
Posted by Karah


Consider this thought: Legalism says God will love us if we change. The gospel says God will change us because He loves us!

Choose some of the reasons you try to do good works:

Feels good                               Makes parents happy

Makes God like me                  Looks good

To help my future                     To impress someone

Read Titus 2:11-14. These verses outline what the real motivation behind your good works should be. Circle that motivation when you read it.

“He gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for Himself a people for His own possession, eager to do good works.”

—Titus 2:14

Paul explained that the gospel not only gives us eternal life, but also restores us to the original purpose for which we were created: good works which glorify God. We are changed by God’s work—and now free to live completely for God.

Ask yourself:

  • The word rendered “eager” in verse 14 is sometimes translated “zealous” or “committed.” This reflects a passionate dedication to pursuing the ways of God. How have you seen this principle at work in someone’s life?
  • Why is God’s grace a better motivator for your obedience than fear? Explain.


  • How passionate and committed are you to pursuing the ways of God? Examine your life and your motivation for doing good works. Does it reflect a desire to please God because you know what He has done to save you or are you just following rules?
  • For further study, read Ephesians 2:1-10. Ask yourself this question: How does the gospel affect the way I live now?

Behind the Story

While Titus 2:1-10 outlines the lifestyle believers are to pursue, verses 11-14 provide the theological basis for it. Because we have experienced God’s grace and redemption, Christians want to live in a way that pleases the Father. That includes renouncing sin, living wisely, and pursuing righteousness. You cannot claim to have received God’s grace if you are not actively learning to walk in His ways.

The Point

We do good works not to earn God’s favor, but because God has redeemed and changed us.

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Set Free!

Posted by Karah


Begin your time with God today with a short prayer. Ask the Spirit to soften your heart to whatever God has for you to learn from His Word.

Read and study Colossians 1:11-14. As you read, look for the five benefits Paul listed that God gives to all believers.

List them here.

“He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son He loves. We have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, in Him.” —Colossians 1:13-14

Rescued: Evokes the idea of God delivering His people from an oppressor. Skim over the verses that precede these verses. What is God rescuing His people from here?

Domain of darkness: In Scripture, darkness is often used to symbolize Satan or evil, while light  refers to God. How has God rescued us from Satan’s kingdom?

Forgiveness of sins: Forgive literally means “to send away” or “cancel.” In Christ, God completely canceled the debt of our sin. That means we can’t earn God’s forgiveness. In what ways do you find yourself trying to earn His forgiveness or favor? Why?


  • Re-read verses 13-14 and ponder the word “transferred.” To be transferred is to move from one place to another. As a Christian, you’ve been transferred from darkness to light, death to life. You have been placed in God’s kingdom when you once lived in the Enemy’s. Examine your life. What examples of this transfer do you see at work in your life? List two or three.
  • If the examples of God’s light in your life seem dim, prayerfully ask God to search your heart so you can deal with any sin in your life. Confess any sin the Holy Spirit reveals.

Behind the Story

Written around the same time, Colossians shares many similarities to Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. The primary focus of Colossians is to confront the “Colossian heresy,” false teachings that detracted from Jesus’ supremacy.

The Point

Because God has redeemed you, you are completely forgiven. You no longer have to live in sin’s chains.

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Child of the Father

Posted by Karah


Take a moment and walk outside and look up at the sky. Repeat these words to yourself: I’m a child of God. I’m loved. I’m forgiven. I’m free. When you return, write them down on a note and put it on your bedroom mirror or car dashboard as a helpful reminder.

Think about the difference between being a child and being a slave. In the space provided, sketch the images or list the words that come to mind as you ponder each concept.

Child                                                                Slave


Now, read Galatians 4:1-7. Pay special attention to any references to adoption, sons, or heirs.

“So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.”

—Galatians 4:7

  • What’s the difference between a master/slave relationship and a father/child relationship? What rights or benefits do children have that slaves don’t?
  • What does it mean to be God’s heir? Why is that important?


