Strength Under Control

Posted by Karah


Mull over this quote to begin your time with God today:

“Our identity rests in God’s relentless tenderness for us revealed in Jesus Christ.”
—Brennan Manning

Read Matthew 5:5 in your Bible. Underline what this verse says will happen to those who are gentle.

“The gentle are blessed, for they will inherit the earth.”

—Matthew 5:5

In today’s world, gentleness is often considered a weakness. But in today’s Scripture passage, the word gentle carries the connotation of strength under control. Think through these questions:

Think of what you know about Jesus and the way He interacted with people during His earthly ministry. How did He display strength under control?

Think about the most gentle Christian you know. How do you see that person submitting his or her life to the Holy Spirit’s control? Explain.

Matthew 5:5 pictures believers who have submitted every part of their lives to Jesus’ control. Their lives are characterized by humility, courteousness, self-control, and a tender, compassionate nature. Does that describe you? Why or why not?

Who is in control of your strength? How do you know? Explain.


Consider how your understanding of gentleness has changed since studying it today.

In what ways are you still struggling to submit every part of your life to the lordship of Jesus? In your journal, make a list of reasons He deserves full control of your strength, then spend some time in prayer, asking Him to help you thoroughly submit to Him.

How has Jesus been gentle toward you? Ask God to help you recall all the times He has been mercifully gentle with you. Praise Him for each instance. Be specific in your praise!

Behind the Story

A gentle person is not a weak person, but rather a person whose strength is harnessed and focused. The term describes those who are powerful, but who have the maturity and grace to use their power for constructive rather than destructive purposes. Matthew 5:5 also echoes Psalm 37:11 in which the gentle are those who stubbornly trust God and surrender to His authority even when they cannot make sense of their circumstances.

The Point

Kingdom citizens are gentle and focused on Christ.

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A Whole Heart

Posted by Karah


Prepare your heart by listening to the song “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” by Jadon Lavik (I Have Decided to Follow Jesus [Single], 2011).

Think about a homework assignment, chore, or task you recently completed halfheartedly. What words might describe how you worked? Why did you put so little effort into it? Journal a few thoughts.

With that in mind, read Luke 9:57-62 in your Bible.

“But Jesus said to him, ‘No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’” —Luke 9:62

Ask yourself:

After reading these verses, can a true disciple live a life characterized by halfhearted faith? Explain your answer.

What does wholehearted commitment to Christ look like?

Look at the excuses the people gave in this passage for not wholeheartedly committing to Jesus. What excuses do you give for halfhearted commitment? What things do you allow to get in the way of obedience?

Why is it important to understand that faith in Jesus is more than just a simple statement of belief? What do your actions and the way you live your life have to do with it? Explain.


Following Jesus is much bigger than marking off an item on a checklist or going to a weekly event at church. Jesus wants control of every part of your life.

Evaluate your life. In what ways does your life demonstrate a wholehearted commitment to Jesus? If the Holy Spirit reveals areas marked by a lack of commitment or obedience, confess them immediately. Admit to Jesus once again how much you need Him in every area of your life.

What steps will you take this week to follow your commitment with action? List two or three in the comments below.

The way you live out your faith is a witness to those around you. When people see that you truly believe Jesus deserves your wholehearted commitment, they will want to know more about the Savior you serve. Ask Jesus to remind you of this truth daily.

For further study, read Mark 8:34-38; Luke 14:25-33; Galatians 2:19-21; and Philippians 3:7-11.

Behind the Story

It may seem harsh that Jesus would tell a potential disciple to “let the dead bury their own dead.” But it’s most likely that this man’s father had not died yet. After all, would he be sitting around having a conversation with Jesus if his father was waiting to be buried? Ultimately, this man was procrastinating on following Jesus until a much later date.

The Point

Jesus calls His followers to wholehearted commitment.

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Bring Someone with You

Posted by Karah


Thank God for how He is transforming you. Ask Him to give you a heart for those who need to know Jesus.

