Take Responsibility
Posted by anthologycreativeWhen you play hide-and-seek with a 3-year-old, you don’t have to have a lot of strategic plans in order to win. That’s because 3-year-olds think they’re hidden when they’re not. The child may think he or she has found the perfect hiding place, but to you, his or her location is easy to spot. Now what does that have to do with sin?
Read 2 Samuel 12:1-12. Really pay attention to verse 7.
Who was Nathan and why did God send him to talk to David? (Nathan was a prophet of God.)
How would you summarize the story Nathan told David?
Why did Nathan tell David the story rather than just launching into the list of David’s sins? What does that teach you about God?
What was the symbolism in the story?
What was David’s reaction to Nathan’s tale?
What do these verses teach you about God’s response to sin?
How did David respond when he recognized his sin?
How should you respond when you recognize sin in your life?
Just like a 3-year-old playing hide-and-seek, sin can’t stay hidden for long. David thought he’d hidden his sin pretty well. Then, Nathan showed up. God knew about David’s sin, and that sin was causing problems in their relationship. You can’t hide your sin from God; He knows it and wants to forgive you and get His relationship with you back on track. But you have to take responsibility for your sin. Being forgiven begins with admitting to God that you have sinned. When you confess your sin and repent from it, meaning you turn from it, God freely forgives. What do you need to do today to feel His forgiveness in your life?
Nathan replied to David, “You are the man! This is what the Lord God of Israel says: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul.’” —2 Samuel 12:7
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, ec Magazine, LifeWay Christian Resources, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Retro Friday: Spilman Lodge and Morning Exercises
Posted by philOne of the things I love the most about camp is that some things seem to always stay the same. Well, almost the same. We have made some minor modification and improvements throughout the years, but we try to hold onto the tradition that has made so many experiences life changing. We have generations within some families that have all experienced a cool morning at Camp Ridgecrest doing a “morning exercise.” Granted, one generation was doing jumping jacks, while the next generation is doing finger push-ups.
Then we have an old picture of Spilman Lodge from about 1948. You can see the original cabins located behind Spilman Lodge on the right of the picture. And you can see part of “The Green House” on the far right (looks white). Originally B.W. Spilman’s Home, it became the camp office, with additional housing and even a barber shop. The Canteen now sits where The Green House once sat.
Also, it’s interesting that the Spilman Lodge picture has a one way street sign, pointing down hill. This is now the main entrance into Camp Ridgecrest!
If you know any additional info about these pictures or the buildings in them, please comment below!
Posted in News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest, Morning Exercises, Retro Friday, Ridgecrest Alumni, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Spilman Lodge | Leave a reply
Stop the Cycle of Sin
Posted by anthologycreativeWhat a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. How many times have you heard that little proverb? The problem? That saying is true.
Think about it. When has a decision to do one wrong thing led to a whole cycle of wrong in your life? What did you learn about yourself? How did you feel? Did everything spiral out of control? Explain.
Concentrate on verse 15 as you read 2 Samuel 11:6-17.
What was the first sin David committed?
How did he try to cover it up?
What was Uriah’s reaction when David tried to set his first cover-up plan into motion?
How is Uriah’s response an honorable response?
How does his honorable response compare to David’s behavior?
How did one sinful choice in David’s life spiral out of control?
What does this series of events in David’s life teach you about sin in your life?
What steps will you take today to stop the cycle of sin in your life?
David’s decision to sleep with Bathsheba led to a cycle of sin that overtook his life. Trying to cover up that first sin led to deception, lies, and eventually murder. David, the man after God’s own heart, had chosen to sin. Before he knew it, sin ruled his life. That’s what sin does. It destroys and generally leads to more sin and more consequences. Before we know it, one sinful choice has spiraled out of control and now sin rules every part of our lives.
If that describes you today, there is a way out of sin’s trap. Let it go. Admit your sin to God, turn away from it, and let His forgiveness and restoration play out in your life. Let Him control your life rather than a cycle of sin you can’t escape from.