  • The word “Abba” in verse 6 means “Daddy” and reflects intimacy and tenderness. That’s the kind of relationship God wants to have with His children. Spend some time with your Abba today. Tell Him everything that’s on your mind and pour out your heart as children do with their fathers. Thank Him that sin is no longer who you are. Record your conversation as a letter in the space provided.

Behind the Story

Under Roman law, an adopted child was considered equal to all other biological children in the family. Even if the child had formerly been a slave, if adopted, a son could inherit legal rights to his father’s property. As Christians, we are co-heirs with Jesus with all rights to all of God’s resources.

The Point

God redeemed us from the enslavement of sin and set us free to be His children.

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Costly Redemption

Posted by Karah


Quiet your mind and heart as you prepare to study God’s Word. Listen to a worship song that helps you focus.

Think about your most precious possession. How much is this worth? If someone took it, what would you pay to get it back? Write your response.

Read 1 Peter 1:18-21. In your Bible, underline the words “silver or gold” and “precious blood of Christ.” In the margin, write My value to God.

“For you know that you were redeemed from your empty way of life inherited from the fathers, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish.”

—1 Peter 1:18-19

Ask yourself:

• What is the “empty way of life” referred to in verse 18? Explain.

• What are some examples of this empty way of life you see in our world today? In your life (past or present)?

• If God has redeemed you from this way of life, He has set you free. You don’t have to live that way anymore. How do you find yourself slipping back into the habits of your before-Christ life sometimes?


• Re-read 1 Peter 1:18-19. What would change about the way you think about yourself if you fully grasped your worth to God? He purchased your freedom from sin with the highest treasure: Jesus’ own life. How would living in the power of this truth change your daily life? Jot down a few ideas.

• Look at the list of “empty ways of life” you sometimes find yourself slipping back into. Pray over them, asking God to help you better understand the price He paid to set you free from their bondage. List two actions you’ll take this week to walk away from these things.

Behind the Story

In some translations of 1 Peter 1:18, the word “ransom” is used rather than redeem. A ransom is paid for the release of a captive, a concept that would have been familiar to Peter’s first century audience. Slaves could sometimes pay a ransom and be released from their master. God released us from slavery to sin at a costly price: Jesus’ death.

The Point

God redeemed His people with the highest currency of Heaven: Jesus’ blood.

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Over and Above

Posted by Karah


Take some time and ponder this quote from Josh McDowell:

“If Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be, and He did die on a cross at a point of time in history, then, for all history past and all history future it is relevant because that is the very focal point for forgiveness and redemption.”

It’s not uncommon to hear about professional athletes having to pay enormous fines for bad behavior. Read Ephesians 1:7-10. How big is the penalty for our sin against God? What price did God pay to buy us back?

“We have redemption in Him through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.”

—Ephesians 1:7-8

Redemption: “Bought back;” carries the idea of being released from slavery. How is sin slavery?

Through His blood: It is through Jesus’ death—in our place—on the cross that God frees us from sin and its power. This redemption was costly. Have you ever minimized the cost of God’s redemption? Why?

Lavished: To give something extravagant or be exceptionally generous. In Christ, God has shown us abundant and extravagant grace. Understanding the enormity of what God has freely done for you, what words would you use to praise Him?


Take some time to reflect on your words of praise for God’s lavish grace toward sinners. Toward you. By giving His Son, God secured your forgiveness from sin. Journal a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for your salvation.

Behind the Story

In the Old Testament, it was required that an innocent animal had to be sacrificed to atone for the sins of the people. This pointed to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, the “innocent Lamb” whose blood would atone for the sins of those who believe. This reminds us that God’s forgiveness might come freely, but it did not come cheaply. God, in His holiness, cannot “wink” at sin. Justice demands that restitution (full payment) must be made.

The Point

Salvation may be a free gift, but it isn’t cheap. God paid a great price to buy us back from sin

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Redeemer God

Posted by Karah


Slowly read Job 19:25-27. Everything in Job’s life was uncertain, except God. As you read, underline or circle words that reveal Job’s faith in the unchanging character of God. What does Job know?

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.”

—Job 19:25

• From all appearances, it seemed that God had truly let Job down. In Job 19:6, Job even claimed God had wronged him. How, then, can God also be Job’s Redeemer?