The last few weeks, you’ve learned that Jesus’ followers are transformed by the Holy Spirit, called to a new way of life, and humbly aware that their salvation is found in Christ—not their own merit, effort, or good works. Today, you’ll learn another important truth about disciples: they bring people to Jesus. Read John 1:35-42 in your Bible.

“He first found his own brother Simon and told him, ‘We have found the Messiah!’ (which means “Anointed One”),  and he brought Simon to Jesus. When Jesus saw him, He said, ‘You are Simon, son of John. You will be called Cephas’ (which means “Rock”).” —John 1:41-42


Next to each quote below, record why it was an important step in the process of Andrew bringing Simon to Jesus:

“followed Jesus” (v. 37)-

“Rabbi, where are you staying?” (v. 38)-

“stayed with Him that day” (v. 39)-

“found his own brother” (v. 41)-

“brought Simon to Jesus” (v. 42)-
Andrew met the Messiah and couldn’t keep the good news to himself. Who has been an Andrew in your life? How?
Andrew didn’t try to reason or argue his brother into believing. He simply invited Peter to come and see. What might be some ways we could invite people to come and experience Jesus for themselves?

Think about the people who have been Andrews in your life. Thank God for each one. Consider thanking those people personally.

Who are the people in your life who need to experience Jesus? Pray for each one by name, asking God for opportunities to share your hope in Christ.

Sharing your faith isn’t about browbeating, arguing, or using guilt to force someone to accept Jesus’ invitation. It’s about presenting Jesus and trusting the Holy Spirit to do the work of changing hearts. Ask God to prepare peoples’ hearts and give you the opportunity to talk to them about Jesus.

For further study, read Matthew 28:16-20 and Mark 2:1-12.

Behind the Story

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are known as the Synoptic Gospels (“synoptic” means “seen together” or “seen with”). These three Gospels tend to view Jesus’s life and ministry from the same angle. John approached the story from an entirely different angle and uses a very different writing style than the other Gospels. Earlier this week in Mark 1, we studied Jesus calling Andrew and Simon as they were fishing. Many scholars believe that the event in Mark and the one in John’s Gospel describe two separate events with John recounting the disciples’ conversion and Mark recording their call to service.

The Point

Disciples bring others to Jesus.

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Born Again

Posted by Karah


Stop for a minute and think about the ways your life has changed since you began to follow Jesus. Thank Him for making a way for you to know the Father.

Think about Jesus’ invitation to Nathanael to join Him in His work. You learned that true disciples know that Jesus is the only way to have a relationship with the Father. Today, you’ll learn that disciples of Christ experience spiritual rebirth and transformation. Read John 3:1-21 in your Bible.

“Jesus answered, ‘I assure you: Unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit.'” —John 3:5-6

Ponder these questions:

Jesus told Nicodemus that two births were required to enter the kingdom of God: one physical and one spiritual. How is someone born again? (Hint: look at verses 15-18.)

Spiritual rebirth is an act of God in which the Holy Spirit makes you brand new. It happens in the moment you place your faith for salvation in Jesus. What word or words describe how you feel when you think about how you have been reborn? List a few ideas below.

Following Christ isn’t about following a bunch of rules, behaving better, or doing good works. It’s about being transformed. Why is that important for us to understand? Explain.


If you are a believer, list a few ways you can see the Holy Spirit transforming you. Ask your parents, a Christian friend, or a mentor about ways they see God at work in your life. Thank God for the ways His power is on display in your life.

Who in your life needs to hear about the good news of what Jesus has done and the transformation they can experience? What steps will you take to share the gospel this week?

For further study, read Romans 10:1-13; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; and 1 Peter 1:3-12.

Behind the Story

Nicodemus was a member of the Pharisees, one of the religious ruling groups of the day. He had seen the miracles Jesus had done (such as the wedding at Cana in John 2) and knew that no ordinary human could do those things. Pharisees believed that religious and ethical purity earned God’s favor, which led to a deep concern for obeying every facet of the law. Nicodemus may have come to visit Jesus at night because it was less likely the other Pharisees would notice.

The Point

Disciples of Christ experience spiritual rebirth and transformation.