In the letter he wrote: Put Uriah at the front of the fiercest fighting, then withdraw from him so that he is struck down and dies. —2 Samuel 11:15
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, ec Magazine, LifeWay Christian Resources, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Retro Friday Begins
Posted by philAfter finding some old and impressive Camp Ridgecrest pictures, we have decided to share them with you! Each Friday we hope to release a few pictures from Ridgecrest Vault (located somewhere in the Lake Lodge.) If you have any old pictures you wish to add, please send them our way. You can even scan them and email them to camp! In the mean time, enjoy these historical pictures of Camp Ridgecrest!
Above you will find 2 images. The first is an aerial view of Camp. Notice the old Fidelias Lodge where the Stables now are. You can also see cabins behind Spilman where the parking lot is now. And, check out where the Canteen is today… What else do you see that is different? Comment below…
The second picture is Ron Springs first contract to serve at Camp Ridgecrest in 1976. You need to read it.
Enjoy, and check back next Friday! (Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog to have posts emailed to you!) Look on the right side of the page…
Posted in Boys, News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest, Retro Friday, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Spilman Lodge Fidelias Lodge | Leave a reply
No Immunity
Posted by anthologycreativeI won’t ever do that!, we say to ourselves as we look at someone else’s sin. What are the sins you’ve promised yourself you’d never commit? Lying? Becoming addicted to pornography? Premarital sex? Treating some people better than others? Saying one thing and doing the opposite?
The thing is, none of us are immune to sin. Actually, sin is hardwired into us, thanks to the sin nature we inherited from Adam and Eve. It’s easy for us to stand at a distance and point our fingers and say, “I’ll never do that!” But the truth is, we’re all capable of all sin at any given moment.
Nothing proves that truth more than today’s Scripture passage. Earlier, in 1 Samuel 13:14, David had been described as a man who was loyal to God, a man after God’s own heart. Yet in today’s passage he chose to sleep with Bathsheba, who was someone else’s wife. David was the king and a man after God’s own heart. And what he had done was wrong. At this point in his life, when he was given the opportunity, he chose to sin. David wasn’t immune to sin, and neither are you.
But as a believer, you can also choose not to sin. Christ has given you the strength and power to choose right over wrong, but you have to make that choice. Recognize that you aren’t immune to sin. Then, take steps to decide how you’ll react when opportunities to sin come along, because they will. You aren’t immune to sin, but you can overcome it with Christ’s help. The question is, will you let Him help you?
David sent messengers to get her, and when she came to him, he slept with her. Now she had just been purifying herself from her uncleanness. Afterward, she returned home. —2 Samuel 11:4
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, ec Magazine, LifeWay Christian Resources, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Build Up Each Other
Posted by anthologycreativeDid you hear about . . . ? There they go again. It’s the Monday morning gossip time before school. You know you shouldn’t listen, but you don’t want to be in the dark either. But if they’re talking about other people, they may talk about YOU when you’re not around. This really has to stop, but how?
Read Ephesians 4:29-32. Look carefully at verse 32.
According to these verses, what type of conversation should you avoid?
What is the only good reason for talking about someone?
How is it possible to grieve the Holy Spirit?
What are the negative attitudes mentioned in these verses that must be removed from your life?
What does it mean to “be kind and compassionate” in your everyday life?
What are some actions you should take if you want to be like Jesus?
Why should you make an effort to forgive others?
Words are one of the most powerful things we possess. Words can build up or destroy. In Ephesians, we receive specific instructions on how to use our words: only to build each other up and to be kind and compassionate to one another. You may not be there yet. You may need to cut ties with some people you know to give yourself the opportunity to have these types of conversations. In the end it will be worth it as God leads you to more positive relationships.
And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.