• Part of the definition of redeemer is someone who acts on behalf of those in need or pleads their case. In this sense, how is God our Redeemer?

• Even in his affliction, Job was sure of God and his power to redeem Job and the situation—that God was able to do what he could not. Does that describe you? Why or why not?


• You may be in the middle of a situation in which you feel like God has abandoned you. In these situations, it’s easy to confuse your feelings with what you know is true about God ‘s character. Look at verse 25 and remind yourself of the truth Job proclaimed about God even when he felt abandoned. Below, write your own statement of what you know about God’s character—and will trust rather than your own feelings.

• For further study, read Proverbs 23:10-11 which describes God’s work of justice as a Redeemer. Also, listen to “The Silence of God” by Andrew Peterson.


Memory Verse

Memorize Job 19: 25. If you learn best by listening, read Job 19:25 aloud to yourself several times or create a voice memo on your phone you can play back several times during the day.

Behind the Story

Job’s story is presented in the Bible as a kind of test case for faith. Will Job’s faith endure if God allows Satan to take away all that is precious, including his wealth, his children, and his health? Job even lost his reputation, as his dear friends insisted that his predicament had to have been the result of some hidden sin. This is why Job claimed God as His “Redeemer.” The original word in the Hebrew often meant a “lawyer”, someone who would defend the defenseless. Job believed that one day God would defend him against the baseless charges of his accusers.

The Point

God is our Advocate, the one who defends His people and will make all things right. We can depend on Him even in times of great affliction.

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A God of History

Posted by Karah


Turn off or put away anything that could distract you from focusing on God and His Word. Find a quiet place and sit in silence for a few minutes. Ask God to guide your study and prepare your heart.

Read through Isaiah 44:21-23. As you read, record who is responsible for what action under each of the column headers below.

God’s People                                                               God


“I have swept away your transgressions like a cloud, and your sins like a mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.” —Isaiah 44:22

• Look at what the people are to do in this verse and what God says He has done. How do they compare?

• Originally, this passage was aimed at the people of Judah who were worshiping idols. God wanted to remind them of who they were and Whose they were. Why would this be important?

• To redeem something is to buy it back, to pay the price. What does it mean for God to say that He is the Redeemer? Explain.


• Mull over this question: If redeeming us was not part of God’s character, where would we find true, lasting hope? Journal your response and praise God for His redeeming character.

• For further study and context of this passage, read Isaiah 44:28-45:6; 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; and Ezra 1:1-4. Compare Isaiah’s prophecy about King Cyrus and the fulfillment 100 years later.

Behind the Story

Isaiah was a prophet called by God to speak to the southern kingdom of Judah during a tumultuous time in their history. In this call to redemption, God sought to remind the sinful people of their true identity (His servants, His people) and who He is (Creator, Redeemer). Do you think today’s world needs to be reminded of these things? Why or why not?

The Point

God is a redeeming God. Throughout history He has been working to redeem His people, buying us back from the power of sin.

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Put to Death

Posted by Karah


Think for a moment about the sinful actions, attitudes, and thoughts from which God has saved you. Focus your heart by praising and thanking Him for saving you, forgiving you, and protecting you.

“For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”

—Colossians 3:3

Read Colossians 3:1-10 in your Bible.

• Read verse 3 again carefully. Write it in your own words.

• Based on what you have learned about God’s wrath the past few weeks, why does His wrath come on the disobedient who live immoral lives?

• According to these verses, what sins should you put away as a believer?

• If you’re a Christian, God has forgiven your sin, and you no longer face His righteous wrath against sin. So, why should you put these things away, if you’re already saved from God’s wrath? Explain.


• Look back at the sins listed in verses 6, 8-10. Which sins are still part of your life? Remember, you can be sinning in your thought life, even if you aren’t physically participating. Confess these sins to God, asking Him to help you remove them from your life, once and for all.

• Be aware of the temptations that trigger these sins in your life. List ways you will deal with these temptations when they pop up in your life. Jot down one or two actions you’ll put into practice today.