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The Only Way

Posted by Karah


Take a minute before starting your devotion and sit quietly in God’s presence. Ask Him to speak clearly as you study His Word today.

Read John 1:43-51 in your Bible. Answer the questions that follow.

“Jesus responded to him, ‘Do you believe only because I told you I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.’ Then He said, ‘I assure you: You will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.’” —John 1:50-51


How did Jesus’ brief interaction with Nathanael show that Jesus knew Nathanael well? Explain.

The Gospel of John wasn’t written as a blow-by-blow account of Jesus’ activities; instead, this Gospel is focused on helping people understand the importance of discovering the kind of faith that would transform their lives.

How does Jesus’ interaction with Nathanael display that focus? Explain.

Now, concentrate on Jesus’ comments in verses 50-51. Turn back to Genesis 28:10-22 and skim over the details of Jacob’s dream at Bethel.

How does John 1:51 relate to Jacob’s dream? Be specific.

What was Jesus declaring about Himself in that statement to Nathanael? Explain.


Jesus declared that He was the only way to know the Father. Jesus’ entire discussion with Nathanael was a personal invitation to join Him. If Nathanael followed Jesus, he would have a relationship with God through Jesus, and he would be a part of God’s mission and work on earth. Jesus is still inviting people to know Him today.

Have you personally trusted in Jesus as the only way to know the Father? If you have, thank God for bringing you into relationship with Him. Praise Him for the way He personally called you. Record your prayer of thanks in your journal.

Jesus invited Nathanael to “greater things” for the kingdom. Ask God to reveal ways He is calling you to build His kingdom on earth. Thank Him for His leadership.

For further study, read Genesis 28:10-17 and John 14:1-6.

Behind the Story

Jesus’ comparison of Nathanael and the Jewish patriarch Jacob didn’t just begin in John 1:50. Jesus’ comment in verse 47, that Nathanael was a “true Israelite” with no deceit in him, also pointed to Jacob. Known as a usurper, Jacob had deceived his father and cheated his brother out of the birthright, not to mention his questionable dealings with Laban, his father-in-law. After an encounter with God in Genesis 32, God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, a reference to Jacob’s change in relationship with Him.

The Point

Jesus is the only way to have a relationship with the Father.



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A Community Begins

Posted by Karah


Set aside anything that could distract you from God and His Word today. Pray Psalm 119:18: “Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wonderful things from Your instruction.”

Read Mark 3:13-19 in your Bible.

“Then He went up the mountain and summoned those He wanted, and they came to Him. He also appointed 12—He also named them apostles—to be with Him, to send them out to preach. . . “—Mark 3:13-14

List the apostles mentioned in this passage. Next to their names, jot down any facts you may know about them.

Think through these questions:

Reread verse 14 and underline the things the disciples were being called out to do. Why is spending time with Jesus an important part of being a disciple? Explain your answer.

The disciples were also called to proclaim God’s message of redemption to the world. What does that teach you about the importance of sharing the gospel for modern-day disciples?

Notice that Jesus called together a core group of men to be His apostles. How does that underscore the importance of community in believers’ lives?


Jesus has called you into community just as He did with His apostles.

How much time do you spend with Jesus? What gets in the way of you doing so? What steps will you take this week to simply spend time with Jesus? Record two action points in your journal or below.

Commit to taking a step of deeper commitment to your church community, such as becoming more consistent in attendance, finding a ministry in which you can serve, or meeting with an accountability partner.

For further study of what Christian community looks like, read Acts 4:32-36; Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12; and Ephesians 4.

Behind the Story

There are three other lists of apostles in the New Testament. They’re found in Matthew 10:2-4; Luke 6:14-16; and Acts 1:13. The names and order are different in the various lists, but Peter is always listed first. The passage in Mark is the only place that mentions the nickname “Sons of Thunder” for James and John.1

1Holman Christian Standard® Study Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2010). Accessed via

The Point

Jesus called together His core group of followers to take His message to the world. He’s calling believers to do the same today.

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Unlikely Followers

Posted by Karah


What kind of person do you think would make the ideal disciple? List a few descriptions or characteristics below.