—Ephesians 4:32
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, ec Magazine, LifeWay Christian Resources, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Cabins Get A New Look
Posted by KarahWork crews were back to work after the holidays, despite the snowstorm that has been hitting Camp Ridgecrest. Eight of the nine cabins now have new siding up and are looking better than ever. Not only do they look great, but the new siding is made from a masonry board that will last for a very long time! Along with the new siding, the electrical work has been finished in many of the new cabins, and interior walls are beginning to be installed. The the interiors will be covered in rough wooden paneling, with clear Plexiglas strategically installed to serve as a window to the original walls and it’s signatures. It is almost like the signatures of old will be on display for the next generation of campers. (Pictures coming) The next step in construction will be painting the exterior of the cabins. Once the painting is done, cabin renovation will be near completion.
Posted in News | Tagged cabin construction, Cabin Restoration, Camp Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Sounds of Ridgecrest
Posted by philAs you wrap up the holidays, the sounds of Christmas music playing, wrapping paper crinkling, Santa’s Ho Ho Ho, and Salvation Army bells ringing all come to an abrupt halt. Which leaves plenty of room in our little heads to begin dreaming of the sounds of Ridgecrest. Summer will be here before you know it…
Posted in News | Tagged Camp Ridgecrest, camp sounds, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Make a Difference
Posted by anthologycreativeA glass of lemonade on a hot day. An umbrella in the pouring rain. A cheeseburger and fries when you haven’t eaten all day. What do these items have in common?
Sometimes the smallest offer of kindness to meet our needs makes a difference in our day. Do we think about those who make the effort to supply our needs of food, safety, and shelter? Are we eager to help meet the needs of others?
Read Acts 27:24–28:2. Look closely at verse 2.
What was the soldiers’ plan for the prisoners during the storm?
What actions did the centurion take to save the prisoners? Why?
What did the local people do for the prisoners when they came ashore?
What risks did these people take in order to help the prisoners?
Has there been a time when you made an effort to meet the needs of someone else? What was it?
What risks are you willing to take to provide for someone you don’t know?
When a storm surrounded a ship of prisoners, the soldiers in charge wanted to take the easy way out so they wouldn’t be responsible if the prisoners escaped. All soldiers but one. The centurion cared about Paul and helped the prisoners survive. On shore, the people of Malta showed they cared about the needs of others. They made an effort to help total strangers. They welcomed the shipwrecked prisoners, no questions asked.
Do you go out of your way to help others? Are you aware of those who need food, shelter, or friendship? As you become sensitive to the Holy Spirit, God will lead you in the right direction.
The local people showed us extraordinary kindness, for they lit a fire and took us all in, since it was raining and cold. —Acts 28:2
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, ec Magazine, LifeWay Christian Resources, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Join the Family
Posted by anthologycreativeYou’re in line to see one of your favorite groups in concert. Seats are general admission, meaning first come, first serve, and you aren’t very hopeful that you will get good seats. Then, the arena manager calls your name. He pulls you out of line and takes you backstage. It seems that the lead singer’s dad and your dad went to school together. As a surprise, your dad made a call and you now have front row seats. Wow! What did you do to deserve this?
Read 2 Samuel 9:7-13. Concentrate on verse 7.
What did David tell Mephibosheth he would do for him?
How did Mephibosheth react to the news?
What prevented Mephibosheth from providing for his own needs?
In what way did David treat Mephibosheth as a member of his family?
Have you ever made an effort to treat someone as part of your family? If so, how did this person react?
How does God treat us as part of His family?
David allowed Mephibosheth to eat at his table and to be treated as one of his family. Mephibosheth had nothing to offer in return. David honored him because of his past relationship with Jonathan, Mephibosheth’s father. God offers us a place in His family as well. We don’t have to earn it or have special connections. Jesus paid the price for our sins so we can have a personal relationship with Him. All we need to do is accept His forgiveness and take our place as a child of God.
“Don’t be afraid,” David said to him, “since I intend to show you kindness because of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all your grandfather Saul’s fields, and you will always eat meals at my table.” —2 Samuel 9:7
Posted in Boys, Devotions | Tagged 2 Samuel 9, Adapted from ec magazine. © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources, Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply