to our parents, our teachers, and our friends. And we think that’s OK because they’re just little lies. Not really even lies—we just make things sound a little better than they are. Or we make them sound a little worse than they were, so that we come off looking better.

God doesn’t let us off the hook so easily though. He looks right through us and sees what we say as truth or lies with no middle ground. As Christians, truthfulness is supposed to be a characteristic of our lives and our speech. Does it characterize you? What about your words?

You may know someone with whom you’ve not been honest. Has God put it on your heart to go and tell that person the truth? What will you do?

Real Choices
To whom do you need to tell the truth? Are you willing to step up and be honest in your relationships regardless of the cost? How have lying and false flattery affected your life?

Digging Deeper
Read John 14:6. Who is described as the truth in this verse? How important is the truth in your life?

Ask God to show you areas of your life that lack truth. Seek to know what He would have you do about those areas.

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Whatever You Say

Posted by anthologycreative

Whatever You Say
Read This Passage: Proverbs 26:23-28

campcrestridge_9A lying tongue hates those it crushes, and a flattering mouth causes ruin. —Proverbs 26:28

GOD DOESN’T HOLD anything back, does He? Verses like Proverbs 26:28 cut straight to the heart. The point is clear. Lies and flattery will never accomplish God’s purposes in our lives. They will only bring problems, pain, and in the end, they’ll ultimately bring ruin.

Proverbs 26:28 is today’s key verse for a reason. You’ve read a lot of devotions about the power of the things you say this week. The point of all this is that you understand this important truth: to live life successfully God’s way, your words matter. Scripture tells us that nothing good comes from lying, and false flattery sabotages trust and leads to ruin. Our words shouldn’t hide thinly veiled deception.

God has called us to live a life of truth. Sometimes, that truth hurts. But when we look at ourselves honestly, we will be more real with Him and with those we care about.

It’s so easy to build a world of lies around us. We tell small lies to our parents, our teachers, and our friends. And we think that’s OK because they’re just little lies. Not really even lies—we just make things sound a little better than they are. Or we make them sound a little worse than they were, so that we come off looking better.

God doesn’t let us off the hook so easily though. He looks right through us and sees what we say as truth or lies with no middle ground. As Christians, truthfulness is supposed to be a characteristic of our lives and our speech. Does it characterize you? What about your words?

You may know someone with whom you’ve not been honest. Has God put it on your heart to go and tell that person the truth? What will you do?

Real Choices
To whom do you need to tell the truth? Are you willing to step up and be honest in your relationships regardless of the cost? How have lying and false flattery affected your life?

Digging Deeper
Read John 14:6. Who is described as the truth in this verse? How important is the truth in your life?

Ask God to show you areas of your life that lack truth. Seek to know what He would have you do about those areas.

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Fueling the Fire

Posted by anthologycreative

Fueling the Fire
Read This Passage: Proverbs 26:20-22

pyramidWithout wood, fire goes out; without a gossip, conflict dies down. —Proverbs 26:20

FIRE CAN BE an incredible thing. It can warm you up when you’re cold. It can be beautiful to watch as it sparkles in the darkness. It can be fun to just sit and watch as the embers drift toward the sky.

Yet, if you’re not careful, a fire can easily get out-of-control. Let a few embers drift to a dry spot, and before long you have a fire that’s consuming everything around it. All of a sudden what once seemed enjoyable is destructive and scary. In the end, it will leave damage that may take a very long time to repair, if it can be repaired at all. Fire is not something to play with. Fire has a lot of power, and power can become destructive.
Gossip is just like a fire. Oh sure, it may seem innocent and fun at first, but before long, we’ve spoken words that we cannot take back. Gossip hurts people, damages reputations, breaks the community in a cabin, and breaks trust.

Just as Proverbs 26:20 points out, a fire will go out if there is nothing to fuel it. Gossip works the same way. If there is no one there to keep pushing the rumors, feeding the desire, or otherwise fanning the flames, gossip will die down, and so will the conflict and destruction that go along with it.

Today’s key verse points out that we have an active role in stopping this destructive cycle of gossip and conflict. We can choose not to fuel the fire; we can choose to keep our mouths shut!

Choosing to not participate in gossip, walking away, or even confronting those who are gossiping can be tough. You may face ridicule or even rejection from those you count as friends. Yet, when you do what God’s told you to do, He will bless you. You will grow in your walk with Him, and you’ll be a better friend.

Real Choices
Will you choose to follow God’s leading when you hear others participating in gossip? Why or why not?

Digging Deeper
Read John 21:20-23. Even Jesus’ disciples struggled with gossip. Can you find any other examples of gossip and how we should deal with it in His Word?

Take time to confess any gossip you have participated in. Ask God to show you what He would have you do and to help you stand strong when faced with opportunities to participate in gossip.

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Fueling the Fire

Posted by anthologycreative

Fueling the Fire
Read This Passage: Proverbs 26:20-22

campcrestridge_8Without wood, fire goes out; without a gossip, conflict dies down. —Proverbs 26:20

FIRE CAN BE an incredible thing. It can warm you up when you’re cold. It can be beautiful to watch as it sparkles in the darkness. It can be fun to just sit and watch as the embers drift toward the sky.

Yet, if you’re not careful, a fire can easily get out-of-control. Let a few embers drift to a dry spot, and before long you have a fire that’s consuming everything around it. All of a sudden what once seemed enjoyable is destructive and scary. In the end, it will leave damage that may take a very long time to repair, if it can be repaired at all. Fire is not something to play with. Fire has a lot of power, and power can become destructive.
Gossip is just like a fire. Oh sure, it may seem innocent and fun at first, but before long, we’ve spoken words that we cannot take back. Gossip hurts people, damages reputations, breaks the community in a cabin, and breaks trust.

Just as Proverbs 26:20 points out, a fire will go out if there is nothing to fuel it. Gossip works the same way. If there is no one there to keep pushing the rumors, feeding the desire, or otherwise fanning the flames, gossip will die down, and so will the conflict and destruction that go along with it.

Today’s key verse points out that we have an active role in stopping this destructive cycle of gossip and conflict. We can choose not to fuel the fire; we can choose to keep our mouths shut!

Choosing to not participate in gossip, walking away, or even confronting those who are gossiping can be tough. You may face ridicule or even rejection from those you count as friends. Yet, when you do what God’s told you to do, He will bless you. You will grow in your walk with Him, and you’ll be a better friend.

Real Choices
Will you choose to follow God’s leading when you hear others participating in gossip? Why or why not?

Digging Deeper
Read John 21:20-23. Even Jesus’ disciples struggled with gossip. Can you find any other examples of gossip and how we should deal with it in His Word?

Take time to confess any gossip you have participated in. Ask God to show you what He would have you do and to help you stand strong when faced with opportunities to participate in gossip.

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