Jesus replied to them, “The healthy don’t need a doctor, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” —Luke 5:31-32

Now, read Luke 5:27-32 in your Bible. At the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, tax collectors were among the most despised people in society. They collected taxes for the Romans, and their profit depended upon how much money they collected, which led them to overcharge. To put it simply, tax collectors were the last people you’d expect Jesus to call to follow Him.

Read through the passage once more and think through these questions:

Is your concept of the ideal disciple the same as the people Jesus actually called? Why or why not?

Examine Jesus’ response in verses 31-32. How would you write it in your own words?

Why is it important to understand that Jesus’ salvation isn’t about what we deserve or what we can earn? Explain.


We are all unlikely followers, yet Jesus has called us to follow Him.

Reflect on how Jesus has saved you and made you whole. Spend some time in prayer thanking God for the way He reached out to you when you didn’t deserve it.

Because they kept all the religious rules and regulation, the Pharisees and scribes thought they were better than the “sinners.” Sometimes, as believers, this attitude can creep into our lives, too. Ask God to reveal any areas in which you’ve allowed it to. In the margin, list two actions you will take to prevent your heart from becoming like the Pharisees’ hearts.

For further study of God’s grace toward us in Jesus, read Romans 5:6-11 and Ephesians 2:1-10.

Behind the Story

In a parallel account of this event in the Gospel of Matthew, the tax collector’s name is given as Matthew (Matt. 9:9). “Matthew the tax collector” is also mentioned in Matthew 10:3. Scholars generally accept Matthew and Levi as the same person. It was common for men of that day to have two names: one in Hebrew or Aramaic; the other Latin or Greek. In this case, Matthew is a Greek name while Levi is a Hebrew name.

The Point

Jesus came for sinners, not just for those who have it all together or seem to deserve Him.

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Followers Wanted

Posted by Karah


Quiet your heart and reflect on the meaning of the word follow. Ask God to give you a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.

“Follow Me,” Jesus told them, “and I will make you fishers of men!” Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. —Mark 1:17-18

Read Mark 1:14-20 in your Bible. Underline the phrase “the time is fulfilled” in verse 15. The Messiah God had promised long ago had entered history, and His plan of redemption was being fulfilled. Jesus’ first step was to call people to follow Him. Dig deeper with these questions:

The first disciples Jesus called were fishermen, uneducated and unimportant by society’s standards. What does that fact teach you about Jesus’ kingdom? Explain.

“Fishers of men” was a term Old Testament prophets used to describe gathering people for judgment, but Jesus was inviting Simon and Andrew to join Him in the urgent task of rescuing people from judgment. How does Jesus rescue us from judgment? Explain.

Think about the disciples’ lives before and after their encounter with Jesus. How was their life with Christ different from their life before? How is your life different from the way you lived before meeting Jesus?


Jesus called these men to simply follow Him. He didn’t tell them to get it all together or to understand every last detail. He called them to relationship with Him. He is still calling disciples to follow Him today.

Are you a disciple of Christ? Based on what?

Mull over how quickly the disciples responded to Jesus’ invitation. Do you typically follow immediately when Jesus calls you? Why or why not? Ask Him for a heart that desires to follow Him immediately, even when you don’t completely understand.

Following Jesus implies a relationship, allowing Him to be your teacher and guide. In what ways are you allowing Jesus to guide and lead you? In what areas are you trying to be the one in charge? What steps will you take today to give Jesus absolute control? List three in your journal.

For further study, read Follow Me: A Call to Live. A Call to Die by David Platt (Tyndale House Publishers, 2013).

Behind the Story

When calling the first disciples, Jesus used a concept that would have been familiar to these men: fishing. This had been the primary activity of their lives prior to their calling. Jesus told these new disciples they would now fish for men. He meant that their lives would no longer revolve around their old priorities. Their lives would now revolve around the most important thing—helping people experience new life through Jesus.

The Point

Disciples are called to live a new way of life.

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Speed the Light

Posted by Karah


Start your quiet time in the darkest place you can find. Thank God for the light Jesus provides in this dark world. Invite Him to show you how you can respond to that light.