Behind the Story

The Book of Colossians is a letter Paul wrote to the church at Colosse. False teachers had tried to convince the Colossian believers that true spirituality required obtaining knowledge, adhering to certain rules, or having spiritual experiences. Paul directly opposed this teaching by reminding the believers that their life is hidden with Christ. He alone is their salvation. He alone is sufficient.

The Point

Because God is holy and we are His, we should continue to put away sinfulness so that we will become more like Him.

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Posted by Karah


Think of a time when you were absolutely helpless and needed someone to give you a hand. How did you feel? Thank God that He doesn’t leave us helpless.

When you think about the word helpless, what images come to mind? Write down your ideas.

“For while we were still helpless, at the appointed moment, Christ died for the ungodly. But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us!”

—Romans 5:6,8

Read Romans 5:6-10 in your Bible. Read verses 6 and 8 again carefully, then answer these questions:

• In the context of this passage, what does it mean to be helpless? Explain.

• If no one can save themselves and we are all under the wrath of God without a relationship with Christ, what do these verses teach you about the importance of sharing the gospel?

• Clearly, the good news of God’s great rescue is vital information. Is the gospel’s importance reflected in your daily life? How?


• Think of people in your daily life who do not know Christ. List a few names.

• Meditate on Romans 5:8, reminding yourself that Christ loved each of these people enough to die for them. Ask God for opportunities to show others His incredible love.

Memory Verse

Ask a friend or parent to help you memorize John 3:36. Try reciting it to them. If it helps you to move while memorizing, toss a ball back and forth with your partner as you recite the verse.

Behind the Story

Romans 5 assures us of God’s great love for us by explaining that He chose to take upon Himself His own wrath, which we rightfully deserved. Verses 9-11 go on to tell us that in Christ, God declares us:

righteous: right according to God’s standard; our sins are removed.

reconciled: our broken relationship with our Creator has been restored.

The Point

We must share the gospel, because everyone who doesn’t trust in Christ for salvation is subject to God’s wrath.

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Payment Made

Posted by Karah


Make sure you find a quiet place where you can be alone as you study God’s Word. Before getting started, ask Him to help you understand His truth and to apply it to your life.

What are some things you couldn’t do and stay true to who you are? What actions or attitudes would conflict with your character? List a few ideas.

God cannot remain true to His character and just ignore sin or sweep it aside. Because He is righteous, holy, and just, sin and rebellion cannot go unpunished. But, thankfully, God has made a way for us so that we do not have to remain under His wrath—His full fury against sin. Read Romans 3:21-26 in your Bible to find out what it is.

“God presented Him as a propitiation through faith in His blood, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His restraint God passed over the sins previously committed.”

—Romans 3:25

Sometimes translated “propitiation,” “sacrifice of atonement,” or “mercy seat,” the concept is that Jesus has become the sacrifice for our sin, turning God’s wrath away from us. How does it make you feel to know Jesus died in your place?

By believing in Christ and accepting His sacrifice, His righteousness can be applied to your life. When God looks at you, He sees Jesus’ righteousness. Clearly the only thing that has the power to save is the finished work of Christ. Do you believe this is true? Why or why not?


• Jesus willingly took God’s wrath on Himself on your behalf. Meditate on this. How will you let it change the way you live today and every day? Jot down one idea.

• If you have never placed your faith in Christ for salvation, you are still under the wrath of God. Prayerfully consider the Gospel. God’s invitation demands a response. How will you respond today?

• For further study on sacrifices, read about the Passover in Exodus 12:1-11. How is the Passover lamb a picture of Jesus’ sacrifice? How does reading this account give you a greater appreciation for what Jesus did for you?

Behind the Story

Throughout this passage, Paul relied heavily on sacrificial imagery and terms that would have been familiar to his readers. He clearly presented Jesus as the sinless sacrifice prefigured by the Old Testament sacrifices. For more on Old Testament sacrifices, read Leviticus 16–17.

The Point

The immensity of God’s love can only be understood by recognizing His wrath toward our sin and His willingness to take that wrath on our behalf.

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