Read Matthew 4:12-17 in your Bible. From this point on, Jesus began His public ministry. Underline verse 17 as you read.

From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, because the kingdom of heaven has come near!” —Matthew 4:17

Dig deeper with these questions:

According to verse 17, what was the central message of Jesus’ ministry? Write it in your own words.

How is life apart from Jesus described in verse 16? How is life without Jesus “darkness” and “the land of the shadow of death”? Explain.

Consider verse 17 once more. What is the primary way Jesus brought light into darkness during His earthly ministry? How does repentance bring us out of spiritual darkness and into the light?


Think about recent news stories or events in your own school or community. When you look at the world around you, do you see more darkness or light? Are people generally doing OK without Jesus? Journal a few thoughts below.

How does your answer to that question affect the urgency you feel for sharing the gospel?

What steps will you take this week to shine the light of Christ into a dark world? List two specific action points or the names of two people you will share your story with this week.

What is one way you can speed the light of the gospel to a world in darkness?

For further study, read Psalm 96:3; Matthew 28:19; and Matthew 24:14.

Behind the Story

Jesus made an important strategic move when He shifted His headquarters from Nazareth to Capernaum.

  • Capernaum was a much larger fishing center on the shores of Lake Galilee. It had a tax collection station and a Roman garrison of at least 100 soldiers.
  • Capernaum was part of an ancient trade route. Caravans traveled from Syria passed through regularly.
  • Capernaum provided easy access to every other city along the Galilean coast. Jesus was able to reach many Jews and Gentiles coming and going from this high-traffic location.

The Point

In Jesus, the kingdom of God has come near. We must proclaim this truth to the world.

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Stand Firm

Posted by Karah


Think about what it would feel like to have your closest friends and family reject you. Thank Jesus for enduring rejection so you wouldn’t have to.

Earlier this month, you studied Simeon’s blessing of Jesus 40 days after His birth. Simeon had proclaimed that many people would reject Jesus, and we’ve now reached the point in Jesus’ ministry when that prediction began to be fulfilled. Read Luke 4:20-30 in your Bible.

After Jesus used the Isaiah passage to publicly declare He was the Messiah, the people who had watched Him grow up sat there in silence, amazed. Who did Jesus think He was?

Reread Luke 4:23-30. Jesus knew that the people were doubtful of His claims and wanted proof of His divine power. They knew He had performed miracles in Capernaum and wanted Him to do the same in Nazareth.

When have you wanted proof that Jesus was at work in a situation rather than trusting Him? Explain.

He also said,

“I assure you: No prophet is accepted in his hometown.” —Luke 4:28-30

Answer these questions

How did Jesus respond to the peoples’ desire for Him to perform on command?

Jesus performed miracles at God’s leading and according to God’s purposes, not because people demanded them. Jesus was interested in people who had faith in Him rather than what He could do for them. In response to the peoples’ desire, Jesus began listing Old Testament prophets who had to go far away, even outside of Israel, to find people of faith.

Why would this have enraged the people? Explain.

Look at verse 40. Despite the peoples’ fury and rejection, Jesus remained focused on God’s plan and purpose for His life. How can we remain focused on Jesus and His gospel in a world that rejects Him?


What are some specific steps you can take to remain focused on your purpose and ministry, even when the world around you rejects Jesus? List two in your journal.

If someone rejects the gospel when you share your faith, don’t take it as a personal failure. You have been faithful to share the hope you have and you are not held accountable for the person’s response. Who will you be bold enough to share with this week, even if it means enduring rejection?

For further study of rejection, read John 15:18-25.

Behind the Story

Although Luke placed this event first in Jesus’ public ministry, scholars doubt it was first chronologically. It is clear that Jesus had already been engaged in a ministry of preaching and healing, which explains the reference to His miracles in Capernaum. The invitation to read and comment on the Scripture in the synagogue was not an honor that was given lightly—and Jesus would have more likely been afforded it after He had established Himself as a religious teacher.

The Point

We live in a world that rejects Jesus daily. We must remain focused on the gospel

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